The working site for the conference committee of FOSS4G 2013

Programme Booklet

Last saved by Antony Scott on June 21, 2013

What we need to include and suggested order:

COVER (WHAT ON INSIDE COVER? – ANYTHING SPECIFIC) >> Map? eg site on inside front, Nottingham on inside back




WELCOME FROM THE AGI >> Do we need all these welcomes?


LOC >> At the back?

OTHER VOLUNTEERS >> 'acknowledgements'?



                REGISTRATION (WHERE & WHEN)

                MEETING VENUES

                EMERGENCIES & SECURITY





                WIFI ACCESS / IT STUFF

                CONFERENCE  CODE OF CONDUCT (??)


THE LOCAL AREA half/one page

uni   facilies             


                Places of interest

WORKSHOPS >> with the rest of the programme



EVENING ENTERTAINMENT >> is this section needed, other than being in programme (apart from excursions)?

                ICE BREAKER

                GALA NIGHT


                CLOSING PARTY



                BIRDS OF A FEATHER


                CODE SPRINT

                OSGEO AGM

                MAP GALLERY




OsGeo plugs (Ian) 

Upcoming events

              OS GIS UK 2014

              FOSS4G 2014



Abi Page on June 19, 2013:

I suggest we use Google Docs to start creating draft text of each of the main sections -
Antony do you think this is the best way to work on it? Do we want to divide up some of the sections between us as a starter?
Barry H would prefer the text in word in the end - we can save it like this when we are happy / checked the content with the others?

I have spoken to Barry H - he is going to start looking at designs on Monday for an A4 template.

It would be good to tie down some of the above a bit further to get an idea of the number of pages and length estimates for each of the sections for Barry.

Barry is going to have a look at setting out a timetable of when we should be working to in terms of having content ready. I hope we can get most of it signed off well in advance with then the final presentation / workshop programme being added when we are happy most of the changes are done.

Antony Scott on June 19, 2013:


Sounds fine – will have a look at your outline tomorrow.

Ian Edwards on June 20, 2013:

Would it be appropriate to use inside back cover to promote getting involved with your local OSGeo chapter, and a couple of specifics for OSGeo:UK given the new UK delegates we're likely to have?

Antony Scott on June 20, 2013:


Sounds good to me – would you be able to write some text?

Antony Scott on June 20, 2013:

Abi, have added to/annotated the outline. Might be worth switching to Google Docs for management of the whole thing now, with a tracking spreadsheet for the outline including length, responsibility, and docs for individual sections. What do you think? Would it be worth a call today or tomorrow sometime? I'm away next week.

Ian Edwards on June 20, 2013:

Will quickly follow up on OSGIS 2014 discussion with Suchith and then draft
some text.

Abi Page on June 20, 2013:

Antony, sounds good thanks.
Tomorrow is good for me, I'm prety flexible timewise so let me know when is best to give you a ring (and the number).


Antony Scott on June 21, 2013:


In Bristol this am, will ping you when back.

-------- Original message --------

Antony Scott on June 21, 2013:

Abi could we say about 4.30? Skype antonys8253 or 01934 838676 is Ok for me.

Abi Page on June 21, 2013:

No problem, speak then.

Antony Scott on June 21, 2013:

Will be a couple more mins...

In Bristol this am, will ping you when back.

-------- Original message --------
From: "Abi Page (Basecamp)"
Date: 20/06/2013 21:38 (GMT+00:00)
To: Antony Scott
Subject: Re: [FOSS4G'13] Programme Booklet

Antony Scott on June 22, 2013:

All, quick update:
Abi and I had a run through the outline yesterday, and I have created a GSS to track it here - shared with you, feel free to tweak/comment. Abi will start a Google Doc to hold the content, and will start to work on creating this next week. I'm away next week until 1/7, but will pick up from Abi when I get back, when she's away for a week.

Abi Page on June 30, 2013:

Here are the draft designs from Barry Hall for the booklet.

Please post any comments here.

We need to have the design signed off by 12 July.

Barry Rowlingson on June 30, 2013:

Note: the PDF viewer in Firefox makes a hash of the front page of the first one!


I like the title page of Design 1, not Design 2.

The green and blue sections of Design 2 are growing on me, especially if there's a reason for sections being in green or blue (eg timetable stuff in blue, general info and blurbage in green)

Really don't like the solid green page backgrounds in parts of Design 1 (the welcome from the chair section, and the footer on the last page). Reading text on solid green backgrounds gives nasty red after-image flashes when you look away!

I do like Helvetica - so Design 2 wins there. I'm not totally sold on the typeface in Design 1 - the x-height is a bit small.

If the title page from Design 1 was on Design 2, I'd be happy.

Are we going to get a chance to see how a full day's timetable (ie about 80 presentations in 9 rooms with plenaries etc) might be set? Can we only get titles and presenters in?

Steven Feldman on June 30, 2013:

Thanks to Barry H

I (and Mrs F) are with Barry on preferring the title page from design 1 with the layout, typeface etc from design 2. I didn't like the heavy areas of the green in design 1, eg the Chairmans welcome.

I'd also like to see a day's program set out on a double page spread to get a feel for what we could get in. Perhaps we only need the titles and some icons/graphics/colour coding to signify the tags or categories that we have applied? Can we carry the icons/tags/colouring into the section where we have the brief abstracts and speaker details?

Rollo Home on July 1, 2013:

Question - is Barry the Designer looking at the Lanyard element as well? I only ask as if not, I'd suggest creating a 4 page (i.e. 1 sheet of A3) pull out from the centre of the booklet with summary info on it (maps and programme on the double spread). If however this info is being put onto the lanyards, then no need.....

Abi Page on July 1, 2013:

Hi Rollo - yes the lanyards are being looked at as well.

Abi Page on July 2, 2013:

Update -

  • Cost from Barry H for lanyard design £150
  • Map design sizes & suggested word counts for welcomes have been sent from Barry H, but dependent on which layout we go for
  • specification for advertisers sent through from Barry H
  • Decision from Abi & Ant to suggest content in by 17 July (Ant is this long enough?) to allow proof-read before sending to Barry H on 19 July

to do:

  • All to feedback on designs above by Wed eve then Abi to send request to Barry H on additions/ changes needed
  • Steven to approve go ahead on lanyard design
  • Ant to look at what we should include on lanyard/ look at Rollo's example
  • Think about how to include names on front of lanyard cards - will these be printed on or...?
  • Abi send map specifications to Barend
  • Abi to send sponsor spec to Steven
  • Steven to email this to all the sponsors
  • Steven to provide list of all sponsors and what they are entitled to in brochure to Abi & Ant
  • Ant / Abi create google doc of this and share with Barry H.
  • Barry H to mark up when he receives content from sponsors
  • Ant to go through spreadsheet and double check those providing content are aware of deadline / know what they need to provide
  • Ant to discuss state of play of programme with Rollo
  • Ant to go through section on conference domestic arrangements and make list of the info we need, to be added to the F2F agenda in basecamp
  • All to think about whether we need a conference code of conduct

Rollo Home on July 2, 2013:

1. Lanyard names: on the version that I saw, the names were simply printed onto stickers ( which were then stuck to the front card on the lanyard (a space was nicely left for the purpose!).

2. Programme: there a few changes to the programme to be made which are being captured on the to-do list on basecamp. There is also some editing required (typo's etc) in the abstracts. My plan to have the programme finalised on Friday while at F2F, this will place the key notes etc in to their final slots (just allocated to days at present)

3. Workshop programme is unchanged.

4. Code of Conduct - yes in principle, but the devil will be in the wording. Not too heavy handed...

Antony Scott on July 2, 2013:

On the programme, sounds like the plan is to have the programme tied down by say Mon - what's the best approach to copy-editing of abstracts and getting the final version to Barry (designer)? I'm OK to do a copy edit, is this best done online in the database or after download, and when could we start?

Barry Rowlingson on July 2, 2013:

Please edit the database online!

if you log in and go to:

then the presentations will now have an edit button - click it and the admin page will open in a new tab for editing. Korrekt the speling and of teh grammar, and save, then you can reload in the listing page to check the update.

Subsequent clicks of edit buttons will re-use the same admin tab.

you could also add 'edited: BSR' to the notes field with your initials, or 'looks good: BSR' or some other annotation.

Do we need to agree on a style for capitalisation in titles? I say capitalise all except the usual little words...

Barry Rowlingson on July 2, 2013:

I'm capitalising everything. Also, the printed programme will only see the 'Desc' field, so concentrate on that.

Need to eat now, but will do a couple more hours editing from 10:00.

I'll also add those extra OS papers tonight.

Antony Scott on July 2, 2013:

Sounds good, I can log on. Agree on capitalisation. Can we set a max no. of words for Desc (and Abstract come to that)? Can’t remember what it was in the CfP, but that should be it I guess.

Barry Rowlingson on July 2, 2013:

Just thought - I can probably automatically capitalise all the titles with a python script. MIght get us 90% of the way there.

Barry Rowlingson on July 2, 2013:

Done that - capitalised words but preserving uppercase things like WMS and so on. Have also added two presentations from John Goodwin of OS that Rollo sneaked in.

Barry Rowlingson on July 2, 2013:

I've now done the desc sections for all the presentations starting  A and B in the live programme. Only 24 more letters to go. Although I think Ant has started at Z.

Antony Scott on July 3, 2013:

Up to about U I think, working backwards...

Barry Rowlingson on July 3, 2013:

I've done up to and including 'G' now. Of the U-Z ones, 180 and 171 still seem to have fairly long descriptions. I might chop them,

Antony Scott on July 4, 2013:

Up to incl. P, working backwards. Lancaster-bound now.

Barry Rowlingson on July 4, 2013:

Just finished the O's. I'll see if I can edit down some of the longer ones remaining. But not tonight.

Rollo: you need to name the sessions. Did I tell you that? Sessions have names. Like "Case Studies I" and "Lidar and Point Clouds". But only you know them...

Barry Rowlingson on July 6, 2013:

For the programme booklet do we still want QR-codes?

 I'm pretty happy that the URLs for presentations and sessions are fixed now, so they can be generated.



I could code up some web redirects for shorter URLs, so that and worked. Then the programme could just list  "/p/32" as the short URL, with a note to append it to on the page.

Have we seen the presentation list page design yet?

Abi Page on July 6, 2013:

Thanks Barry - I'm not sure if we want the QRs - does anyone have any strong opinions either way?

I've been away this week with patchy wifi, but will get back on this when I am back re design etc.

Abi Page on July 8, 2013:

Ant - did you have any additional design feedback? I need to get back to Barry H.

Antony Scott on July 8, 2013:

Will have a look tonight.


Steven Feldman on July 8, 2013:

My view - QR codes sounded neat at the time but it is a chunk of work for both Barry's that may be more hassle than it is worth.

I'd rather have a print booklet optimised for old fashioned paper, note taking and scribbling and an online interactive program that works on mobile and is easy to search and keep the two separate

Antony Scott on July 8, 2013:

  • I'm with Steven on QR.
  • For the design, don't feel strongly but if pushed my preference is for Design 1, certainly for the cover.
  • For the programme, how will we give the content to Barry Designer - Barry DBA, will you generate a spreadsheet?

Antony Scott on July 8, 2013:

Abi, looks like we have some answers to some of our questions on the content for the booklet on the logistics meeting agenda/notes. I can do another pass of the doc and fill in some of the gaps tomorrow probably, then we should probably throw it open for review/comment - what do you think, do you want to do add/edit? Hope you enjoyed the beer festival btw, great weather for it...

Abi Page on July 9, 2013:

Hi Ant,

Thanks for this I will catch up tonight and send comments to Barry H so we can press on. I can have a look at the text, but we really need the info from the logistics meeting to get much further.

Beer fest was good, but there were less in fancy dress than I thought.... glad I went for the low key fancy dress unlike the rest of the family! I did very much like the printed pint glasses - perhaps an additional "souvenir" for FOSS4G curry night??

Hope your cycle fundraiser was successful!

Steven Feldman on July 9, 2013:

Confirm £150 for lanyard laminated sheet designs is OK

Antony Scott on July 9, 2013:

Abi, have had another go at the text in the Google doc - no response yet to the logistics questions... maybe you could give it a quick review, then I suggest we throw it open for others to comment and also add content (I have indicated where it's needed).
Cycling was great thanks, still recovering...

Barry Rowlingson on July 10, 2013:

I've set up a page for presenters to proofread the submissions, check (co-)presenters and so on.

that page is live from the database.

Do we have a mailing list for presenters only? Could they be emailed that URL with instructions to mail corrections to If not, do we mail everyone?

When's the deadline?

Abi Page on July 11, 2013:

19 July.

Can I double check what you would expect to see on the programme layout (just speaker name / title?)

What would be on the page of abstracts - name (company?) / title/ short abstract / theme / tags?

I have asked Barry H to have a go at this with the info we have just now, but would be good to be able to pull out the text for the abstract pages for him into a word document by 19 July.
I would like it to be ordered by session, to make it easy to compare what is on at the same time, if it is possible to extract in this order.


Barry Rowlingson on July 11, 2013:

There seems to be two places that individual presentations are in the printed programme. Referring to the spreadsheet:

Row 37: Main Programme.
Row 48/49 Reference section.

For concision in the main programme I would put title, presenter, and copresenters names - no affiliations, grouped by session with session info.

This can be pulled out of the database easy enough.

For the reference section, this would be a list of presenters and copresenters with affiliations, sorted by name, with index number of their talks, yes? And an alphabetical list of talk titles with page/session numbers? I don't quite get why the information is being repeated here. Is Barry Designer happy to do all this indexing?

Antony Scott on July 11, 2013:

Ideally I’d like to see all the details (incl short abstract) in the same place, so that you don’t have to go somewhere else to look up details, other than the website (using Barry R’s short URLs) for the full abstract. But this may not work space-wise, in which case short abstracts elsewhere ordered by speaker (?) would probably be best.

Antony Scott on July 11, 2013:

Abi, are you OK for me to send the draft programme content round to everyone for comment, or do you want to review first? there are lots of things for various people to add, so I'd like to get this moving - not seen any more feedback from logisitics meeting.

Steven Feldman on July 11, 2013:

On programme layout:
  1. Title
  2. Colour code or tags to show what kind of session
  3. Speaker (only if there is space)
In the section with abstracts I would imagine
  1. Title
  2. Time
  3. Room
  4. Speaker
  5. Organisation
  6. Abstract
This section could be ordered by time slot (i.e. all the 10.00 - 10.30 presentations on day 1 in one group)

I am not sure that we really need an index in addition, convince me.

Antony Scott on July 11, 2013:

Steven's proposal makes sense to me (def. speaker needed in programme). But the order of abstracts should either be by title or speaker - you need a way to be able to easily go from the programme to an individual abstract.

Abi Page on July 11, 2013:

I don't think there is any chance we would be able to get the abstracts next to the programme Ant, there is so much happening at once.

Steven point 2 - what do you mean type of session, is this is what is in theme?if so, can you direct me to a full list of all the options that were used for this?

My thoughts were that with so much happening, as a user I would like to be able to look at the abstracts of talks happening at the same time so these should be near each other in the abstracts section, rather than having to look up 8 different abstracts by speaker name flicking back and forward.

However - I recognised that perhaps someone might like to answer the question when is my friend Jo Bloggs speaking and have a quick index to the list of speakers, rather than sifting through the programme / abstracts.

It all comes down to usability, what you want to be able to do with the programme and individual preferences....

Good to iron this out now though!

Steven Feldman on July 11, 2013:

I can see the advantages of organising by time slot or by speaker name (less so by title but would be needed if speaker name is not on programme overview grid).

If we organise by time then the programme overview acts as a key to the more detailed section

When I mentioned type of session I was referring to the tags that we used in which I had assumed would be carried forward to Barry's new super duper programme program

Abi Page on July 11, 2013:

Ant - yes please do send out the text to everyone - I had a read last night and a few comments but doesn't stop others commenting and we can keep amending

We really do need the logisitics information

Steven Feldman on July 11, 2013:

what logistics info are you looking for Abi?

Antony Scott on July 11, 2013:

All, I have shared the current (WIP) Google Docs version of the programme booklet with you all (if you've not had a mail, let me know). Could everyone review/comment and (in some cases, where indicated) add content? We need to be able to deliver the content to Barry Designer by 19th July, so we need to get everyone's input by the end of the weekend (14th July) at the latest to give us time for final review/edit etc. There are still some logistics questions outstanding, so if you can answer any of them (or know who can) please do.

Antony Scott on July 11, 2013:

Steven. the logistics questions were the ones we put in the logistics meeting agenda. Some of them have been answered inline, but a few remain - they are all included in the booklet text as outstanding anyway.

Abi Page on July 11, 2013:

Ant, can we catch up about this by phone later - say after 4.30ish?

Barry Rowlingson on July 11, 2013:

My main thought on how to arrange presentations and indexes and all that is "Form follows function". Here's my thinking:


A short timetable for planning with title/main presenter, plus a paged list of talks by session with full details (all presenters, affiliations, short description, tags) so people can lookup more info.


 Papers titles in alphabetical order with session number
 List of presenters in alphabetical order with session numbers for everything they're presenting
 Tag Index. List of tags with titles/ids of presentations with that tag. Might get a bit long if includes titles. Maybe easier to list tags with any session that has a presentation that has that tag. People can then go to that session info and see which presentation has that tag - it might be all of them. I'm not totally convinced of the utility of tags on a printed programme - they should be inferrable from the title and on a printed programme you can't click them to reduce the visual clutter from things you aren't interested in, which is how they work (for me) online...

Am off to Sheffield shortly, and then offline (almost) until Tuesday.

Antony Scott on July 11, 2013:

Abi, good idea, 4.30 is good for me. Skype?

Jo Cook on July 11, 2013:

I've made a few edits where I can. A few things are still outstanding and I'm not sure that we will have answers by the end of the weekend. I'm out of the office tomorrow but will work on my sections (where I have answers) over the weekend.

Abi Page on July 11, 2013:

Sorry, no skype here - can you let me know what number to call you on?

Antony Scott on July 11, 2013:

01934 838676

Abi Page on July 11, 2013:

Ant, here is the example I was talking about

Abstract pages with clear ordering by session (highlighted at top), coded for room and with any other tags etc

The really simple speaker list. If we don't have enough space, we could drop the speaker list

If each presentation was given a unique ref number, then we wouldn't need to worry about indexing by page number for the speaker list.

Some sort of reference per presentation would be helpful perhaps for assigning volunteers, I could give them a list of the numbers they need to assist at / chair and it would tie up in the programme....

If you think this layout is ok then I will pass onto Barry H as ideas when he is looking at layout for abstract.

Antony Scott on July 11, 2013:

Abi, this looks good. Here's a stab at the proposed programme layout spec:
- Timetable version with Title/Speaker(s)/Ref no., colour coded by theme
- Listing in timetable order showing Title/Speaker(s)/Affiliation/Ref no./Desc/Short URL/Tags (if space)
- (If space) speaker index showing speaker name/Ref no.
Does that cover it?

Abi Page on July 11, 2013:

Yes, excellent - I will email Barry H later and cc you.

Abi Page on July 11, 2013:

update to-do list:

  • Ant to look at what we should include on lanyard/ look at Rollo's example
  • Think about how to include names on front of lanyard cards - will these be printed on or...?stickers? what are logistics of doing this?
  • Steven to provide list of all sponsors and what they are entitled to in brochure to Abi & Ant
  • Chase everyone for text/ review draft for brochure
  • Proof read
  • follow up what is required for programme/ abstract content

Barend Köbben on July 12, 2013:

have added the Academic Track section. Opinions & edits welcome...

Ian Edwards on July 13, 2013:

I'm unable to open this on my phone. Will update first thing on Mon

Antony Scott on July 15, 2013:

Hi all, sorry to badger (but not very sorry) - if you haven't already, please open up the Programme Booklet on Google Docs here and have a quick scan - there is probably a section or question with your name on it, and if not you might be able to fill a gap or answer a question or two. We need to finalise by the end of the week latest latest, so review/comment/write away, before we start making (more) stuff up...

Abi Page on July 16, 2013:

Spoke to Barry Hall yesterday - we will keep the lanyard on the back burner until we have content and design for programme booklet sorted.

He has revised the design based on our previous feedback - attached for comment.
Q - do we need to include these extra workshops on the programme page, or can they fall onto another page? The table is really tight and this is without any plenaries.

AGI text for the intro section has gone to Anne for checking.

Barend Köbben on July 16, 2013:

Hi all (esp. Jeremy and Abi): for the maps I really need, in order of importance:
- a list of rooms in the EMCC and in other buildings that we will use
- the location of the marquee with respect to the EMCC
- the halls that will house participants (or should I assume all will be used)...?

Abi Page on July 16, 2013:

Hi Barend,
I raised this at the call on Friday as we also need this for the text. Jeremy had other commitments over the weekend but had offered to take a look at it today for us.
Thanks, Abi

Claire Gilmour on July 16, 2013:

Antony - can you give me access via

Barend Köbben on July 16, 2013:

Hi all,
find attached a first version of the Campus Map, for remarks, ideas, critique... Note that for now I have just highlighted all halls of residence (don't no which ones we'll actually use) and the EMCC and only one other buidling I know will be used in workshops (Granger). Other still open questions are:
  • what other buildings will be used in Workshops?
  • should I put in bus stops? I do not know which ones are relevant (for taking a bus into town). I assume the hopper busses don't run in september?
  • should I put in other parkings (can our participants use the ones labelled 'Park & display' on the official map)?
  • any other useful buildings you'd think should be in it (prayer rooms?)
I now assume that the campus map would be the one on page 2 (175mm wide x 120mm high), and the venue map will go on the back (165mm wide x 158mm high) -- note that this is as stated above, but  contrary to Barry Halls design setup...

Barry Hall on July 16, 2013:

Hi Barend
The back cover map dimensions are now 180mm w x 165mm h, I have changed the margins on the back cover. This won’t change again. 

Barend Köbben on July 16, 2013:

Noted. The other (page 2) campus map is still 175 x 120mm?  I'll deliver the maps in Illustrator, so you can adjust colours and  fonts where necessary. Is version CS 5 OK for you?

Barry Hall on July 16, 2013:

Yes, the other map is still 175 x 120mm. I have out it in place and it's looking good, CS5 is fine – I am running CS5.5. Illustrator file greatly appreciated!

Ian Edwards on July 17, 2013:

Hi Ant, could you share the programme booklet with: *
I'm unable to open it at the moment

Steven Feldman on July 17, 2013:

Abi, Antony and Barry - thanks you are doing a brilliant job

Re the design - I love most of it. Exception is the double page example of Thursday's programme, Barry can you come up with something that is a little moderner in feel, colour and styling?

the page of abstracts looks great to me

@Jeremy and @Rollo - there are some sections ini the booklet text that need contributions from you HINT, HINT

Antony Scott on July 17, 2013:

Steven, glad you like it – Abi is collating feedback on the design, so probably best if Barry holds off on further design changes until we’ve got all our comments together.

Steven Feldman on July 17, 2013:


Map looks great, thank you.

1 thought - the colours of the main roads seem to coordinate with those for the EMCC and the Clive Grainger. Would it make sense to tone them down and use a more neutral colour?

Barend Köbben on July 17, 2013:

Good tip. The building colors are not definite. Still waiting for info on
which buildings (halls for accommodation, others for workshops) we will
actually use. Also on where the marquee will be and which rooms we will
use in the EMCC.

Sh/could Jeremy be the one to provide this...?

Jeremy Morley on July 17, 2013:

Yes, sorry - life's a bit out of kilter at the moment. If I'm not moving house I'll do it before the weekend.

Jeremy Morley on July 17, 2013:

The main buildings are as follows:
Sir Clive Granger (workshops and presentations)
Hallward Library (one workshop stream)
Trent Building (one workshop stream)
Orchard Hotel
- at present we have others booked but nothing allocated to them

I think Claire uploaded the plan that we have for the marquee, on the lawn at the back of the EMCC. Let me know and I can forward if need be.

I haven't actually seen which halls we've been allocated. One for Claire to answer?

Barend Köbben on July 17, 2013:

Thanks Jeremy, sorry to push this but it seems the maps have to be ready at the end of this week.
I did get a plan of the marquee itself, but from that cannot see how it is placed with respect to the EMCC building. If you say "on the lawn at the back of the EMCC", that seems to imply it's connected at the back of the Banqueting hall (see attached sketch)...
Maybe Claire can also confirm or deny this, as well as tell me what halls we'll use?
And for the EMCC rooms: I should have known I could find  these in the schedule (dûh), so that's covered!

Abi Page on July 18, 2013:


I have spent a fair amount of time today filling in gaps in the brochure text and making text edits, as has Ant. Thanks to everyone who has spent time on this already - we still have a few gaps though:

  • Welcome from the University of Nottingham - need something here - Jeremy
  • Claire, can you check what I have written in the Information section, including registration details please.
  • Conference Locations - Claire can you find out which accommodation blocks we are using for Barend's map please
  • Where the GeoCamp is - See comment from Barend above - Claire / Jeremy
  • Other Conference Locations - I don't see the location of Unconference listed, anything else? Jeremy, can you help here.
  • Catering - Claire, what other refreshments are avail apart from meals (eg Tea/ coffee and when?)
  • Jeremy - will food be included for the excursion?
  • Mark - what is happening about food on Saturday, will BrewDog supply?
  • Accommodation breakfast - do we know what times this is served? (Claire)
  • Sponsors - Steven, remind me what are the obligations about including logos on the document, do we need to mention media partners?
  • Can someone check we have all the names spot on, eg we had "Sopra" and I think it is "Sopra Group".
  • Acknowledgements - are we missing anyone crucial?
  • Conference Location - can a local look at this section about Nottingham and revisit it with some practical details, eg how to get a bus into town, where from / how much etc Jeremy/ Mark / Suchith
  • Programme -Overview needs to be checked please - Rollo (or someone in his absence)
  • Main Programme - need to have a full, up to date main programme including plenaries
  • Workshops during event - need details of these and timings - is this now completed? Matt
  • OSGeo AGM, OS Geo, UK Chapter, Upcoming Events - still needs to be completed - Ian E
  • Unconference - Is this still going ahead - when / where?
  • Excursion night - we need information on this, currently blank - Jeremy / Mark
  • Closing Party - need information on this, currently blank - Mark / Ian H

Apologies if this info has already been provided and we have missed it - point us in the right direction.

Can EVERYONE have another look at where they can fill some of these gaps please? You might be able to help out someone else who is struggling to find time this week. The deadline for the text is tomorrow to Barry H and there are still quite a few items here. Add comments into the Google Doc.

Thank you!!

Barend Köbben on July 18, 2013:

Find attached the two maps as they stand now. I think they're sort of ready, but the things that really need checking are the placement of the marquee (for the important info of where to go in the EMCC to reach it), and the Halls which will be used (for now I've highlighted them all).

BTW, after my holidays (starting 24 July, back on August 14) I will make interactive version of them for the website, hopefully with some OpenLayers, OSM and D3 magic...

During my holidays I will try to get in on the calls (maybe mostly only listening and texting), but this all depends on internet availability.

Barry Rowlingson on July 18, 2013:

I don't see my name on this list, but I went through and fixed a couple of typos.

Ian Edwards on July 19, 2013:

I've added a short overview of the UK chapter and also the section above on
OSGeo (see end of document)

I've also pasted in suggested text from Jeff for the OSGeo AGM (near
geohack and code sprints)

We don't have times fixed for AGMs yet, so I've been vague on the details.

Steven Feldman on July 19, 2013:

Fantastic stuff everyone - it is coming together wonderfully

@Barend would still like to see the main buildings on the campus map having slightly more prominence and the main roads dimmed down a bit (but what do I know about cartography? according to Ken Field "nada"). Do we need to show all of the halls on the campus ma if we will not be using them?

The venue map is nice - just occurred to me (although you guys may have planned this) that we could use the colours of the main rooms on the venue map (might need one of Clive Grainger too) as colour guides for the rooms in the programme

Barend Köbben on July 19, 2013:

Hi Steven,
I was way ahead of you ;-) The room colours I used are the ones Barry H used in the design for the programme streams, so he could also use them for room assignments, I'd say...

I will look at the road colours again. Still waiting on info on the halls before I can "unhighlight" the ones we won't be using...

Abi Page on July 19, 2013:

Brilliant, thank you guys - will see where we are up to by the call this afternoon.

Jeremy Morley on July 19, 2013:

All, I've just uploaded a file "1201aa.pdf" containing a plan of the ground-floor of the Sir Clive Granger Building. This shows our lecture rooms (A39, A41, A31). Access from the EMCC would be from the left-most entrance.

Is this useful, do you want the first floor too, showing three of the workshop venues?

Barend Köbben on July 20, 2013:

I'll try to add the CG building to the venue map. Won't be able to fit the workshop rooms also in there (in that case I'd also need those in the Hayward and Trent, and it would be too much to fit anyway...). But do send them, I will make the maps later anyway for the website and as posters in the venues themselves.

Barend Köbben on July 20, 2013:

find attached the maps as I've sent them to Barry the Designer...

Steven Feldman on July 21, 2013:

Beautiful maps Barend


Abi Page on July 21, 2013:

+1 Thank you Barend, great job.

Jeremy, what is the story with the welcome??
I am going to send the text tomorrow morning.

Barry Rowlingson on July 21, 2013:

When do you need all the presentation texts? I just noticed one seems to have either slipped through our sub-editing procedure or has been snuck in craftily. I've also not updated the DB for the room changes and Rollo has been silent this weekend....

Antony Scott on July 21, 2013:

Abi are you OK to finalise the text tomorrow? Otherwise I can have a look at it in the evening.

Antony Scott on July 21, 2013:

Rollo away till Tuesday I think - we are assuming the programme details can wait a few days till he's back.

Abi Page on July 22, 2013:

Ant, I am just having a quick look over and then it will need to go.

Will email Barry H this morning and cc you. Hopefully programme stuff can follow asap when we have clarified any issues.

Ant, can you liaise with Barry R about what we need for the abstract texts for the presentations and also the workshop pages? Suggest if Barry R can order these in the order they appear in the programme with a reference number as per the July programe from the f2f (1,2,3...) etc then this will make life easier.

Cheers, Abi

Abi Page on July 22, 2013:


Emailed text to Barry H - text editing now turned off in Google Docs as we won'tbe able to easily spot any additional changes. If there are any big changes or text for missing sections please contact Ant or I.

Barry H has agreed an extension for the programme related info.

Rollo is working through what is needed for programme and making clarifications - we need all programme related text end of Wednesday latest - including workshops please. I assume most of this will be able to come from Barry R's database.

Barry Rowlingson on July 22, 2013:

I can bash out the programme text in any given format pretty quickly. See:

XML might be the most natural format, CSV is a bit iffy because of the variable number of presenters and the presence of encoded characters...

Antony Scott on July 22, 2013:

@Abi – Rollo has added some comments to the google doc, not sure if you get notifications.

Antony Scott on July 23, 2013:

Just wanted to finalise the plan for programme data inclusion in the booklet. Below is what Abi and I have discussed for inclusion:
1. Timetable version with Title/Speaker(s)/Ref no (?)., colour coded by theme
2. Listing in timetable order showing Title/Speaker(s)/Affiliation/Ref no.  (?)/Desc/Short URL
3. Speaker index showing speaker name/Ref no (?) or timeslot.

# 2 ties in pretty well with what Barry has here

a) do we want to use a ref no? Not sure if it helps, but it's been mentioned (I vote no)
b) are we including a short URL to find the full abstract on the website (I vote yes)
c) Barry H is going to colour code the full listing by theme - so he will need the theme for each presentation to drive this
d) Abi have Barry H said anything about how he wants the data? Barry R could provide anything standard.
e) Rollo, are we now ready to generate the data for print?

Abi Page on July 23, 2013:

Thanks Antony - my thoughts but go with what you think -

a) I think some sort of reference is needed, but could be for the stream rather than presentation. Rollo mentioned naming the streams but I reckon a number would be fine. For organisational purposes eg volunteers it would give us some reference "Is stream 5 covered?" etc.

b) I say yes

c) Do we still want this colour coded if it is not going to be coloured on the programme table? Would just the text eg "Theme: Academic" be ok/ less rainbow

d) Barry H originally asked for all text in ms word format, he want to be able to copy and paste it in. If it is formatted for header / paragraph etc I think this will help him. Do you want me to double check and if so what are the options I should offer?

We also need the same abstract text etc for all the workshops, ordered by day/time for the pre-booked and free workshops. Can this also be done at the same time?

Rollo Home on July 23, 2013:

1. Time table version:
A: Reference/Order. The Papers (slots) are organised into Sessions. Each Session is numbered ( I'd recommend using this reference in the programme to list the papers.

B: Colour coding: Papers are grouped around a theme, but due to the nature of the papers we received the themes are not strong through-out the programme. The concept of the theme or stream quickly fell-apart as either the number of themes grew to an unhelpful level, or the title became too generic to be helpful.

To counter this, each paper has a number of tags assocaited with it - these should appear on the programme (as shown here: I had imagined the Tags to be little icons in the corner of the text boxes for the papers.

Barry and I have debated as to the merits of naming the sessions (or at least grouping them into 'Focus Sessions' and 'Kaleidoscope Sessions' [which are a bit more a 'lucky dip!]). However it seems to me that this not that helpful. The only sessions that I would like to 'colour code' are the Newbie sessions as I think that it would be helpful to people to see which are dedicated to newcomers to FOSS.

2: Listing: Format of title: as Barry has it in as this the database which will generate all future output. Therefore:
  • Session ID
  • Title /
  • Tag(s) /
  • Author / Organisation /
  • 2nd Author / 2nd Organisation / (max. 2 authors?)
  • Short Desc

3. Speaker Index: sounds good.

4. Reference Number: I'd vote yes. Use the Session ID.

5. Short URL: I'd vote yes.

6. Colour coding: I'd vote no - with the possible exception of 'newbie session' (which for reference is 5 and 14).

7. The data can be cut and pasted from

8. The database holds the programme that I currently understand to be accurate (i.e. I've included all the changes that I'm aware of!)

Barry Rowlingson on July 23, 2013:

I'll sort this output tonight. Thoughts:
some preses have more than two authors, max six I think.
How do I id newbie papers? Tags?
I can do a speaker index: lastname, first names, presentation numbers (bold
for main speaker) in last name order.
Battery running out at wigan station.

Rollo Home on July 23, 2013:

Please see the timetable spread mock up:

1. In the timetable, I'd suggest only main author. The full author list can be made in the paper listing?

2. There is a Newbie tag - but I'd suggest also colour coding them. I'd suggest that this should be the ONLY colour coding used in the programme.

3. Speaker Index: cool

I really suggest that we do NOT colour code the papers by the themes as you have them currently. They make the programme look very disjointed. The thing to 'stress' in the design of the table are the SESSIONS. A simple bold black outline would be sufficient to make the blocks of papers apparent.

Has Barry H seen the Google Doc? I think it presents the programme structure quite well. For example, the way Barry H has shown lunch currently is wrong.

Rollo Home on July 23, 2013:


Campus map:

buildings that I think we need to show in addition to EMCC, Orchard Hotel and Halls of Residence are:
Sir Clive Granger (conference sessions and workshops)
Hallward Library (workshops)
ESLC Building (workshops)
Trent Building (workshops)

Abi Page on July 23, 2013:

Rollo, Barry H did see the programme as I had it but there had obviously been some mix up and I didn't find out until Friday I was using the spreadsheet set up for workshops which was no longer the definitive programme.....
I was hoping we could get all of this together before sending more onto Barry H in dribs and drabs, but it sounds like he is working on the programme table tomorrow so I will send him your overview (unless everything else is ready too later tonight and Ant is happy with what is being included / excluded etc ?)

Barry R / Matt we are also looking to confirm state of play with the workshop info - is that all in the database and ready to be sent as well?

Barend is on holiday now, we will have to see if we can make any amendments to the map down the line but we have overshot the deadline for this so suggest we keep this amendment for later and see what is possible when we feed back on the proof.

Barry Rowlingson on July 23, 2013:

The dummy layout (in technicolour) has no session titles (which will be Session 1, Session 2 going across). Each session block needs that otherwise the index has nothing to point to. Also if the index lists co-presenting but the table doesn't you won't know which talk it refers to, which is odd. However, if you don't list copresenters I think the index will be pretty thin. Or is the speaker index going to point to a list of talks with details which will also have the times for lookups? Maybe it works better that way. In which case talks need numbers.

I don't think the primary ids in the DB for the talks are consecutive. Would that bother anyone?

So we have:
List of sessions:
   Session ID number, time, place
   List of presentations in that session:
       Presentation ID number, title, all authors, affiliations, and short descriptions

Index of presenters in alphabetical order, with Session ID number, or maybe "Session ID (presentation ID number)". With that you can find Rollo Home in the H section, look up that session in the ordered session list and get all the details.

  Session ID
    Talk title

I don't think it needs presentation IDs since you would look up from here to the List of Sessions for more details, the presentation IDs are not in sequential order anywhere.

The technocolour dummy timetable looks okay with five presenters on some presentations so I suggest we keep them. Don't use affiliations on the timetable.

I would suggest maybe zebra-striping the table vertically in two shades of pale green for the background and highlighting the newbie sessions some other way. Maybe with stars or hearts or shiny sparkles. And anything that can be done, as Steven says, to make it 'moderner' and not look like a spreadsheet dump gets my vote.

Matt Walker on July 23, 2013:

Hi Abi,

The main workshop schedule on the website is up-to-date and I think it's good to be included in the programme:

You've probably just seen my post about the community workshops which should be ready really soon.



Abi Page on July 23, 2013:

I have suggested BarryH to hold off working further on the programme section until there is consensus on the layout / referencing etc.
If we need to catch up on the phone Ant let me know, otherwise will let you distill the comments and work out what is best? Can we have something sorted by tomorrow evening with all the workshops, text ready to copy paste etc?

Barend Köbben on July 24, 2013:

From my holiday home:
Granger, Trent and Hallward are already highlighted in the campus map. I am pretty sure Barry H can add the colour for any other building(s), if someone points out to him which of the (currently grey) buildings they are. He has the original illustrator files.

Antony Scott on July 24, 2013:

Thanks for all comments, Abi and I will finalise today. A couple of other questions (if they are already covered, please point me in the right direction):
  • Do we have the non-presentation bits of the programme (ie keynotes, intros, other bits and pieces) in place, and if so where?
  • @Matt, could you specify meaning of really soon :-)
  • What are lunch timings? The google doc I'm looking at says 11.30 till 1, but that doesn't sound right...
  • I'm assuming the timings for each presentation are in the database - I've only seen them on Barry H's mockup I think

Rollo Home on July 24, 2013:

1. 'other bits' of the main programme are all in place on the Google Doc (

3. Lunch - the above doc should show this clearly
Day 1 (Thurs):  13:00 - 14:30 (note: there are sessions running during lunch - this is deliberate to spread the lunch rush)
Day 2 (Fri): 12:30 - 14:00
Day 3: 12:30 - 14:00

4. Timings are for sessions are shown - within which the order of the papers is shown. Each paper slot is 30min (inc questions etc.)