The working site for the conference committee of FOSS4G 2013

Global Geohack

Last saved by Mark Iliffe on June 10, 2013

Title: Global Geohack
Major themes: Environmental and Humanitarian
Problem statements:
 - Met office 'Ecosystem services' challenge - with UK focus (The person who decided on this theme is away until 3rd June but will get something concrete from her as soon as she is back)
 - Global humanitarian problem statements (I've just emailed Mark to revive our invites to get other groups involved)
 - I will contact Met Office partners to request problem statements with global themes - e.g. British Antarctic Survey collect environmental data in Antarctica
 - When I contact OSGeo local chapters I can give them an overview and ask if they can contribute to the Global theme.
 - Do we need more invites for suggesting problem statements?
 - Use of OSGeo / Open Source product stack - Including OSGeo Live 7.0
 - Use of Open Data - including Met Office DataPoint ( and Ordnance Survey Open Data and others suggested by partners
 - Truly global set of problems
 - International attendees
 - Software hackers
 - Hardware hackers
 - Graphic designers
 - Innovative thinkers
 - Story tellers
 - Translators
 - ???
   (not necessarily in that order!)
Possible outcomes:
 - Innovative solutions to pressing environmental and humanitarian problems
What's being offered:
 - Free event (limited tickets - how many, feedback at Met Office is that we could handle 400 maximum and minimum of 30 to make it worthwhile)
 - Food provided
 - Network with people from a wide range of fields to find innovate solutions to problems
Brief description and FAQ are online:


Ian Edwards on May 24, 2013:

Rollo and I are discussing hackathon promotion.
Mark has always been keen to draw in as many hackathon partners as possible and we're ready for to happen now that the title is confirmed ("Global Geohack")

I'm hoping that Ian Holt and Matt W will join Mark and I on the hackathon team? (and that Jeremy is happy to answer a few venue related questions - or put me in touch with the right people).

I've added the current overview of the event above. I'd like to put it live on the website when we have a few more details and agree the text. Rollo - this is the outline for what we're promoting.

Matt Walker on May 24, 2013:

Hi Ian,

I'm going to limit my involvement to the workshops and code sprints and leave the hackathon to you guys. Nothing personal just a matter of available time.



Ian Edwards on May 24, 2013:

Sounds very sensible to me,

Ian Holt on May 24, 2013:

I like the idea. I'm at a conference today and will try and have a proper think later. But it does tick boxes that OS is interested in.

Rollo Home on May 24, 2013:

Ian, this is a great start. I would suggest from a comms point of view, the sooner this gets put on the website the better. We can then simply create a set of things (PR/twitter/etc) that point at the page.

Ian Edwards on June 2, 2013:

We need to go big with promoting the hackathon event, therefore I've given the event it's own site:

I've updated the FOSS4G site with logos and links.

I will contact local chapters today to promote the birds of a feather gatherings and to also ask if they have an connections that can help make the 'global geohack' truly global.

Barry - could you add the 'global geohack' to
Mark - If you have connections who can suggest and support humanitarian challenges could you put them in touch with me via
Rollo - please start advertising while I'm away, the Met Office will be unavailable for comment and doesn't need to sign off on the press release - the relevant info relating to us is on the FAQ page:

"Open Data - e.g. Met Office DataPoint, Ordnance Survey Open Data and others sources suggested by partner organisations who are supporting the geohack challenges."

"The hackathon is sponsored and led by the UK Met Office with other groups also actively involved. The Met Office has held a series of successful hackathons around the country and they also offer additional open source software and open data into the mix."

"Contact for more details"

If you need to contact me whilst I'm on holiday please use (I won't be able to read my Met Office mail!)

Steven Feldman on June 2, 2013:

A blog post on hacks that may be worth considering

Steven Feldman on June 10, 2013:

Ian and I just had a conversation about the geohack, the new site, challenges promotion and stuff.

We agreed that it would be best to keep the geohack within the foss4g site to avoid any brand confusion or separation of the hack from the main event. We want clarity that the geohack is a part of the foss4g event sponsored by the MO. On the other hand we need to give it slightly higher profile than it currently has to encourage participation.

The suggestion that I would like your comment on is:
  • To move the geohack to a top level menu item (to the right of Program) and to transfer the additional content that Ian created on the site (where not already on the foss4g site) back to the main site.
  • Ian (hopefully with help from Mark and Ian H) will then to start to add more content, the first being an invitation to suggest challenges or problem statements for the hack
  • Rollo and the comms team can then publicise from next week onwards once the EB has closed.
Once the promotion of the EB is over perhaps we can also get the geohack logo into one of the boxes on the home page to give it a bit more prominence on the site.

Thoughts, ideas? 

Rollo Home on June 10, 2013:

Sounds like a plan to me.

Antony Scott on June 10, 2013:


Barry Rowlingson on June 10, 2013:

Can we move Dates and Location to be the first suboptions of About?

Steven Feldman on June 10, 2013:

@Barry good ideas. I was also thinking of changing Sponsorship to Sponsors (could move to About but probably not necessary)

Shall i do this or will you?

Barry Rowlingson on June 10, 2013:

If you're happy dragging things around the WP menu builder, then go do it!

Steven Feldman on June 10, 2013:

Happy might be an exaggeration! but I can do and will this pm

Rollo Home on June 10, 2013:

While you're hacking the menus' I'm not sure on where the publishing of the CfM went....Jo was looking at publishing the pages, but I've lost track of the action (it's all ready to publish from my perspective).

Jo Cook on June 10, 2013:

Not done yet (snowed under today)

Steven Feldman on June 10, 2013:

OK menus iz hacked

Geohack is now a top menu item - needs more content pronto but I will leave that to Ian E to transfer content from and then liaise with Ian H and Mark to add more content. Do we have a spam tool working on the site if we open a Challenge page for comments?

The Dates and Location menus have been moved to the top of the About menu

I have taken the Call for Maps text that Rollo gave me and posted that as an Opening up the Map page at the top of the programme menu. Used a Vatican Map Gallery image of mine but you are welcome to remove and add something that you prefer. It's a long page so you may want to split but i'll leave to Ken and Rollo.

I haven't tweeted the geohack or the opening up the map stuff yet, will leave to "owners" to approve or amend content before we start to shout after close of early bird

That's enough geekery for today (yeah i know @barry/jo/matt that isn't really geekery but it feels like it to me)

Steven Feldman on June 11, 2013:

There was a tweet to FOSS4G account
asking for a link to to be added to Geohack page and Eventbrite.

There could also be a cross linking addition to the Codesprint page and wiki

@Matt @Ian E ??

Ian Edwards on June 11, 2013:

We should be able to add boxes in the right-hand sidebar of both pages to
cross-link to each other. I'll take a look.

Ian Edwards on June 11, 2013:

I can't see how to do this - would I need extra permissions to fiddle with

We should be able to add boxes in the right-hand sidebar of both pages to

Steven Feldman on June 11, 2013:

@Ian E I think you would need Barry or Jo to help with boxes in the sidebar but you could add the links in bolded green text within the body of the pages

Barry Rowlingson on June 11, 2013:

No, sidebar content is set per-template, and can't be changed on a per-page basis except perhaps by writing a new page template with different widgets on it but that's too much work...

Steven Feldman on June 11, 2013:

Ian just put links into the body of the text as in the Codesprint page

Ian Edwards on June 11, 2013:

Already done

Steven Feldman on June 11, 2013:

@Ian should we also put something about the geohack on the codesprint wiki page?

Ian Edwards on June 11, 2013:

Thanks Steven

I've added a link at the bottom of "Where and when"