The working site for the conference committee of FOSS4G 2013

What Steven needs to mention in his session on how to enjoy FOSS4G

Last saved by Steven Feldman on September 15, 2013

Be nice
Responsible use of wifi
Hashtag = FOSS4G2103
Maptember t-shirt for MapAction
wrist bands
FOSS4G Hero badges
Gathering photos - post to flickr either join FOSS4G group or use tag FOSS4G2013
Programme explanation
Academic Track blended into the program & publications
Signing up for Community workshops
Errata sheets (also on web site)
Opening up the Map - community vote
Staggering lunch and sessions - remember to eat!
Using the GeoCamp
Birds of a Feather/unconference - self-organise! Look at list on list on wiki via web site
If you are going to sessions in SCG get your coffee there and vice versa
Lost? Use the cool interactive map for directions on the website - also printed versions in booklet and lanyard.
Visit the grounds!  Garden guide available on the "Friends of University Park" section of the uni web site.
Tonights party
Book for Friday night
Friday night stay in eat in Portland or hotel drink in hotel or EMCC
Party on Saturday night
Any sponsor promotions


Steven Feldman on August 15, 2013:

I have started a list of the topics that I will need to cover in my conference logistics bit at the end of the opening plenary.
If there is something that you want me to mention, add it to the list

Antony Scott on September 13, 2013:

Steven Feldman on September 13, 2013:

Thanks Antony, that's done it