The working site for the conference committee of FOSS4G 2013

Volunteering Tasks Scratchpad

Last saved by Abi Page on June 18, 2013

If you think of a task that needs or might need a volunteer then jot it down here (say who originated the task or commented on it)

Before the event

During the buildup

At the event

Daily tasks/ Numbers during conference:

Mon -
Do we need any volunteers to assist with set up?

Tues -
Registration - how many people & when

Workshops (assume 1 runner per w/shp? Can we ask presenters if they will have someone helping them who can act as a runner?)
9.30-11.30 - W2 & W1 (2 people)
9.30 - 13.30 - W17 & W12 (2 people)
11.30 - 13.30 - W3 (1 person)
14.00 - 18.00 - W11,W13,W14.W18 (4 people)
9.30 - 18.00 - W4 (1 person)

=10 volunteers

GeoHack - do we need any volunteers for this?

Wed -

Exhibitor set up - do we need anyone to help with layout / getting exhibitors organised?

Registration (peak in afternoon / evening) - Consider 6/ 8 people at peak to assist?

Workshops -  8 people (runners)

GeoHack - do we need any volunteers for this?

Icebreaker - do we need any volunteers for this?

Thurs -

Registration (peak in morning) - Consider 6/8 people at peak to assist?

Workshops - 12 workshop sessions (could combine runners for these?)
Streams - 6 sessions, split into am/pm - chair + housekeeper per room
24 people

Gala night

Fri -

Sat -
Closing Party

Sun -

Do we need anyone? Clear up?


Steven Feldman on May 12, 2013:

I've started a scratchpad of jobs that we may need a volunteer for either before or during the event. Add your thoughts to the list

Hopefully this will give Abi some ideas of what is needed

Peter Batty on May 12, 2013:

Do you have a scheme for what volunteers get in return? In Denver I think we said that the room monitor volunteers got 1 day attendance at the conference (sessions only I think, not social etc) in exchange for 1 day volunteering. Obviously room monitors get to see sessions too, though they don't get a choice of which, so there is some value to that. Not sure there was much established precedent for what we did, feel free to do what you want. But I think it's something to think through ahead of time. Also need to make sure you don't give volunteers free passes and then not fulfill their duties!

Abi Page on May 12, 2013:

Do we have any detail shaping on the logistics of the week of the event / timetable other than the specific delegate programme which I realise is in progress?
I'm thinking, when LOC arrive, when delegates arrive (estimate on numbers of various days, eg not everyone will be there for workshops I assume so more will arrive after that- I realise numbers are difficult at this stage but a guesstimate based on previous events?), when is the marquee going up - what are we providing to delegates and will this be assembled before the event, ..... etc etc.
There are bits of info on various discussions, but is there a central event plan document or similar?

This type of detail / or at least thoughts at this stage, will let me start thinking about logistical tasks for volunteers and numbers we need etc.  as I think it is really important to set out expectations for volunteers before we put out a call which will need to come soon.

I will also start thinking about my own task list / actions and a timetable for these but obviously will appreciate your input into this and perhaps we can catch up on anything you have started to date Jeremy.

Steven Feldman on May 13, 2013:

@Abi Here s the doodle listing which days the LOC team are planning to arrive in Nottingham (take note of the days not the dates as I set it up for a week too late!). Can you add your own info.

@peter - We have opened up some bursaries and they include a commitment to do a day's volunteering. We were hoping to get some local students to volunteer in return for attendance but had not firmed up the details. We are also hoping that a number of the delegates will volunteer a bit of time or a skill.

All the volunteers will receive a special "I am volunteering at FOSS4G 2013" t-shirt :)

Rollo Home on May 17, 2013:

These are the names from the pledge page of the tender - I only have their name and/or twitter handle:

Stuart Lester:

Thierry G:

spatialPhil (Twitter):

Richard Fairhurst:

ijturton (Twitter):

mloskot (Twitter)

Ed Freyfogle

simonwheeler2 (Twitter):

coastalrocket (Twitter):


Harry Wood:

spatialPhil (Twitter):

boothrob (Twitter):

Giuseppe Sollazzo:

Jo Walsh:


Peter Cotroneo:

abi_csgn (Twitter)

aileen_heal (Twitter):

SamRFranklin (Twitter):

geosmiles (Twitter):

Moira Livesey:

pigsonthewing (Twitter):

Yakus (Twitter):

Crispin Hoult:

Lynnae Sutton,

Abi Page on May 22, 2013:

Thanks Rollo - for the ones on Twitter, if they are following the FOSS4G account, can we get a dm to them to follow up their pledge by sending an email with their contact details to the volunteer@ email.

Then if we see who is left I will track them down...

I will use this to start a really basic list of who has expressed interest and then I can mail them when we are ready to formalise it a bit more.
Once I have a better grasp on tasks and the programme is out there, I will put a form together to collect info on what people are prepared to do / on which days.

Rollo Home on May 22, 2013:

If they are following the account then we can DM them.
If you need access to the FOSS4G account the p/w is: f0ss4g4ever

Abi Page on May 31, 2013:

I have contacts for all of these people apart from:
Moira Livesey (possibly Bolton Council?)

Does anyone know who these folk are/ have contact details?

Jo Cook on May 31, 2013:
dunno about the other guy though!

Abi Page on June 5, 2013:

I have contacted the people above who pledged asking for contact details so we can keep them in the loop.
I have put together a draft sign up form for volunteering:

What other roles do we need to consider?
I will write a short amount on what each of the roles involves and then a fuller briefing closer to the event.

Any further thoughts on incentives?

Peter, please chip in with any past experience on how the volunteering was run / organised and various roles during the event.


Rollo Home on June 5, 2013:

don't forget the pledge page: - couldn't see how this fitted in with your form/approach.?
Also on the form, Q4 is 'single choice' - but I may want to volunteer for more than one session?! You may need to account for bunching in the choices people make.

Barry Rowlingson on June 5, 2013:

Just to stress the pledge page URL is provisional and the pledge system isn't public yet!

Abi Page on June 10, 2013:

Thanks, I saw the pledge page as being seperate to getting specific volunteer roles filled, where we need pretty detailed information - but if we want to integrate these then I am happy for suggestions.
After contacting those on the original pledge list we now have our first 2 volunteers :)