The working site for the conference committee of FOSS4G 2013

Logistics Meeting (5th July) Agenda

Last saved by Rollo Home on July 5, 2013

Venue: Orchard Hotel - ask for FOSS4G meeting or Shelley Garden at the reception desks.

Expected outcome from the meeting - to have a complete logisitical time plan from Friday 13th(! when the marquee goes up) - Sunday 22nd September, particularly encompassing:

Questions for the Booklet:

If someone could keep some separate note on 'stuff to go in the programme for Abi/Ant, that would be very helpful.


Videoing presentations

The key things the recording team need:


10am Arrive, coffee, etc.

10:30am Run through the GeoCom and FOSS4G programmes as currently planned to review the list of logistical questions above as a framework for decisions during the day

11am Review exhibition plans, daytime catering plans, day-by-day

11:30am Review use of marquee, including:

12:30pm Lunch

1pm Walk through EMCC, Orchard Hotel, and maybe outlying rooms (eg IT clusters) to check suitability of booked spaces. [Could do this before discussing exhibition plans?]

2pm Review room allocations & catering for workshops and hackathon

2:30pm Review evening event logistics (including re-setting of facilities including the EMCC lecture theatre, and the marquee)

3pm Re-review FOSS4G programme - assign session to rooms

4pm Latest departure


Barry Rowlingson on June 29, 2013:

I've added PA System to the marquee use section - because it might require space for speaker stands at front (and possibly back) as well as a side table/chair at side of stage for mixing desk, amp etc.

Barry Rowlingson on June 29, 2013:

Request from someone who won't see the conference venue until the day (ie me): can you take lots of pictures? Then upload them (flickr?) and annotate?  Things like 'sign needed here', 'this big space is where the tent goes', etc.

Jeremy Morley on June 29, 2013:

Good plan, Barry - duly noted. (If you want to come on the 5th, you're welcome of course).

Barry Rowlingson on June 29, 2013:

Additional thought: check any issues with PRS licensing for music etc. Do we need it, does the EMCC cover it? Their staff should know...

Antony Scott on July 2, 2013:

I've added a few specific questions on things that could/should be in the conference booklet which it would to clarify on Friday if you can. Not necessarily an exhaustive list though...

Steven Feldman on July 3, 2013:

I have added the requirements for the eclipse video team

Jeremy Morley on July 5, 2013:

Note, our meeting room is in the hotel, not the main EMCC. If you ask at the reception of either building though, you should be directed to the room.

Ian Edwards on July 6, 2013:

When people see "FOSS4G" on mailing lists these days I think it's sometimes not clear whether the message is talking about a small regional event (/large regional event)- or the big international conference.

What are people's thoughts on using "FOSS4G International" in all publicity? For me, this holds the same excitement that "FOSS4G" use to.

I want to be sure we hit / exceed our 800 target

Barry Rowlingson on July 7, 2013:

I think we've tended to use 'Global' rather than 'International' - see the blurb on the front page for example. A continent-scale conference could still say they were "an international foss4g conference".

FOSS4G Global
FOSS4G Worldwide

"The FOSS4G conference for the whole geoid"

"FOSS4G-EPSG:4326" (then OSGIS UK would be FOSS4G-EPSG:27700)

Seriously I'd like OSGeo to consider that only one conference can use 'FOSS4G', and other conferences would be 'OSGeo-NA' or 'OSGeo-CEE', in order to protect and preserve the FOSS4G brand, although I can see the counter-argument that smaller FOSS4G-branded events draw strength and don't dilute the global conference by having FOSS4G in the name. If the conferences were called 'OSGeo-' it would also give more prominence to the organisation. I always find spelling out FOSS4G to people a mouthful, and I probably just say "Its the Open Source Geospatial conference".

But then you get into the argument between the 'Free' and the 'Open' people...

Jo Cook on July 8, 2013:

I think to be simple that we should stick with FOSS4G 2013- if it needs explaining then stick Global in it somewhere. Personally I think the other events should change their name, but that leads (in my head anyhow) into a big long rant about how rubbish the new system is. So I won't go there... 

In terms of publicity though- I agree that we want to hit our target- I think we just need to make sure that we shout the loudest :-)

Steven Feldman on July 8, 2013:

Let's not open this one up, i am with Jo on this (except I might rant a little more than her about the anarchic OSGeo/FOSS4G conference calendar and branding)

We are FOSS4G 2013 and let's leave it that way. AFAIK we are now the only event on the horizon, we control the twitter account, we have a comms team and press partners, Barry is doing a fantastic job on the lists - so let's turn up the noise

Barry Rowlingson on July 9, 2013:

Is there a write-up for the results of the site meeting last week? I can't make the teleconference meet this Friday and if you guys don't write it up soon you'll forget everything... At least that's my experience :)

Antony Scott on July 9, 2013:

There are some notes inline, but not sure if they are pre or post meeting. If someone could look at the 'conference booklet' section and respond where possible, that would be great - then Abi and I can get the first draft of the text out for review.
A reminder as well to edit your bio for the programme too if you haven't done so - 3 or 4 lines if poss.
Sorry but I can't make the call Friday either.

Ian Edwards on July 9, 2013:

Apologies from me for Friday - I'll be unable to read messages sent to my
Met Office email address from tomorrow night.

Steven Feldman on July 9, 2013:

@Ian Have you updated frequency of conference calls to weekly? Will we be able to log in without you?

Rollo Home on July 9, 2013:

I'm not available on Friday either. Something must be in air this week.

Barend Köbben on July 9, 2013:

Whatever is in the air, it's spread to the continent! I'm also unable to attend Friday...

Ian Edwards on July 10, 2013:

This Friday is scheduled as one of our normal, twice a month, meetings. It
will start automatically without me (I'm likely to not be available on
email around that time - but it's always worked auto-started okay in the

I can change the scheduling to every week when I get back into work
(hopefully on Tues next week)

Claire Gilmour on July 11, 2013:

I wont be calling in for the meeting this week either

Barry Rowlingson on July 24, 2013:

I notice a *lot* of questions still on this document - I thought the logistics meeting on July 5 was going to sort them out?