The working site for the conference committee of FOSS4G 2013

Team Call 2013-07-26

Last saved by Suchith Anand on July 26, 2013

Attendees: Steven, Jo, Jeremy, Suchith, Abi, Barry, Rollo, Claire, Matt

Apologies: Ant, Ian Holt


Outstanding action points from last week

Numbers as of 24/7
599 delegates inc sponsors (avg 561 per day)
420 hotel rooms (nights) across week
982 uni rooms across week
Icebreaker 110
Party 63
JGM: I'd be interested to know who's registered from the OGC Board but that may be difficult to mine, I realise.

Jeremy notes that we might have 800 delegates by the end of registration period. Steven agrees

Venue stuff
EMCC contract signed without us having to commit to any unwanted hotel rooms - hooray!
Lasse (the General Manager) and Shelley were very relieved when we met today!

Marquee - Jeremy
On-going discussion following a useful three-way meeting between myself, EMCC and Field&Lawn today. Expect to resolve it all within 3 weeks.

Jeremy had meeting with Field & Lawn for discussion on Marquee. 2-3 days to setup. Stage furniture , heating all discussed.

PA requirements (Barry - for Thursday night) to be reminded to Jeremy. Abi has volunteer (Barry Norman?) for any technical support. Jeremy will cc in Barry in emails to Field & Lawn.

There is already a field in booking for dietary requirements not accessibility. Claire to email to have questions on assessibility and T-Shirt size on her email to delegates.

Upgrade booked for Wifi; putting series of weather proof plugpoints in the marquee. Network connections should be ready by Sunday.

Thanks to Jeremy for his efforts.

Programme update - Rollo
Workshop update - Matt
Geohack update - Ian E
Update on booklet - Abi and Ant [Text and all main programme details with Barry H. Awaiting final workshop schedule and output]

Rollo updated program is more or less fine.
Unconference is also fine.

AGM no information as of now. Jo informed AGM to be slotted for two hours ? in some time evening. Solo slot is only available on Saturday after close or Sunday otherwise need to be in parallel streams.

Another possibility to hold AGM  on Friday evening in the marquee (best solution)

Might check with Peter to find numbers attending AGM in Denver?
Steven to send mail to Jeff and Peter

Map Gallery - everything in shape. Need security in marquee. Jeremy to speak to DeVera and get quote. About 15 or 20 submissions. Some video submissions etc.
Will keep the submission deadline open.

Suchith to email Matt, Rollo on ELOGeo (cc Adam Roussell)

Thanks to Rollo for his efforts.

Workshop update by Matt. Everything on track. Open up the conference workshop list for presenters. Jo to format the workshop text.

Thanks to Matt, Jo.

GeoHack - Steven updated that little info on GeoHack as of now. Communications not coming from MetOffice (not sure why). Very little time for LOC to be involved So leave them to get on with it.
Mark has asked for updates but no info . Steven has also emailed (12th July) and raised concerns to Ian. Steven will send another mail.

Abi updated on booklet and discussions with Barry (printer). Jeremy to update on University welcome section. Barry noted that some points to be sync with the website and booklet. Abi will get access to Wordpress. Jo will add Abi as user to Wordpress. Printer deadline end of August

Update (JC)

Jo is working on google spreadsheet. updated price on Tshirt . Need to finalize no of colors, clipboards/laptop rest.

How many wristbands needed? Distinguish between GeoComm and FOSS4G delegates. Steven asks Jo to schedule call next week to specifically discuss this.

Rollo got quote on lanyards?

TShirt survey monkey site (Steven to set it up) for getting idea of size distribution . Barry will link it to the website. Steven to then send the link in his email to delegates.

Updates on all 4 nights please

Jeremy updated on DogTrack update on Transport (travel under your own arrangements?)

Mark updated on closing party on track in GeoTent. To get full update on Monday

Progress update (AP)

35 signed up only 2 student bursaries.

Plans? Ant & Rollo [Ant: 2nd half of next week I can look at this]
current schedule for PR:

Three PRs planned. Add Keynote Jason Davis (D3)confirmed. Emer confirmed. Total 5 keynoters.

Jeff McKenna confirmed participation.

Close registrations a week before conference. Jeremy to contact Shelly to know the timeline on registration close date.

Barry working on live interactive program and will be ready in 2 weeks. It will be good opportunity to PR.

Topics for a weekly email to delegates
Week 2:
- ?
- ?
- ?
Topics for a weekly email to sponsors
- ?
- ?
- ?

Marquee decorations -

Invite all sponsors to put one rollup in Marquee (Steven will send email). Seperate discussion to be started by Jo in basecamp.

Items for next week email update to delegates
RobinHood Hat

Exhibition floor plan to be send next week to Sponsors. Claire to update

Next Meeting - 2/8


Steven Feldman on July 25, 2013:

Here is a quick agenda for tomorrow's call. let me know if I have missed anything off or even better just add to the list.

If you can provide an update in the doc before the meeting that will save time and we can focus on the topics that need discussion

I have a client meeting in the morning and may be cutting it fine getting back by 2.00. Can Jeremy or Jo kick the meeting off and chair until I get home?



Jo Cook on July 26, 2013:

Anyone else unable to see this meeting in webex at all? Doesn't show up in "browse meetings" and normal link says "meeting cancelled"


Steven Feldman on July 26, 2013:

In case you are searching for the webex 

Go to

Login with pw met5724foss4g

Then search for an "Unlisted Meeting" with no 848 738 248

and Robert is your uncle