The working site for the conference committee of FOSS4G 2013

Stuff We Need to Have at EMCC

Last saved by Steven Feldman on September 10, 2013

Notice Board (from Tues am at GeoCamp then move to EMCC Wed pm)
to include:
- Information about restaurants for delegates to book
- Local Transport info
- Detail any spaces on paid for workshops and how to book / pay
- Free Workshop Booking Sheets (only to be displayed on day of workshop eg Thurs/ Fri/Sat)
- Wifi Info
- Info about leaving luggage at check out? (will we have a room for this?)
- Birds of a Feather info?
- Details on Excursions / when / where etc (not in programme brochure!)
- Venue Maps
- Drawing Pins

Conference office
Printer, tons of paper and spare cartridges
Labels for delegates we are bound to have some lates and some mistakes (Claire)
Extra labels in different sizes - who knows what we may need them for?
Laminator (Claire)
Something to make directions signs
Bluetack (Claire)
Gaffer tape (Claire)
Sellotape (Claire)
Staple gun (Claire)
Cable ties (Claire)
International plug adapters (Claire)
Trailing leads (loads) (Claire)
Macbook video adapters (Claire)
walkie talkies (Addy & Mark... anyone else that has a set?)
chocolate and beer
First Aid kit?
Batteries (AA and AAA) (Claire)
MapAction gift aid form (Ant)
Drawing Pins

General purpose toolkit (SF)
Battery powered drill (MI)

Unconference materials:
Session "board" - marked up with masking tape into grid.
Post its
Pens (Claire)

Session Rooms
Daily sheets showing what is going on, need to be printed and stuck on doors


Abi Page on July 22, 2013:

Thought it might be useful to start a list of things we are going to need to bring / have.

Barend Köbben on August 16, 2013:

I'll volunteer to create and bring venue maps based on the one in the booklet + ones fro the workshop venues.
=> Jeremy, please provide the exact workshop rooms/buildings

 I suggest putting them in all "venues": EMCC (at/near every room), Clive Granger, Workhops rooms, etc.
=> How many do we need, what size? (can be printed at ITC up to A0 size)
Will also create web versions for the site.

Barend Köbben on September 9, 2013:

I have just sent by courier to the EMCC a tube containing:
- Poster (A1) versions of the 3 maps: Campus map (3x) , EMCC floor plan (2x) and Clive Granger floor plan (2x). I propose to put one each up at the Conference desk, and one campus map and the appropriate floor plan at the entrance of the two buildings (EMCC and Granger)
- 4 laminated A4 versions of the same; these can be usefull to have lying around at the desk to show people rooms and buildings
- a couple of A3 paper versions of the same, to put up at different other places.

I have added the PDFs here also for later extra printing and maybe putting on the website somewhere (Barry?).

Claire Gilmour on September 10, 2013:

Extra labels in different sizes - who knows what we may need them for? - I have address labels, is this what is needed or do you have other ideas of what we need?

Something to make directions signs? - We have a printer and laminator what else is needed?

How many post its should I order for unconference? 

Anything that you need printed needs to be with me on Thursday morning.  We have a colour printer but it can only print A4.

Do you want me to buy pens for the unconference or are you happy for us to donate AGI pens that I have knocking around the office?

Steven Feldman on September 10, 2013:

Has anyone got a battery powered drill that they can bring just in case?

Mark Iliffe on September 10, 2013:

Yeah. Assign to me.

Steven Feldman on September 10, 2013:

Thanks Mark