The working site for the conference committee of FOSS4G 2013

Team Call 2013-05-17

Last saved by Rollo Home on May 29, 2013

Apologies: Antony, Matt, Barend, Mark (dodgy connection)

Actions outstanding from last meeting (and before!):
IE - to reach out to local chapters (if not already done)
GSA/CH - Printer - any progress? Issues around the centralisation. Back up would be to get one of the LOC to bring one + toner + paper
SF- close to getting a price for an external designer for the program
Clipboard - not received well, nice notebook might work.  SF to follow up the Google notebook he is currently using can someone contact them to get an idea of costs? 

AS - Need a couple of big mail-shots about the program when it is released
CG - Can we have a conference office? - to carry forward  - Gallery Room 3 is really the only option. CG to confirm that room is lockable.
AS - Map Action update? - think this is sorted. Map Action will have a small stand and do  bit of volunteering. CG to add MapAction to the stand plan. 
SA - will bring his home printer for the comms room.

Registration Update (CG)
Wshop 17 = 8
Wshop 18 = 21
Icebreaker = 15
Thursday = 73
Gala = 70
Friday = 71
Saturday = 69
Closing party = 4

Workshop update
Confirmation has been sent to presenters of selected workshops thanks to Ian Holt. Ian is sending a mail to unsuccessful presenters shortly with details of the planned community vote to select a small number of addition workshops to run in parallel with the main conference (exact number TBD). Matt to post to discuss list Monday to announce additional workshops and intended community vote. Paul Ramsey is happy to run the vote once it's been announced and appropriate data is provided.
Outstanding items:
  1. Should presenters that submitted more than one workshop be given another chance in the community vote if they have already had a workshop selected?
  2. We need to assign workshops to rooms and days to allow users to book on to a specific workshop
  3. We need a way for users to book a specific workshop
We might be able to run extra workshops and host them in "spare" rooms.

Timetable (RH)
Rollo still working on it but feels it would be better to have someone else working with him to bounce ideas off. Possibility of working with IH or using google docs.
BR can get most of the content in the d'base and then Rollo can shift stuff around if we dont touch the doc over the weekend. 
JM to add the capacity of rooms to the document of rooms

Abi to look into organising software (trello) to organise tasks and volunteer numbers. 
Lists - foss4g 2013 list / Discuss list
Rough guestimates on numbers are: 
Could get the academic bursaries winners to give a 1/2 day
Get students to give 1/2 day of time in exchange for a full day pass. This could be opened up to students from 1-2 hours away.

JM, CG - update on EMCC contract 
Nerds contract approved, CG is sending confirmation and deposit. BR has pointed out that we need to get EMCC approval, hopefully only a formality, can CG notify them.
Very nearly there. Sorted the internet and the rooms.


Call for Maps
Ken Field cannot attend as ESRI are not supporting him. He is committed to supporting from afar....
Alternatives - Steve Chilton - SF to approach
Also - Mike Smith (Kingston)
Update: Ken is coming, hopefully with support from BCS. CfM is waiting outcome of dicussions.....

Marketing Collateral
Had a meeting last friday
Program design chap - awaiting a quote for design/production of conf prog.
Flyers - too costly to insert into geoconnection.  Could create a digital copy and allow folk to print 'em themselves


RH -
to switch off academic members who are not on the LOC (done)

Next meeting - 31st May 1400


Antony Scott on May 16, 2013:

Here's an empty document for the call tomorrow - my sole contribution as I can't make it, apologies.

Matt Walker on May 16, 2013:

Added workshop update and apology (I'm working on-site with a client tomorrow). 

Steven Feldman on May 16, 2013:

Thanks to Antony and Matt for getting this started, i will review last call and update the agenda in the morning

Steven Feldman on May 17, 2013:

I have updated the agenda for this afternoon's call. Would speed things up if we had updates inserted before the meeting

I have probably missed something important as I am rushing like a lunatic to meet crazy deadlines (what's new you may well ask) so fee free to add to the agenda.

Talk later

Ian Edwards on May 17, 2013:

I'm in another meeting this afternoon.
- I'm in the loop on the Live DVD build and will make sure we have copies
- I'll make contact with other chapters early next week and discuss some of
the suggestions about birds of a feather tables etc.
- We currently have no mechanism to promote FOSS4G and hackathon on our
external website (you'll also find no mention that I exist as a member of
the organisation!). We're fighting this and trying to get a 'channel' for
open data/projects etc.

Steven Feldman on May 17, 2013:

Login is here

Meeting Number: 848 738 248 
Meeting Password: met5724foss4g 

To join the audio conference only 
To receive a call back, provide your phone number when you join the meeting, or call the number below and enter the access code. 
UK - Toll: +44-20-310-64804 

Access code:848 738 248

Abi Page on May 17, 2013:

not working for me? "the meeting has been cancelled"

Jo Cook on May 17, 2013:

I'm getting a message that the number is unallocated (dialing in)

Steven Feldman on May 17, 2013:

on the left hand side browse for meetings and you should find it

Claire Gilmour on May 17, 2013:

sorry having issues with my machine - hopefully will call in soon

Suchith Anand on May 17, 2013:

same problem here

Rollo Home on May 17, 2013:

I'm on my way too.... Just logging in...

Jo Cook on May 17, 2013:

Can't dial in, sorry

Steven Feldman on May 17, 2013:

@jo is that a tech problem or an availability one

Jo Cook on May 17, 2013:

My normal approach is to dial the 020 number, but when I do that this time it tells me the number is unallocated.

Rollo Home on May 17, 2013:

Steven - getting the same problems:
dial in = "unallocated"
log-in = "session cancelled". Currently installing the 'meeting application' to see if that helps me....
That worked! In!

Jo Cook on May 17, 2013:

Good for you- I still can't get in :-( 

Steven Feldman on May 17, 2013:

no chance of web connection

Jo Cook on May 17, 2013:

There's never any sound (I have to use a windows VM)

Abi Page on May 17, 2013:

try 203 478 5289

edit> next time in WebEx - Meeting - Information- UK Toll number

Rollo Home on May 17, 2013:

Rollo Home on May 17, 2013:

Sorry about abrupt departure - lightening strike (very dramatic) took out the phone line. Only just come back on.....

Ian Edwards on May 17, 2013:

Did all the problems get resolved? Let me know if there were issues with
the WebEx and I'll investigate.

Barry Rowlingson on May 17, 2013:

sound has been fine for the past few webexes, but today I either got no audio or under a second before it cut off - but apparently people could hear me. I got it to dial out to me instead (and even that hung up on me after 20 minutes and I had to ask it nicely to call me again).

Claire Gilmour on May 22, 2013:

I am due to send out the eblast today to AGI members - are we extending early bird?

I will update the registration numbers but we have 84 attending the full conference so far.

Sorry wasnt sure where to post this question...

Rollo Home on May 22, 2013:

Claire, I do not believe that we will be extending the early bird - yet at least. We are currently discussing the idea of giving speakers and volunteers a discount (which will equate to the EB or better) - all to be confirmed. The thinking is that this should address the problem of speakers needing to know which day they are on ahead of booking....but we are still hoping on getting the programme out ahead of EB close. It maybe close, and if need be we can extend, but we'll not be making any announcement to that effect now.