The working site for the conference committee of FOSS4G 2013

Programme Booklet: Requests for changes

Last saved by Jeremy Morley on August 14, 2013


For the inset map of the Park campus relative to the city, is there any scope is shifting this slightly to show the Derby Road intersecting with the ring of roads around the city centre (where the "CITY" label is located?  The main bus route into town from the campus runs along Derby Road.
- I'd take the "P" symbol off the Sports centre as it's not really relevant for our purposes.
- The Portland Building is referred to in the text. Should this be highlighted on the map (east of the Trent Building on the map, on East Drive).

Replace the last paragraph of Steven's welcome with:

Robin Hood is the mediaeval and possibly mythical hero of Nottinghamshire. He allegedly stole from the rich to give to the poor and challenged the established order, more recently his name has been adopted for an Open Source license (yes go search for it). I think Robin Hood would have been quite impressed by the FOSS4G community that has gathered here this week to celebrate our efforts and achievements in making "Geo for All".

Enjoy yourselves!


P1: shift the text under Steven's photo down a bit? It looks unnecessarily crammed up under the photo

P3: The text wrapping looks different for Anne's and Jeremy's sections: Jeremy's text wraps under his photo. Might be neater in the same format?

Conference Info and Admin:

P4 "Additional workshops take place throughout the main conference days," -> "Additional 'free workshops' take place throughout the main conference days,"

"the East Midlands Conference Centre (EMCC), on Nottingham University’s main campus" - change "main" to "Park".

"Within the conference, the main locations are" - change to "For FOSS4G, the main locations are" (I don't like the "Within" - Jeremy).

P5: "On Tuesday and Wednesday lunches for workshop participants will be available from the Sir Clive Granger Building for workshop participants." -> "On Tuesday and Wednesday lunches for workshop participants will be available from the Sir Clive Granger Building."

Catering para 2: GeoCamp (not geocamp)

See note above about highlighting the Portland Building on the map.

"In using the conference Internet, you will be required to agree to the University of Nottingham terms and conditions for internet use." - change "the University of Nottingham" to "our service providers' " because we are using the DeVere network in the EMCC & GeoCamp, but the UoN network in the other buildings.

"There is porter cover until 12am" - just to be clear, change to "12 midnight"?

P6: "Don’t leave bags, phones, laptops or other equipment unattended" - has an extra line break crept in between "or" and "other"?

"The emergency services number in the UK is 999."  Add:
"On the University of Nottingham's University Park campus, the university's emergency number is 0115 951 8888 (this is an ordinary external phone number) or 8888 from an internal phone. You will need to give the nature and location of the incident

For non-emergency problems, security can be contacted on extension 13013 from any internal phone."

Sponsors & Advertisements:

Organising Committee, Volunteers & Thanks:
Acknowledgements add

Conference Location:

Programme, keynotes, presentaiton listings, workshops etc...:
Programme Listing changes (from BR):
10.2 presenter not italic
20.2 presenter not italic
36.1 presenter's first name not italic!
59.1 presenter not italic and missing character "Cr ciunescu" - font problem? This in Adobe Acrobat Reader X. If I cut and paste the text in here I get Crăciunescu. Maybe its not a problem in print....
59.2, 59.3 presenter names not italic

Details section:
p29 Robert Houghton (University of Nottingham) not italic
p30 Giorgio Zamboni (Politecnico di Milano - DICA) not italic
p31 Everyone under the 'MapRoad..' presentation not italic
p34 Mathieu Coudert (Astrium GEO-Information Services) not italic
p35 Peter Smart and Rob Hawkes have empty parens because they have no affiliation. Drop the empty parens.
p39 Stefanos Vrochidis has empty parens
p40 Jacki Olsen has empty parens
p41 Nart Tamash has empty parens, three additional presenters not italicised
p41 Blake Crosby has empty parens (although I think he's pulled out)
p43 Vaclav Klusak has empty parens
p43 Chris Holmes has empty parens
p45 Vasile Cr_ciunescu has that missing character again.
p45 Vladimir Agafonkin empty parens

Reference Section
p54 Could heading say "Alphabetical list of presenters and sessions" because otherwise its not stated what the numbers are.
p54 Cr_ciunescu has missing character again
About OSGeo & UK Chapter:

Anything else:

Site map & contents page


Antony Scott on July 24, 2013:

Abi - have started a list of potential changes to booklet for consideration at proof stage. Could you add anything you know about? We can decide later which to include.

Barry Rowlingson on August 2, 2013:

Had an idea. Instead of the 'newbie' tag or 'N' which I think we're all a bit uncomfortable with, how about adding a '[g4a]' button/icon/text to them and a footnote something like: "g4a talks spotlight our 'Geo 4 All' theme, introductory presentations to get beginners into the technologies"

too late?

Abi Page on August 2, 2013:

Barry, sounds nice but it is probably a little late - Barry H is going ahead with the N - I think it looks fine.

Rollo Home on August 2, 2013:

A nice idea for sure - shame if the opportunity has passed...but hey.

Abi Page on August 3, 2013:

Can EVERYONE in the LOC (apart from Steven) please send a high res photo of themselves to Barry H by email as soon as you can and cc me in? This is to accompany the text on the LOC page.
The images on the web aren't good enough - unless someone has collected high res versions already, in that case let me know!

email: cc abi,


Barry Rowlingson on August 3, 2013:

"As soon as I can" for me is going to be 11th August - all my hi-res pics are on my Windows box at home and I'm not at home...
 I could try and take a new one here I suppose...

Abi Page on August 4, 2013:

Thanks for letting me know Barry, do what you can - I will let Barry H know.

Steven Feldman on August 6, 2013:


Slight revision to my closing paragraph posted here

Abi Page on August 11, 2013:

Ok everyone, here are the proofs for checking. 2 files, PAGES for checking page content and the other to show the SPREADS. These are low res for now. There is space for a couple of pages of images that Barry thinks will really help with the visuals- he has contacted Nottingham Tourism Board to ask if they have anything free we can use - does anyone on LOC have anything suitable?

The deadline for checking this and commenting is Wednesday night. I have limited time this week, so please can everyone take some time to look at it in case I miss anything. Put all the comments in the space here - unless it is a programme change and then put that on the thread referenced above.


Barry Rowlingson on August 11, 2013:

The column formatting on the list of volunteers is a bit shonky because Maria el Pilar Reyes Careaga crashes into the third column. Also, there's a 'Jermiane Hutchison' which is an odd first name which might be 'Jermaine'? But maybe not. Karl-MagnusJohnsson doesn't seem to have a space in his name, maybe you can take the extra space in Pieter    Kempeneers who seems to have too many. There's also an 'Elisabet' with no last name...

10.2 presenter not italic
20.2 presenter not italic
36.1 presenter's first name not italic!
59.1 presenter not italic and missing character "Cr ciunescu" - font problem? This in Adobe Acrobat Reader X. If I cut and paste the text in here I get Crăciunescu. Maybe its not a problem in print....
59.2, 59.3 presenter names not italic

Details section:
p29 Robert Houghton (University of Nottingham) not italic
p30 Giorgio Zamboni (Politecnico di Milano - DICA) not italic
p31 Everyone under the 'MapRoad..' presentation not italic
p34 Mathieu Coudert (Astrium GEO-Information Services) not italic
p35 Peter Smart and Rob Hawkes have empty parens because they have no affiliation. Drop the empty parens.
p39 Stefanos Vrochidis has empty parens
p40 Jacki Olsen has empty parens
p41 Nart Tamash has empty parens, three additional presenters not italicised
p41 Blake Crosby has empty parens (although I think he's pulled out)
p43 Vaclav Klusak has empty parens
p43 Chris Holmes has empty parens
p45 Vasile Cr_ciunescu has that missing character again.
p45 Vladimir Agafonkin empty parens

Reference Section
p54 Could heading say "Alphabetical list of presenters and sessions" because otherwise its not stated what the numbers are.
p54 Cr_ciunescu has missing character again

I'll have an espresso now and then have a serious read through... j/k

Antony Scott on August 11, 2013:

Will have a look today.

-------- Original message --------

Abi Page on August 11, 2013:

Ha, thanks Barry. Can you chuck this into the text above under the relevant section if you have time - otherwise I will do so later - will make it easier to keep it all together.
Volunteer names I took straight from the sign-up form & sent to Barry, so there are likely typos, I will have a look.

Thanks, Abi

Antony Scott on August 11, 2013:

Have reviewed and added changes to doc above (including Barry's). Will have another look before Wed.

Rollo Home on August 11, 2013:

Abi - first impression is good. Really good.
I'll now start pulling it apart ;-)

Matt Walker on August 12, 2013:

I've reviewed the workshop content, added corrections and amendments to the text document and the Programme changes to-do list as appropriate.

Abi Page on August 13, 2013:

Reminder- I need all your comments and detailed reading by tomorrow night please.

Jeremy, have you managed to check the maps and the content about Nottingham?

Thanks, Abi

Rollo Home on August 14, 2013:

Abi - what is the best way to provide changes in the programme tables to you? Is it by 'session'? in a table or listed in the document or....

Abi Page on August 14, 2013:

Rollo, whatever you think is the most clear for Barry - I was going to use the above to send him a word doc, with changes listed with page ref in order. If you send me similar for prog, I can just paste it in.

Jeremy Morley on August 14, 2013:

Abi, (and Barend)

OK, here we go:
Site map & contents page: for the inset map of the Park campus relative to the city, is there any scope is shifting this slightly to show the Derby Road intersecting with the ring of roads around the city centre (where the "CITY" label is located?  The main bus route into town from the campus runs along Derby Road.
- I'd take the "P" symbol off the Sports centre as it's not really relevant for our purposes.
- The Portland Building is referred to in the text. Should this be highlighted on the map (east of the Trent Building on the map, on East Drive).

P1: shift the text under Steven's photo down a bit? It looks unnecessarily crammed up under the photo

P3: I've got Anne's signature!!  I'll try and dig out a more casual picture this evening as that's what everyone else has chosen!!
- The text wrapping looks different for Anne's and my section: my text wraps under my photo. Might be neater in the same format?

P4: "the East Midlands Conference Centre (EMCC), on Nottingham University’s main campus" - change "main" to "Park".

"Within the conference, the main locations are" - change to "For FOSS4G, the main locations are" (I don't like the "Within").

P5: see note above about highlighting the Portland Building on the map.

"In using the conference Internet, you will be required to agree to the University of Nottingham terms and conditions for internet use." - change "the University of Nottingham" to "our service providers' " because we are using the DeVere network in the EMCC & GeoCamp, but the UoN network in the other buildings.

"There is porter cover until 12am" - just to be clear, change to "12 midnight"?

P6: "Don’t leave bags, phones, laptops or other equipment unattended" - has an extra line break crept in between "or" and "other"?

"The emergency services number in the UK is 999."  Add:
"On the University of Nottingham's University Park campus, the university's emergency number is 0115 951 8888 (this is an ordinary external phone number) or on 8888 from an internal phone. You will need to give the nature and location of the incident For non-emergency issues, security can be contacted on extension 13013 from any internal phone."

P10: no photo visible for Suchith?
- is it just my eyes, or are the left margins slightly different for the headings and main text? Probably just me...

P11: various photos missing

P12: Matt's photo missing.
- Acknowledgements: I know we're paying them but should be explicitly thank the staff of De Vere & the EMCC?

P13: "Bus: University Park and Jubilee Campus are both on major bus routes" - add:

 ", in particular the 34 bus route provides a direct link from the University Park campus along Derby Road to the city centre. It loops around the city centre to return. Details including maps of this service can be found here: 

Generally any of the Nottingham City "Orange Line" services stop close by the University Park campus - for example you can get off by the Queens Medical Centre at the end of Derby Road and walk into the campus at the North Entrance. See route details here:

The best bus service to and from East Midlands Airport is the Skylink which stops on University Boulevard, close to the South Entrance of the University Park campus. More details are available from the Trent Barton bus company, here:  

Cycles: the City of Nottingham run a cycle hire scheme called "Citycard Cycles". To get access, you need first to get a free Nottingham Citycard ( ). You can then register for the cycle scheme ( )."

Relates to the programme - could we add the opportunity of a Birds of a Feather session "Later" on Friday?

From this point I only checked pages 51 and the back cover map (both ok).


Barend Köbben on August 14, 2013:

He Jeremy,
I will make a new version of the site map tomorrow morning and send that to Designer Barry ...

Abi Page on August 14, 2013:

Thank you Barend, that is really helpful.

Jeremy Morley on August 14, 2013:

I've integrated my suggestions into the text document.  And yes, thanks Barend.

Ian Edwards on August 14, 2013:

Apologies for the late edits - I'm done now

Suchith Anand on August 14, 2013:

Abi, sorry for being late. I will send my photo tomorrow morning. It is in my office machine. Thanks for the great work.

Barend Köbben on August 15, 2013:

Some moving, scaling and slight manipulation of reality resulted in campusmap version 2. Added as PDF and Illustrator here and also sent directly to Designer Barry...

Barend Köbben on August 15, 2013:

Are we sure we want the Cycle scheme mentioned in the booklet?
I checked out the site (as a Dutchman I'm supposed to like biking), but you need this CityCard for it, and found that "you can apply at any city leisure centre, city library or the NCT Travel Centre. You'll need to complete a short form (...) we'll post your card directly to your home address. This normally takes around 10 working days."
Not really usable for conference participants...

Rollo Home on August 15, 2013:

Abi - do you know the source of the programme that Barry was working to? There are MANY errors, and these are not things that have changed at our end. I'm wondering what the best way to get these changes to him are as the spreadsheet list is looking quite depressing......and not finished yet. (Also any change in the table will reflect in the presentation detail pages). :-(

Jeremy Morley on August 15, 2013:


You may be right about the Citycard - too late once there. Depends whether people look at the information in advance from the PDF or just the website.

The maps look good, thanks


Mark Iliffe on August 15, 2013:

My experience was on the day, I walked into the NCT Centre at Market Square and walked out with one...

Sent from my iPad

Abi Page on August 15, 2013:

Rollo - he was directed to the database outputs that Barry put together. When you do you think you will have the list of changes? If it is depressingly long then there isn't much we can do about that... we just need to get it to him asap to have a chance of meeting the print deadline.

Steven Feldman on August 15, 2013:

Barend's comments about cycle scheme make sense. Perhaps we should remove?

Abi Page on August 15, 2013:

Need to draw a line under this now, so no more changes please.

Antony Scott on August 15, 2013:

Abi are you OK to work on this? I've got some time tomorrow am, so give me a shout.

Abi Page on August 15, 2013:

Ant, I am going to have a look this evening and then will email you an update and if anything is outstanding - have promised I will stay away from the computer tomorrow....

Jeremy Morley on August 15, 2013:

Don't know where we ended up with the cycles. Leave it in I say, with the caveat that delegates may be able to get the Citycard in person from the Old Market Square office.

Abi Page on August 15, 2013:

Ant - I have emailed all the changes over plus a couple of other items I noticed when going through. If you have spotted any howlers in the list I've sent over then let me know but I think we need to minimize changes now. Sorry I haven't had much chance to discuss these with you etc... I was hoping we would have more time, it has fallen on a bad week.

Rollo - as per the Google docs sharing note, when you have the list of changes please send them to Ant and I. Ant, if you think this needs re-formatting for Barry can you have a go?

If anyone else spots any errors now I don't want to know about them! (Although we should start an Errata list for the conference notice board for major issues.... can someone set this up?)

Antony Scott on August 16, 2013:

Abi, looks good to me from a quick scan. I’m around over the weekend if there are queries. Have created the errata doc. Have we had all the LOC pics now?

Barry Hall on August 16, 2013:

"There are MANY errors, and these are not things that have changed at our end. I'm wondering what the best way to get these changes to him are as the spreadsheet list is looking quite depressing...."

Any ideas what happened here? Was I working from old content?? I'm a bit concerned about timings – is it really bad???

Antony Scott on August 16, 2013:

@Rollo, @BarryR: just wanted to clarify the process for sending Barry H changes to the programme listing (see also his post and Rollo's post in this thread). He was working from I'm assuming this is live, and so represents the current state of the programme, in which case we need to find a way of reconciling it with the version as it was when he downloaded. Not sure if there's any way of diffing, but otherwise if it needs a manual trawl I can help with this. However we do it, we need to get a schedule to Barry H asap. Thoughts?

Barry Rowlingson on August 16, 2013:

Yes that link is live.

I think I messed up. The ordering in that listing page isn't the ordering in the programme. Cocks.

Barry Rowlingson on August 16, 2013:

I've added a 'position' integer to that listing until I can get the things sorted by position.


Barry Rowlingson on August 16, 2013:

Okay, that's fixed. Presentations are in the right order. Am going to now beat myself up with a stick.

Barry Rowlingson on August 16, 2013:

Barry, I stupidly didn't sort the presentations within sessions by the order they appear in. I've just fixed that on the page so now that should correspond with reality and our online timetable. I'm also kicking myself hard in the shins for this.

I hope its not too much trouble to get everything in the right time slot. If there's anything more we can do to help, ask.

Barry Hall on August 16, 2013:

Hi Barry
What page range(s) in the Programme PDF (PAGES FOSS4G Conf Prog A4 Design v6.pdf) have to change? Is it a matter of re-flowing everything on those page range(s)? 

Antony Scott on August 16, 2013:

Barry (H),

We have a call shortly – probably best if we get back to you later this pm, once we’ve had a chance to review.

Barry Rowlingson on August 16, 2013:

Yes, many of the talk positions within the sessions on pages 20 to 25 are wrong.

The ordering of presentations on pages 26-47 is then wrong also.

I don't think the index fro p54 has changed because of my mistake, but there have been a small number of programme changes separate from this.

Barry Hall on August 16, 2013:

Ok Antony; sounds good. Thanks

Antony Scott on August 16, 2013:

Spoke to Barry Hall. His preference is to rerun the import process from the links we gave him before, viz:

So as long as the programme is the best it can be, and the links above are correct, we can give him the green light (though he probably won't look at it until mid-week), and we wouldn't need a schedule of changes.
@Barry, @Rollo can you confirm?

We would have PDF on Thursday - I'm  not 100% sure of the print deadline, but think this is OK.

He is going to look at the lanyard on Monday.

Barry Rowlingson on August 16, 2013:

some of those links are currently wrong too... will fix

Barry Rowlingson on August 16, 2013:

Okay, those links now give everything in the correct sort order (apart from Mr Alvarez with an accented A, but he gets a special mention)

I've been editing this on the live server so I'll probably do something stupid like push the dev server back to it later and trash all this.

Barry Rowlingson on August 16, 2013:

I've also restyled the timetable listing page a bit to look more like the PDF, and included the session.position counter, and put the newbie N at the end. Hope that makes Barry's job a bit easier!

Rollo Home on August 16, 2013:

Barry, these are looking good now. I've checked all the 'actual' programme changes that I know about and they are appearing on all three sets of pages - as you'd expect - and in the right order.

Antony - that being the case, you don't need my list?

Question to both: in the Presentation Details the sessions are listed in 'start time' order. This means that sessions 39 - 42 are listed ahead of 37. Suggestion: can we,
a) put a note on p26 to state the ordering is by start time and not Session ID (preferred option - simpler), or
b) re-order in session order?

Abi Page on August 17, 2013:

Guys, thanks so much for getting to the bottom of this and catching up with Barry. I would prefer the sessions in numerical order if at all possible to make it easier to look up from the table/ speaker index, but if it is a big pain then this is minor.

Antony Scott on August 17, 2013:

Rollo: correct, list not now needed, Barry will use current (when he downloads) version of database.

Rollo Home on August 17, 2013:

Great. Thanks. Let me know otherwise.

Abi Page on August 19, 2013:

Barry H is asking me for the final urls, are the links above all ready to send over, all updates made on the database? Thought I should check...

Rollo Home on August 19, 2013:

The database is up to date of any changes that I am aware of to the programme (we've had no new ones in over the w/e - Friday was the last change). Any changes from here on will be etc.

Workshops? - Matt
URLs? - Barry

Barry Rowlingson on August 19, 2013:

Looks good to me.

Abi Page on August 20, 2013:

Matt, workshops ok now?

Matt Walker on August 20, 2013:

All of the changes in the "programme changes" to-do list are incorporated in:



Abi Page on August 22, 2013:

Final Proof - a chance to pick up any howlers, but not a chance to change our mind about text etc.

Claire & Ian, we didn't have pictures of you so I have found some and these are in there.

Deadline to have a look at this is Sunday night.

Rollo Home on August 23, 2013:

Abi. This is great. I can't wait to see the printed version.
Only comment: is there meant to be a timetable for the Free Workshops? p 50.

Most of the most recent programme changes have been picked up, which is great. We're still getting updates (one cancel today) :-(

Abi Page on August 26, 2013:

We never included a timetable for those (I assume because it wasn't there on the web) and also we are a bit tight of space for that section to add it in now - there are only a few each day so hopefully it will be ok without.

All other minor changes sent off to Barry and I don't intend to look at it again until we see it in print :-)

Abi Page on September 3, 2013:

Now at printer, thanks everyone.

Two remaining points:

1) I need the address, contact name and phone number for the delivery to pass to the printers. Can someone point me to the details I should use?

2) The print pdf now needs to be put online - the resolution needs to be reduced (probably) and the hyperlinks to be sorted out. I can do this, but not until later in the week. If someone else wants to pick this up earlier then let me know.


Claire Gilmour on September 3, 2013:

here you go...I cant find the foss delivery note at the moment but I promise I wont nick them for Geocom

Antony Scott on September 3, 2013:

Here's the FOSS4G one...

Abi Page on September 4, 2013:
