The working site for the conference committee of FOSS4G 2013

Programme Listings

Last saved by Antony Scott on July 24, 2013

1. Timetable
  Session ID
    Lead presenter

As per proof but:
- no colour coding
- sessions highlighted (eg bold outline round block)
- vertical zebra stripes in two light shades of (eg) green
- 'newbie' sessions tagged, 'n' (include key below table)

Source for Barry H
Tidied version of this Google Doc - Ant to create.
@Barry R - can this be auto-populated with programme details as above, or will this need to be manual?

2. Full Programme Listing
   Session ID
   Day, time, place (eg Mon, 9.30am to 12.30am, location)
   List of presentations in that session:
       Short URL
       All presenters with affiliations
       Short description
- no colour coding

Source for Barry H
Barry R to generate in cut/pasteable form

3. Index of presenters
   Presenter in alphabetical order (last name, first name)
    Session ID(s)
Small print

Source for Barry H
Barry R to generate in cut/pasteable form


Antony Scott on July 24, 2013:

Abi, see this doc for summary of where we are. Issues:
  • Presentation IDs omitted - don't think there is much value
  • Presenters Index - is Session ID enough, or is title needed?
  • Tags: in timetable or listing
  • Lunch: google docs says 11.30 to 1.00 - is this correct? We need to make sure Barry H is clear about overlapping presentations and lunch
  • Remainder of programme - keynotes, intros etc - do we have details?
  • Workshops listing to be done
Do you have time for a chat to finalise? I am at home, skype or 01934 838676/07866 455515.

Abi Page on July 24, 2013:

I will give you a call over lunch if that's ok. Have you seen the google doc here:

That should have everything on it for plenaries etc if that is what you mean.

Antony Scott on July 24, 2013:

Final spec for programme listings above.
Barry - see question above - any way of populating the timetable? Assume everything else is do-able? When would you be able to do your stuff?

Barry Rowlingson on July 24, 2013:

The web page
cuts n pastes into OpenOffice okay.

Is it not the designers job to cut and paste the presentation text into the right boxes as per the designers design?

Antony Scott on July 24, 2013:

Well we can ask him. Are you OK to rejig the output as per the doc?

Barry Rowlingson on July 24, 2013:

I don't think I've had any feedback on whether the web page output is okay for the designer. For example, here's the lastname index page:

Now I think that might be better if the word "Session" wasn't so omnipresent in the column (and would make it compacter, this could all go in a multi-column index layout, for example), and for Alvarez Javier to appear between Alonso and Anand.

But regardless of all that, outputting to anything other than HTML, XML, or plain text is a pain. A CSV file isn't much of an option because the data isn't strictly record-oriented.

Barry Rowlingson on July 24, 2013:

Todo: rename buildings/rooms to match map.
Conform outputs to descriptions above
Make date format nice
Remove "Session" from "Sessions 22" on index
Fix A'lvarez (or memo to designer to shift)
Output to fairly plain html.

Barry Rowlingson on July 24, 2013:

Antony Scott on July 25, 2013:

Brilliant, thanks Barry. Over to Abi to pass to Barry H along with the print version of the timetable template here to put it all together.

Antony Scott on July 25, 2013:

By the way, what's the first part of the short URL?

Barry Rowlingson on July 25, 2013:

The full URL will be for a program and (maybe) for a session.

But these don't work yet and I haven't exactly worked out how but I'm pretty sure I can work the apache config magic to do it without breaking anything.

The 'maybe' for sessions is because "Session X" doesn't have database key Y or even have X as a field on its own, so some craftiness may be necessary. For presentations it'll just be an apache rewrite rule from /p/* to /conf/programme/presentation/* or similar.

Abi Page on July 25, 2013:

Barry this is amazing, thank you so much for magic-ing this up so quickly.

Is the suggestion then that we just put the end of the url next to the presentation and then at the bottom of the page or somewhere put the prefix as an instruction (add X to the end to view full abstract) - like tv phone voting?

Or should the URL be in full next to each?


Rollo Home on July 25, 2013:

Barry - this database of yours is a really neat tool. That's great. Wonder if Javier will mind being at the bottom of the index though....?!

Ant - I've made a tiny change to your programme spreadsheet. I've removed the word 'geoglobaldomination' from the first plenary session. This is because a) it might not happen and b) if it does, it's meant to be a surprise!

Barry Rowlingson on July 25, 2013:

@Abi: Note at the top saying "add the short URI to" to go to a presentation page online." (I think technically these are URIs and not URLs.) and the listing will just have "URI:/p/999"

@rollo yeah, he collates correctly on my dev box but the same fiddle on the live box doesn't work from the django when called from apache via wsgi, it works fine from django called from an interactive shell on the live box - I suspect a locale issue in the wsgi interface. want to debug it? Didn't think so. Workaround is currently a note on that page asking the designer to move that row to the right place.

Abi Page on July 25, 2013:

Cheers Barry, I think that will work really well. I have emailed all of that off to Barry H.

Now, workshops......

Pre-Booked workshops take from this page, yes?

I'm assuming it should just be the text from this page, without the table?

Free workshops..... Matt, anything sorted?

Matt Walker on July 25, 2013:

Hi Abi,

That's correct the pre-booked workshops can be taken from If we could include the schedule table it would be nice but not essential.

The free workshops are in the "Community Workshops - Reschedule" worksheet of

I'm waiting on a reply from Simone Giannecchini and I've also requested a sanity check from someone on the LoC to check that I've not inadvertently introduced any clashes with the main program (see



Abi Page on July 25, 2013:

Matt, can you get the information from the Community Workshops into a similar form as the booked workshops so that the designer can just lift it into the brochure please? (ie with presenter names, short description, room details etc).

Rollo Home on July 25, 2013:

Barry - I'll give it a go. No, hang on. I won't. ;-)
Matt - have you actually asked someone from the LoC to sanity check or was that a question to the LoC for someone to check?

Barry Rowlingson on July 25, 2013:

Who on the LoC has sanity left to check?

Tonight I think i'll try and add copresenters to the workshop list, and ponder putting community workshops and plenary sessions into the database.

Matt Walker on July 26, 2013:

Hi Abi,

I've asked Jo to do the sanity / clash check on the Free Workshops (see seemed like she had some sanity remaining this morning when we spoke :-))

If no issues are found I'll happily format for Barry H. Should I add it to the Google Doc? If so which one?



Matt Walker on July 28, 2013:

Hi Abi,

Just shared with you which lists the Free Workshops suitable for inclusion in the programme.



Rollo Home on July 29, 2013:

Abi, just made some tweaks to the programme Google Doc:
1. added the AGM to Friday evening (between plenary and party)
2. added in the closing party of Saturday night
3. re-sized the plenary boxes to indicate their room allocation.  I realise that I've been trying to show two things with the programme - the rooms that things are happening in and the 'importance of sessions' (i.e. nothing else is running against the plenaries. This doesn't really work - and was already picked up in the early design by Barry H...I'm sure he has a better way of showing things.

Abi Page on July 29, 2013:

Thanks for this guys - now content has been sent to Barry H anything that needs to be changed will need to be noted and amended in one go at the proof stage. Parties are not included on the main session programme table, but if you want the OSGeo AGM on there you will need to highlight it as a change.

Ant has set up a list for these changes (or things to check are still current) here:

If you can group the changes together into the relevant sections etc that would be perfect.

Matt, if you get changes for any of the workshops - or Rollo there are any changes to speak abstracts for presentations etc, you need to note them on that list or they will not be picked up. We don't have the resources to double check all of these during the proof stage.

Thanks, Abi

Abi Page on July 29, 2013:

Matt, as per comment above I have looked at the free workshops Google Doc and it is open to editing, can you control this please (ie store changes elsewhere or log all the changes made on the basecamp list) or we will need to re-check all of the text which will be a pain.
Thanks, Abi

Matt Walker on July 29, 2013:

Hi Abi,

Done, everyone can comment only I can edit.



Abi Page on July 29, 2013:

Thanks Matt.

Here is a sneak peak of what Barry H is working on for the programme pages, they are taking a bit of time to put together so some initial feedback would be helpful - given there were a few strong opinions about this - before he goes much further.


Barry Rowlingson on July 30, 2013:

Okay, there's some inconsistent italicisation which I guess is maybe experimental - I prefer the titles upright and names italic.

Room titles at the top are teeny tiny...

Are the plenary sessions only in the auditorium? I thought we had spillover and screen-duplication into the banqueting room? This would give the plenary sessions a bit more space on the programme since currently there will be 8 empty boxes next to the plenary sessions.

Don't like repetition of SESSION X within sessions, which are already indicated by the dark green boxes. I think it really only needs to appear in the first box.

I'm not sure about the bright pinky-purple NEWBIE screamer, but I don't have a better idea...

Antony Scott on July 30, 2013:


Will have a look this evening.

Jo Cook on July 30, 2013:

I agree with Barry- the room titles are too small- can they be the same size as the times down the left side? There is definitely some inconsistency in the presentation and names- along with the italicisation speaker names should be on a new line below the title. 

What's the intention with the Newbie thing? Do we need it?

In general though, it looks nice and clear. 

Steven Feldman on July 30, 2013:

This looks way better than the excel printout previously :)
My thoughts are
  • Room names too small
  • For plenaries merge Auditorium and Banqueting and step up font size
  • I agree about the use of Session 1... being a waste of space and repetitious. How about using bolder green font for session title? If there is a case for the session number (which I can't think of) then we could just prefix or suffix the session title with a number
  • Agree we need consistency re italicisation (if any)
  • Are we going to have a series of tags, just the newbie tag or what?
Nearly there

Abi Page on July 30, 2013:

I think we do need a session number for the later index / full text desciptions to work, but this could perhaps just be a number in the corner of the bold box, that would give Barry more space - he is really struggling to fit everything on due to long titles. I suspect this is why the room names are so small, but will ask him to look at this.

Tags - the decision was just to go with the newbie tags on the table, then full tags on the longer text with abstracts. I don't really like the pink either... and I think we need to amend to make it clear it is suitable for newbies, but not just for newbies...

Will pick up again when Ant has had a chance to catch up.

Barry Rowlingson on July 30, 2013:

I did have a thought that instead of SESSION 11 three times you could just have 11.1 11.2 and 11.3 - would that be clear enough and not need a wordy "The xx.y in the timetable refers to session xx and presentation y". It wouldn't need a line on its own (but would need to be in dark green or highlighted some other way) so would take up less space.

How about literally highlighting the newbies sessions with a fake yellow highlighter? Or an icon? I'd use an L-plate for a UK conference, but that might not be global enough.

Steven Feldman on July 30, 2013:

If we used icons could we have a few? Max 4, I guess. Or do we keep simple and leave more space for the title and presenter? And session number in xx.x format of course

Rollo Home on July 30, 2013:

  • I would have to agree with the proposed changes above.
  • In regard to the tags, I'd agree with Abi that the best place for them was in the main listing. The Newbie tag is a delicacy to ensure that we don't get hardened OSGeo'er feeling talked down to, and also to encourage 'newbies' to come along with a dedicated set of talks for them. So I'd like to keep this on the 'grid' layout. Don't mind the pink per se.
  • Only new thing from me, I'd make the breaks/lunch the same colour to make them stand out. Maybe we should also use that space in the lunch slot to provide some instruction as to 'sittings' and where lunch will be served?

Antony Scott on July 30, 2013:

Comments pretty much as above - titles more prominent, don't repeat session name, newbie label needs to be less prominent (just a discrete 'n' would be fine), plenaries across banqueting column, no other tags (it would be too much clutter). Also - is it colour-blind safe?

Matt Walker on August 1, 2013:

Hi Abi,

I have a change of presenter of one of the Free Workshops, am I too late to amend the Free Workshop Schedule Google Doc? If so I guess I need to add it to



Abi Page on August 1, 2013:

Yes, Barry has pulled the text through now so put it on that list and we will send him a list of all the amends in one go.

Abi Page on August 6, 2013:

I have had a look through the programme book text and web text and made updates where there were differences. A few sections are outstanding:

 - general housekeeping info, re internet access, what time to register, etc - I don't think we need this on the website as well as in the book?

- some additional programme info - nothing on Birds of a Feather or Unconference on the website that I can see. Should I add new pages for these?

I have updated the entertainment for Dog track and Closing party based on what we have for programme - but that isn't much, so both still need details added.

Steven Feldman on August 6, 2013:

I have added Jeremy's text on Going to the Dogs and I have made up a bit about the closing party (Mark can you check?)