The working site for the conference committee of FOSS4G 2013

Team Call 2013-05-31

Last saved by Suchith Anand on May 31, 2013

 Attendees: BK, MI, SF, AP, AS, RH, SA, JC, BR

Apologies: JM, MW, CG, IH, IE

Action points from previous meeting

Local chapters IE - not done? As Early Bird extended, important to engage before EB deadline.
Action: IE

Marketing gift: JC investigating options for clipboard/notepad. Numbers - c. 750 for the purpose of estimates. Budget - .c £7-£10 per head for gift and shirt. Jo will see what can be done with that.

Update on numbers: At 30/5, 175 - full, 30 day tickets, 24 1 day w/shop, 35 2 day w/shop.
EB extended to 14 June (midnight BST)
Workshop booking system - BR. Working locally, to be tested and deployed to server - should be done by 3rd June. Documentation needed too. Existing delegates to be added. System will show availability. Some additional capacity may be available.
Email all workshop presenters - ask them to confirm absolute capacity, also what kit they will provide and expect. Workshop requirements for delegates (eg laptops) should be explicit:
Action: MI

Confirm discount option for attendees of both GeoCom and FOSS. Not clear whether already implemented - need to ask Claire:
Action: CG. Could be done if robust and easily implemented,

Confirmed, no comp/discounted tickets, other than plenary speakers.

Questions re programme. Kudos to Barry/Rollo for pulling it together. Most AT conflicts now resolved. Timetable now on website, some more magic dust to come from Barry, AS to update links on website. Plenaries, end of day sessions, unconf. etc to go in.
Action: RH, BR, AS

Unconference sessions: included in block in programme. Gary Gale up for organising, several delegates with stuff to talk about. RH to talk to GG about organising afternoon slot.
Action: RH

EMCC Contract
JM has been looking at latest version which includes network connection in tent. Should be v close to signing, subject to meeting next week,
Action: JM

5.5 hours of plenary slots to fill (excluding admin, awards etc)
4 speakers currently confirmed (Kate Chapman: Humatiarian/OSM, Edward Anderson: World Bank, Paul Ramsey: PostGIS, Ian James: OS)
More suggestions:
Chris Tucker (Map Story) - is available. Agreed - SF to invite.
Danny Dorling - Agreed, SF to invite
Mike Bostock - Agreed, BK to invite. Might need expenses?
Prof. Mike Jackson - probably not
We could take eg highest ranking sessions from community vote to fill plenary sessions? OSGeo slot also needed (already in).
Product showcase - eg QGIS, PostGIS, etc?
Strong speaker needed for closing.
Review next time.

Map Gallery
Need to make a decision or two
Call for maps on hold while Ken F clarifies costs position. RH looking at iPad wall.

Eclipse proposal: agreed. SF to confirm.

Budget for clipboards/pens/pads/lanyards
Number we intend to purchase


Meeting with OGC Board  (dinner event) - SA
We could suggest to OGC evening drinks event - but they need to fund/organise if we find a slot, eg 5-7 on Fri eve. Adrian Custer as link person? SF to write to Geoff offline re joint OSGeo/OGC activity.

Volunteering update
List of pledge people now assembled, Abi to make contact. Volunteer form to go up when EB



Steven Feldman on May 31, 2013:

Suggested agenda for today's team call

Jeremy Morley on May 31, 2013:

Steven, not sure whether I can join the call as I'm travelling back from EuroSDR in Copenhagen this afternoon. I'll put an update into the agenda later on the contract progress (we've had a new draft from Shelley).


Matt Walker on May 31, 2013:

Hi, I'm afraid that I will not be able to make the call this afternoon as I'm working on-site with a client.


Claire Gilmour on May 31, 2013:

Sorry I am not around this afternoon for the call.

Addy Pope on May 31, 2013:

meeting at 1230, might be a bit late but will dial-in when i get back.

Ian Edwards on May 31, 2013:

Not certain I can make the call - frantically tying up loose ends here
before leaving early to go on holiday for a week :D

Ian Holt on May 31, 2013:

It's a no from me as well.
Is Mark Illife available for any workshop / closing party updates.?

Steven Feldman on May 31, 2013:

yes mark is here with me and we will do the call together

Rollo Home on May 31, 2013:

About to join...

Abi Page on May 31, 2013:

call in number is 0203 478 5289

Barry Rowlingson on May 31, 2013:

Webex crashed my machine. Sweary swear. Rebooting.
On May 31, 2013 2:03 PM, "Rollo Home (Basecamp)" <

Jo Cook on May 31, 2013:

I'm attempting to join...

Jo Cook on May 31, 2013:

I appear to have been kicked off the call- I'll try not to take it personally and will attempt to reconnect