The working site for the conference committee of FOSS4G 2013

Team Call 2013-06-14

Last saved by Jo Cook on June 14, 2013

Apologies: Barend, Barry, Jeremy, Franz-Josef
Steven, Ian E, Antony, Rollo, Suchith, Jo, Abi

Action points from previous meetings

Local chapters IE - not done? As Early Bird extended, important to engage before EB deadline. 
Action: IE

Marketing gift: JC investigating options for clipboard/notepadNumbers - c. 750 for the purpose of estimates. Budget - .c £7-£10 per head for gift and shirt. Jo will see what can be done with that.


324 thu
308 gala
321 fri
307 sat
Early bird closes midnight 14th, 16th?
Comps for Keynoters? Some won't be there for the full conf
Sponsor booking process
Has VAT been charged twice????!!!!!!
Yes - options:
Consensus is that if we can, we should refund the early-birders Claire to look at the easiest way to do the refunds and we need a 2nd pair of eyes on this.
Tweet needs to be addressed - Rollo doing this - tweet to point to website and DM person.
Full conf prices need to be fixed so that we don't double charge VAT again and will have to manage things so that it is clear on the website that the price now includes VAT.
Send an email on Monday to everyone who has registered explaining the overcharge and to stand by for a 20% refund...... 
Put in red on registration page - "Important Notice: We’ve identified a significant mistake in the set-up of the Early Bird prices on our booking system RegOnLine. Sales tax was being added incorrectly to the total conference prices despite those prices already taking account of the tax. We have now fixed this. Those that have already registered (up to 15:00BST 14th June 2013) will receive an email in the coming days detailing how the refund will be returned to them. The FOSS4GLoC is truly sorry to those affected. In recognition of the inconvenience that this may have caused some of you, we have extended the early bird to June 18th. "
Keep early bird open until Tuesday

All sorted!!

Keynote Speakers -
SF Chris Tucker and Ben Hennig (biog and photo needed) accepted
RH - Emer Coleman awaiting response
BK - Mike Bostock no response

Filling in the last bits 
End of day stuff
Panels - Guest speaker slots will not fill the time so there is some time for panel discussion.  Need to think about who/what and try and get keynote people involved
Unconference - Gary lined up to run this
Prettying up on web site Barry has something in mind to make it look and feel better.
Editing the abstracts - wait until Barry has got his site up

Marketing Gifts:
Jo has put a google doc together with the items discussed. Prices for 500 and 1000 people. Have a look. £9-11 for a t-shirt, sticker, clipboard, notebook....... We should make a decision and get going with it.
The company that Rollo suggested seems pretty flexible wrt sizes, colours, male/female mix. 
Need to add in some special t-shirts or amazon vouchers for prizes for MapGallery and things....

Map Gallery
Update from Rollo gone live. Nothing received as yet. 3 options for display panels.
  1. mayor of london ipad wall
  2. video wall (pr company 4 big lcd screens)
  3. plasma screens on stand (6) 
Start publicity Monday?

Update from Ian - internal team (5 people 2 of which are marketing) Putting together some questions for JM to answer as they are about Nottingham logistics.
Spoke to partners about data and objectives
Prizes?  How do we do this, MetOffice have had sponsors like raspberry pi. SF and IH to discuss how to deal with sponsors and how to recognise their contribution to the event.
Start publicity from Monday?

Academic Bursaries
Update from Addy? Addy and Suchith to sort when deadline passes. 

Program Book
Go ahead with designer?
Who will coordinate? Abi, Antony confirmed
SF will put up a scratch pad for anyone in loc to add ideas.
Look at the lanyard link in Communications Sub-committee.
Consensus is that this looks great and should have a map, prog overview and things. SF to pass to designer to ensure it looks ok and fits with prog

Updates from all 4 nights

EMCC Contract
Update from SF/JM
aiming to sign the contract on 5th July when some of LOC are in notts to look at the detailed logistics
Icebreaker - 2-300 people suggesting this could be in the atrium or in the theatre or ballroom. sit down grub.
Dinner - Traditional british food (F&C/pie and mash) Good beer. Tent space will be tight and difficult to feed 800 folk. So food stations that people can visit
Friday night - JM proposing to book 2 venues in nottingham for 150 people each. Plus Curry and Beer in the marquee. People can pre-book 
Sat night - 

Update from Abi
Contacted everyone who pledged.  Handful of responses. Mixture of responses. 
Need to think about tasks and incentives for volunteers

OSGeo-OGC Board Informal meeting
Update from Suchith
Awaiting Jeff's email. Sounds like Arnulf is sorting things out...... All we do is provide a meeting room and the 2 orgs can do the rest.

Presentation at FOSS4GCEE SF has been asked for a short promotional presentation that can be shown at event. 
Dates and plans for OSGIS 2014 - suchith wants dates at least for event to block book dates...

DONM = 28th June


Steven Feldman on June 14, 2013:

Apologies for lateness. Here is an agenda for this afternoons call.

A lot to cover plus whatever you want to add! Would help if people could enter updates into the doc before the meeting where possible

Speak at 2.00

Claire Gilmour on June 14, 2013:

I cant find the link for the meeting - can someone send it to me?

Steven Feldman on June 14, 2013:

go to

select browse meetings on left hand side

the pw is met5724foss4g 

Rollo Home on June 27, 2013:

Folks, I'm going to be late to the conference call tomorrow - if I make it at all.
Main concern for me is an agenda for the F2F on the 5th July. I see that we need to have the programme complete by the 12th July for the printing schedule....not far away!

Abi Page on June 27, 2013:

Yes, there is a lot to do for the programme - I can outline what we need from others on the call tomorrow and run a couple of things past everyone?

Jo Cook on June 27, 2013:

Has anyone had a go at editing the program abstracts yet? Happy to do a stash today as long as we don't end up double-handling things...

Abi Page on June 27, 2013:

Jo, I'm not sure we know to what length we are editing?
Barry Hall is looking at the design layouts this week and then might be able to assist with an idea of length/ how many to a page will work.
Ant calculated that even if we get 8-10 abstracts to a page in the programme (very short) they will run to 20 pages....


Barry Rowlingson on June 27, 2013:

My thinking was that the printed programme would only have the plain text description and not the rich text abstract. The latter is only for display in the web version of the programme.

Claire Gilmour on June 28, 2013:

I am not going to be able to make the call today.  Let me know if you need anything from me before the call and I will do my best to answer

Jeremy Morley on June 28, 2013:

Claire, it would be really helpful, please, to know exactly what's been booked and when with the marquee company. Particularly:
  • when will the marquee erection be completed by Field & Lawn, so that DeVere can get in to do the Wifi?
  • What tables/chairs, lights, heating has been booked?
  • How will the power run round the marquee (under flooring or what? There are no columns to tape extension leads to).
  • What's happening about a stage and a PA? We need something for the Nerds but the hackathon guys would use it as part of their event on Tuesday and Wednesday if it's available
Would it be possible to post as much of the details as possible somewhere on Basecamp (or point me at them), please?


PS: I'll be on the call this afternoon, I'll work up a draft agenda for the 5th for reference.

Ian Edwards on June 28, 2013:

It looks like I won't be able to make it to the meeting, but progress is
good on the hackathon.

- Jeremy's questions above summarise the key logistics that we need to get
pinned down
- I'm available for the logistics meeting next Friday in Nottingham and the
people here are keen for me to attend
- Invites have *finally* gone out to our parnters inviting them to attend
and potentially sponsor (have stalls at) FOSS4G, including BGS, NERC, Defra
etc. etc. I'm hopeful they'll register for the conference. They will also
be supporting hackathon challenges.
- I need to email Steven a few questions about finance, particular for
Tuesday evening. In the past we've had food chains (like Pizza Hut)
provide free or discount food. We may need to discuss this depending on
how much money has been allocated for catering.

Claire Gilmour on June 28, 2013:

They marquee will be set up on the Friday 13th.  De Vere can then set up the wifi over the weekend?

I haven't booked any tables or chairs yet - I need to know what is needed.

The marquee set up includes lights.

We haven't booked heating yet (I am still optimistic that it will be warm).  It is something we can add in a week before the event.

I have sent Mark the marquee layout (attached) so he can put where the power sockets should be - there maybe the potential to have some sockets in the floor. - Mark have you done this?

If you can let me know exactly what is needed in the way of staging/PA/AV/furniture - I can get it sorted.

Jeremy Morley on June 28, 2013:

Thanks Claire. I suggest we try and fix some of these details on the 5th if not before. What's the small structure next to the marquee on the plan? We need to consider step-free access too.

I'll add your questions re furniture, heating and power to the logistics agenda in case any of it's not been covered by then.

Steven Feldman on June 28, 2013:

The presentation that I put together for FOSS4GCEE is at

Feel free to reuse if you have an opportunity. Should it go on our web site as an embed?