The working site for the conference committee of FOSS4G 2013

Minutes of F2F Meeting Nottingham 2013 04 24/25

Last saved by Jeremy Morley on June 12, 2013

 Present: SF, BR, JC, AP, BK, AS, SA, IE, JM, CG, IH (Thur)

Shape of Programme

Proposed Programme Framework
Day 1
From 8.30: Reg, coffee etc (check with EMCC whether we can start that early)
10:00 - 11:30 Opening Plenaries
11:30 - 12:15 Break
12:15 - 1:15 2 Sessions
1:15 - 2:30 Lunch + 1 session staggered
2:30 - 4:00 3 Sessions
4:00 - 4:30 Break
4:30 - 6:00 Plenaries (e.g. high interest sessions) + half session

Total: 60 papers

Day 2
7:30 - 9:00 Breakfast Birds of a Feather
9:00 - 10:00 2 sessions
10:00 - 10:30 Break
10:30 - 11:30 Plenary
11:30 - 11:45 Transit
11:45 - 13:15 2.5 sessions
12:45 - 2:30 Lunch + half session
2:30 - 4:00 3 sessions
4:00 - 4:30 Break
4:30 - 6:00 Plenary (high interest sessions) + half session

Total: 76 papers

Day 3
7:30 - 9:00 Breakfast Birds of a Feather
9:00 - 10:30 3 sessions
10:30 - 11:00 Break
11:00 - 12:30 3 sessions
12:30 - 2:00 Lunch +  2 half sessions
2:00 - 4:00 Final plenary

Total: 56 papers

NB Lunch timings tbc, but the goal is to stagger lunch, with one paper running into lunch at beginning and one at the end, so delegates can take 1.5 hours, 1 hour or half hour. This should help us deal with numbers and allow people choice between session time and lunch/networking time.

Academic Papers
21 certainties, 10 mixed certainties, 10 probable rejections
So - aiming for 20 papers


Workshop team (Ian, Matt, Mark) to report on which workshops selected, and whether to run or rerun workshops in parallel with programme, particularly on Day 1 for GeoComm crossover.
Computer labs - Jeremy to check when we have these as vague in contract. We should have:
1 Green Library computer room
2 big lab in Clive granger (this can be split in 2)
3 Small postgrad comp lab
4 Hall of the library
Each is classrooms full of computers which will be ghosted with osgeo live - these can be used for hands-on sessions/workshops
Workshop organisers would potentially be resposible for bringing USB sticks to run OSGeo on.
How much would a usb stick with OSGeo Live and prog cost?  Ian E to investigate making available to all delegates on DVD.

Programme Selection
Stage 1: Selection
Cut 1: Community. Select c 110  based on community rankings. Review those with big disparity with LOC rankings, highlight any candidates for replacement, if low LOC ranking and not strong community ranking (c. 10?)
Cut 2: LOC. Select a further c. 60 based on LOC rankings. Review those with big disparity with community rankings, highlight any candidates for replacement, if low community ranking and not strong LOC ranking (c. 10?)
Cut 3: Community. Review remainder in community ranking order. Highlight any candidates for inclusion based on high community ranking. (c. 10?)
Cut 4: Review duplicate organisations - limit numbers if over-represented or overlapping, taking into account scope of company and likely level of interest. Candidates for replacement (if any) taken out where appropriate. If overlapping, ask company to consider merging or choosing from a pair of papers.
Cut 5: Review duplicate authors (including single author with multiple organisation) - no more than 2 or max 3 per author. Limit number if over-represented or overlapping. If overlapping, ask company to consider merging or choosing from a pair of papers.

Result: 173 papers, down to 169 when merge/choose requests are taken into account.

Stage 2: Classification
Add up to four tags per paper, based on extendible list. Tags should reflect delegate profiles (eg developer, user, newbie, business).

Tagged version of programme is here:

Stage 3: Late submissions
Consider and include any strong candidates in programme or on reserve list.

Stage 4: Applause and coffee

Stage 5: Contact authors
Accepted/rejected: let them know
Reserves: let them know, and ask them to let us know if they don't want to be on list.

Stage 6: Streaming (to be done)
Using the tags, derive streams/themes, balance and rebalance programme. Publish classified programme on website (format to be decided, not necessarily yet in final programme format, ie with days and timings).

Stage 7: Programme (to be done)
Finalise programme, with streams, themes, slots.

Legacy discussion - documented on separate page [link]

Academic Track
Selection/notification should be completed by 1 May. Expected to be around 20 papers.

Matt, Ian, Mark have reviewed and scored workshops (60 proposals). 4 or 5 rooms. 1 or 2 days? Decision needed by Monday at the latest (hopefully Friday). Could run or re-run workshops on conference day 1 (Thursday), but not during the plenary.

Weds night - Ice breaker. On site, 200-300, in halls. Registered. Addy/Jo
EMCC are holding the Atrium for drinks for ~150. Could also use the theatre with the seats back, have a rolling buffet. But

Thurs night - Gala night - Nerds: in GeoCamp included in price, 800. Drinks tickets in delegate pack, 1 or 2 drinks. £35 per head.  Barry/Antony/Matt

Friday night - 2 or three optional events with sign-up system, no financial commitment, some provision in halls for those not going out. No registration. Caves? Dogs? Jeremy/Mark

Saturday Closing Party - 200-300? GeoCamp (or smaller depending on numbers). Registered. Mark/Ian H

Plan needed for each evening by 31 May (for team call) - incl catering, budget proposals, logistics (stage, PA etc).

Eventbrite up to date - 10 Tue to 4 Wed. Wifi etc looking good. Planning in Met Office is in early stages, but should move quicker completion of Met Office hackathon last weekend.
Themes - hackathon team getting involved, themes need to be agreed. It will be important to reconcile Met Office and FOSS4G objectives, and to describe theme in such a way as to be acceptable to all parties. Something around ecosystems, climate change. Problem statements can be developed later.
NB Design/presentation skills also needed.
Website and Eventbrite to be updated asap - we can now declare Met Office sponsorship (but note it's a FOSS4G hack sponsored by the Met Office).
Numbers are very open, but 100 - 200 would be realistic.
Meeting with Met Office 4pm to discuss.

Code Sprints
On Sunday.
Assign organisation to Matt - decide what is needed, update wiki with sign up page, post on lists etc etc.

Lightning Talks
Suggest that we have 'unconference' sessions as alternative. Maybe alongside 'semi-plenary' sessions, or as separate stream. Look for volunteers outside LOC to organise.

Birds of a Feather
We make available space, minimal low-tech proposing and sign up system.
Breakfast time Friday and Sat (7.30 - 9), in halls only.
Evenings Friday and Sat (6-7), in GeoCamp?

Space needed for chapters to self-organise. Then pick up on Twitter, website, etc etc.
Timeslot needed for 'Meet the Local Chapters' event, as early in programme as possible. Ian E to reach out to local chapters, and also ask them to publicise the event.

Other Programme Stuff
We need slots for the following - and agree these with the relevant people who will fill them:

Stream Chairs

Marketing Material - Venue

Conference Printed Programme

Conference Clipboard


Memory Sticks/DVDs

FOSS4G Presentation Templates


T Shirts


Volunteer Recruitment

LOC Attendance



Rollo Home on April 24, 2013:

Tracking your progress from the Euro Commission building 25....will try and respond to things in gaps (heavens it's a dull meeting here)

Antony Scott on April 24, 2013:

Well whatever it is here, it ain’t dull ;-)

Rollo Home on April 24, 2013:

Good to hear. Keep it up!

Suchith Anand on April 25, 2013:

One suggestion to speed up the presentations keywords tagging process. It might be easier if everyone works through the whole list looking at one or two keywords for them.

For example i went though the list looking for topics with educational content and added education as keyword. 

Steven Feldman on April 25, 2013:

To aid tagging I have added a tab to the spreadsheet called "Tags" (obviously J) and set a validation rule on the tag cells which prompts you with a list but allows you to enter an off list value.

If you want to add a tag just go to the Tags tab and insert a row into the list (in the right alphabetical location) and it will reflect in the prompt list, don't add to the end of the list or the formula will need fixing

Antony Scott on April 25, 2013:

I have included the programme selection process (as I remembered it...) in the minutes. If there's anything I've misunderstood/remembered, please correct. We can then update after we've done the streaming, final selection and publishing, and transfer to the wiki.

Rollo Home on April 25, 2013:

Would really appreciate not being allocated that party task. Not in uk much in May and want to focus on PR and Programme (post this F2F). Better to decline than fail?!

Steven Feldman on April 25, 2013:


Can someone step up to take the closing party task from Rollo please.

Mark ?

Mark Iliffe on April 26, 2013:

I'll take over from Rollo. Ian H, we ride again.

Rollo Home on April 26, 2013:

Cheers Mark. Much appreciated.

Jeremy Morley on April 26, 2013:

Rollo, would it help to schedule a call this week to discuss the programme? Skype audio with a Google doc open? E.g. between 11 & 3 on Weds (hopefully not all that time) or Friday morning?

Rollo Home on May 1, 2013:

Friday morning is ideal.
10am - 11am?

Jeremy Morley on May 1, 2013:

Yes, ok: Friday 10-11. Can anyone else join us?

Jeremy Morley on May 3, 2013:

Rollo: I sent you an email ~10. Are we still meeting?...

Jeremy Morley on May 3, 2013:

Computer lab capacities:

Sir Clive Granger Building

- B26e : 30 [this lab we have a little more control over. it has Oracle VirtualBox on the machines]

- B29: 97  [dividable into two roughly equal halves]

George Green Library computer teaching room: 20

- need to confirm it's the lab I think it is.

Hallward Library LG101: 30

I'll may be able to confirm the booking dates before this afternoon's call as Claire and I have a call with Shelley at 11:15.
