The working site for the conference committee of FOSS4G 2013

Venue Signage

Last saved by Antony Scott on August 6, 2013

Orginal notes from Marketing Collateral Doc
Venue (to be confirmed after F2F, coordinate with AGI)

Jo's event signage Google Doc:
the event signage sheet

Rollo's suggestions (also in Google Doc)
Inside EMCC:
In Marquee
In Orchard Hotel:


Antony Scott on August 6, 2013:

Have created a text doc which pulls together links/proposals etc for venue signage to pick up on discussion under Team Call from last week.

Antony Scott on August 6, 2013:

And have added some comments in the Google Doc. Sounds like the main things to get ordering are:
  • Aero signs
  • Banners
  • Popups
Though we need to confirm numbers/sizes. Can anyone do some artwork? I'm imagining something pretty simple:
  • logo
  • date/time/location
  • 'Geo for all' (typography tbc).
 Anything else? Have we promised anything to sponsors?
I am happy to sort the order but not much cop at artwork...

Antony Scott on August 8, 2013:

Here are some rough mockups of banner (170x70), aero flag and popup. Need tidying up (can't get the Vegur font to PDF beyond 350pt) and need hi-res versions of logos, background colour (what?). Comments please - more logos (eg OSGeo, Nott Uni, other sponsors), fewer logos? Exclamation mark/quotes in Geo for All? Anything else?

Barry Rowlingson on August 8, 2013:

Are you using inkscape? If you convert the text to vectors/paths then you can scale it up as much as needed, and you'll probably have to do this for print if the printer doesn't have the font...

Antony Scott on August 8, 2013:

I am now...

Claire Gilmour on August 14, 2013:

message back from venue...

Further to your email below I can confirm that the size of the registration desks are 188cm wide x 122cm high and there are 3 in total.


I have attached an image of the lectern and the full measurements for your information.

Antony Scott on August 14, 2013:

Here are some updated designs for the banners/popup (haven't done the aero flag yet). Comments?
Don't seem to be able to save as PDF from Inkscape, so might need an alternative route to print. Will keep trying - any tips?

Barry Rowlingson on August 14, 2013:

Look good! What's the PDFing problem? With Inkscape 0.47 I do Save As... and there's a dropdown with file formats - PDF being one of them. Are you not seeing that? Or are you seeing that and not getting any output files?  Error messages? Maybe PDF output is a plugin that you've not got.

What OS are you on? You might get by with a PDF Printer driver.  But make sure you convert text to strokes/paths so we don't get font substitution...

Antony Scott on August 14, 2013:

I’m on .48, W7 – seems to be a known issue. First I got a blank page, then an error message. I’ll see if I can sort it, otherwise maybe you could try generating from the SVG for the final version?

Rollo Home on August 15, 2013:

These are looking good!

Antony Scott on August 15, 2013:

Barry, if you have a minute, could you try saving this to PDF in Inkscape and see what you get? At the moment it's a blank page for me - there don't even seem to be any objects in it. I will try another machine too.

Barry Rowlingson on August 15, 2013:

Looks fine. Do you get the options dialog when you save as PDF? Have you checked 'Export area is page' and 'Convert text to paths'?

Antony Scott on August 15, 2013:

Yes to all. Seems I’m not the only one.
If I can’t fix, would you be able to generate the final PDF set, unless you can think of another way? The online converters all have some kind of restriction, and don’t have the options.

Antony Scott on August 15, 2013:

Hmm, doesn’t work in XP/Inkscape .46 either. Must be a Windows thing...

Barry Rowlingson on August 15, 2013:

And that was years ago..

Could you install a PDF printer driver that prints to a file? maybe?

Of course this assumes that printing from Inkscape isn't broken...

Antony Scott on August 15, 2013:

Which it seems to be...

Barry Rowlingson on August 15, 2013:

oh dear. Well all I have to do is:

inkscape -f foss4g_banner_1_is.svg --export-pdf foss4g_banner_1_is.pdf

 and I get the pdf! If we can share the svg files via dropbox it'll be even easier.

Steven Feldman on August 15, 2013:

Sorry to offer design by committee but .....

On the banner could you
  1. Drop the OS and MO logos below the Geo for All stripe along with other sponsor logos and reduce size of Golds as necessary to fit in a single line
  2. Increase size of FOSS4G logos slightly and move a bit in from edges
  3. Increase OSGeo logo to as near as poss match size of FOSS4Gs
  4. Thin down the Geo for All stripe to accommodate 2 and 3
On the pop up could you
  1. Drop the OS and MO logos below the Geo for All stripe along with other sponsor logos and reduce size of Golds as necessary to fit in a single line or at most a double line
  2. Move the OSGeo logo up above the Geo for All stripe and make comparable size to FOSS4G or just a bit smaller
Or you could tell me to xxxx off!

Antony Scott on August 15, 2013:

Can I do all of these things? ☺ No probs, will have a play... Once this is done, shall I send to all sponsors to approve (bearing in mind that if they want changes, they too can xxxx off) or will you?

Antony Scott on August 15, 2013:

Here are latest versions - assuming we are all happy, @Steven perhaps best if you send to sponsors? Have not done anything fancy with aero - I suspect it would look messy, and this maintains the style. @Barry will put on dropbox so you can PDF when we are ready, thanks.

Barry Rowlingson on August 15, 2013:

Ant, are you going to put these on a shared drop box and share it with me, or shall I give you share access to my dropbox? In which case, what email address do I use for you?

Antony Scott on August 15, 2013:

Shared with Barry Rowlingson<>.

Barry Rowlingson on August 15, 2013:

Ant: I think there's one img there that's linked rather than embedded:

 WARNING **: Unable to open linked file: C:\Users\Antony\Downloads\ink_ext_XXXXXX_img0.png

I'm not sure if that image is used, can you check it out? I can't see any obvious white space where a logo should be...

Test the PDFs I just generated.

Antony Scott on August 15, 2013:

Thanks, will check, thought I had embedded everything. foss4g_banner_1_is.pdf is blank for me (as when I generate) – can you see it? Odd, as it’s the same as banner_2, just twice the size. The Google logo has a red line underneath – will fix. Otherwise all looks good.

Barry Rowlingson on August 15, 2013:

Hmm its blank in acroread but not in evince. Not sure which I trust the most but I'll see if I can get both working.

Barry Rowlingson on August 15, 2013:

I've tried a couple of ways of creating PDFs, but #2 still blank. Maybe its just too big for Acroread? The sponsor logos are better aligned in #1.

The green colour looks a bit subdued in the PDF - I wonder if that has something to do with colour range of printers...

Barry Rowlingson on August 15, 2013:

sorry, #1 is the blank one.

Steven Feldman on August 15, 2013:

1 happy chairman, thank you

Sponsors mailed with copies of designs

Barry Rowlingson on August 15, 2013:

Ant: if I start a new document in inkscape, make it 600x180 cm, stick a couple of graphics in it, export as PDF, I get a blank page in Acroread and a nice graphic in inkscape. I think its some page size problem in Acroread.

Not a bug, its a feature in the PDF 1.4 standard:


Antony Scott on August 15, 2013:

Hmm, nice. I guess we send it off to the banner people and get them to confirm they can read it.

Barry Rowlingson on August 15, 2013:

Or send them the smaller one and ask them to resize it. I've just given up trying to resize it and convert to 1.5 format...

I've made PostScript versions of the SVGs in that dropbox folder - print shops can usually handle them as well.

Antony Scott on August 15, 2013:

OK, thanks – looks like there’ll be more changes following feedback from sponsors though....

Barry Rowlingson on August 15, 2013:

Okay. As long as you put the SVGs in that folder with the same names all I
have to do is type 'make; make ps' and job done.

Antony Scott on August 17, 2013:

Jeremy/Suchith, as per the discussion in the call yesterday, could you give me contact details for you or someone in your department as a delivery point for the banners, popups, aero flags? I'd like to get them ordered early next week, then once they arrive (a week or so later), someone will also need to check that they are OK.

Antony Scott on August 17, 2013:

Final versions. Barry, could you do your makefile magic, and I'll get these ordered once I have the delivery details.

Barry Rowlingson on August 17, 2013:

Done, but something is wrong with the google logo on banner 1 and the aero flag - all I see is a couple of streaky lines in place of the google logo. But that's in evince on linux - Acrobat reader on windows they look fine, except banner 1 is still blank due to the page size limit with PDF 1.4 issue

Antony Scott on August 17, 2013:

Hmm that's odd. The Google logo is actually a hi-res png, maybe that's the issue, although it always has been. I guess the companies will give us a proof before they print. They are fine for me in Acrobat btw (banner 1 issue notwithstanding). Thanks.

Antony Scott on August 18, 2013:

These all work OK for me in Foxit (which I've never heard of). Will see how we go with the printers.

Suchith Anand on August 18, 2013:

Hi Antony,

Let me or Jeremy first speak with the Building support/technical officer at NGI to see if he can be the delivery point for banners etc and keep them in the store room . Otherwise all the mails come in a common post room . Last year i had one of my important deliveries missing and inspite of my best efforts to find it , it was unsuccessful. So it is important it is delivered directly to someone responsible and kept in a secure place.


Barry Rowlingson on August 26, 2013:

This is a bit related to signage... I'm making some location maps for the web (with leaflet) and am wondering what the best route from EMCC to Sir Clive Granger is. I assume that route will need good signage (and signage 'off' the route for when people get lost....) and I might try and display it on the leaflet map.

If someone can draw the route on a Google map and share a KML, or describe the route in terms of features on the OSM map, I'll see what I can do.

Make sure you tell me where the entrance to the SCG building is - one of my pet hates is finding a building and then exploring three impenetrable sides. Or more if its not rectangular...

Antony Scott on August 27, 2013:

All, I am intending to order the remaining signage items, as per below (and Google doc):
  • Posterboard for front of reg. desk and plinth
  • Table top flags
  • Bunting (I know at one stage we weren't going to have this, but someone seems to have found a cheaper option)
All will have just FOSS4G logo on. Please shout if there's anything else that needs to be printed externally.

Jo Cook on August 27, 2013:

Sounds fine with me- thanks Antony

Antony Scott on August 29, 2013:

Claire/all, I'm just looking at posterboard for the reg desk and plinth, a couple of questions:
  • From your message above it looks as though we need 3 x 188cm wide x 122cm - I'm assuming this is the actual size of the boards we need - rather than the size of the desk itself? For this we would have just the FOSS4G logo, maybe Geo For All underneath.
  • For the lectern, I'm looking at something for the top part of the lectern - 25cm x 63cm (or a bit smaller). As it's a landscape shape, I was thinking Geo For All in the middle, FOSS4G at one end, OSGeo at the other.
  • Have you ordered anything for AGI, if so could you let me have details of spec/supplier? I'm assuming something like this:

Antony Scott on August 29, 2013:

Here's the artwork for the table flags and bunting.. any comments asap please, I want to get it to them today in order to meet delivery deadline.

Antony Scott on August 29, 2013:

And finally the front of the reg desks and the lectern - more of the same really.

Rollo Home on August 30, 2013:

Barry - the design earlier had logo's on it didn't it? Were these dropped due to size of the space available (I see mentioned in your discussion above)? If so, fine....tiny logo's would look stupid.

Antony Scott on August 30, 2013:

Rollo, we always envisaged just the FOSS4G logo for these ones - I think we've fulfilled our commitments to sponsors with the banners, popups etc, and as you say it would be a bit a squeeze to get all the logos on the smaller items. And the artwork has gone off for the bunting and flags anyway... Haven't ordered the foam board for the reg desks and lectern yet though, so if anyone thinks there should be changes, please shout.

Rollo Home on August 30, 2013:

I'm fine with that.....unless you can squeeze on the Plat ones ;-)

Claire Gilmour on August 30, 2013:

the size for the boards is for the space it goes in.  The desk has 3 recessed squares in the front.

Antony Scott on August 30, 2013:

Claire does the AGI have a registration number? The merchandise company is asking...

Antony Scott on August 30, 2013:

Ignore that, found it!