The working site for the conference committee of FOSS4G 2013

Team Call: 2013-09-06

Last saved by Addy Pope on September 6, 2013

Team Call 2013-09-06

Attendees : SF/IE/AS/JC/MW/BK/AP/BR

Apologies: Abi (SOTM)

Numbers as of 28/8 (Comparisons with 30/8)
Claire to check the numbers as there is a gap between total and day numbers.  Still lots coming in and we know of orgs that are still to book.
(744) delegates inc sponsors = avg (675) per day
(499) hotel rooms (nights) across week - HOTEL ROOMS NOW SOLD OUT
(1184) uni rooms across week - halls full sat, but booking for this removed.
Icebreaker (140)
Party (72)
Map Gallery (53) submissions

Unpaid Invoices
Update from Claire

SA to update daily on deliveries to FOSS4G.
SA or JM will also pop in with Shelly if any other deliveries have arrived.

Getting there - final negotiations over electrical equipment prices & duration but complete list now pretty much agreed, including PA, lighting, projector. Likely to gamble on no heating or ventilation.

Need to ensure Health & Safety form for F&L is signed off!

Marquee still expected to start construction on Wednesday next

Still resolving detailed issues of technical requirements vs availability - updates to B26e configuration accepted but probably won't be able to be applied in time

Access to Hallward Library now sorted

Advertised testing sessions on Monday 11:00 / 13:00 via workshop list

Markus Neteler is not attending due to an operation

Mark I pulling together schedule to cover LoC / volunteers at workshops

Also, have a list for each room, the presenter can then do a role call if there seems to be too many folk in a room.
Academic Bursaries:
Abi still to contact all Ac.B people that have not signed up to volunteer and assign them to remaining tasks.
Ollie from CASA will be supported from the remaining pot of funding and an additional student volunteer who needs help to fund attendance - details email to SF & CG.

15 mins of music, can pull together next week. Spotify?  Barry has 2 fall backs (couldn't hear what he said)


  • Opening music - See update from Henna posted on BC. She is still working away on this. 15 mins of music, can pull together next week. Spotify?  Barry has 2 fall backs (couldn't hear what he said)
  • Content changes - Bang up to date. All changes added to errata doc. Should also post the changes on a separate page on the website.
  • Some presenters have not confirmed - Rollo to chase
  • Missing talks - do we move talks to fill gaps or leave the gaps? Consensus seems to be to leave the gaps so that delegates can switch between sessions. Just inform the chair and get them to tel the speakers they have a bit extra and allow more discussion.
  • Globalgeodomination?  It is not going ahead. 
  • Shootouts - Anrnulf has confirmed he knows what he is doing.
  • Handover to 2014 - nothing further than getting confirmation that they will do it over a video link. Push them to organise something and print their own flag so we can do the nominal handover (Steven to have a haircut to avoid Borisism). SF to chase.
  • Map Gallery displays and tech - tv screens and ipad wall.  Tech issues of how to make this work. Probably a scrolling pdf on the usb stick.  Perhaps ask oli and he can help out with the tech in return for the tickets. Oli is going to help.  RH to update online. When do we need it live (Thursday/Fri/Sat)
  • AS to copy the erratum note to the webpage.  Add as a menu page to keep it simple.

  • Update Ian
  • 50 confirmed. Most doing both days.  Max is at 80 if all that registered turn up. Looking good. 
  • 60 people for catering. 60 sandwich lunches for both days / 60 pizza.
  • Remember to order pizza and beer for Tuesday night!

Booklet and Lanyard

Abi has checked printers proof, all with printers now -yippee!  
SF to check that CG has ordered the labels.

Via Antony
Update on venue signage, see also Google doc…

  • Banners, aero flags and popups delivered to NGI - 6/9: aeros being reprinted due to reverse colour fault on Google logo, to be delivered 6/9
  • Table flags and bunting ordered, to be delivered next week
  • Foam board for reg desk and lectern ordered, to be delivered next week
  • Mark will do campus signage - FOSS4G/Arrow and building name where appropriate.

LOC Tasks / Programming
Abi met with SF & CG to discuss tasks required. Abi has shared working document - see link on BC. Still some scribbles to transfer over, but more importantly still missing arrival / arrangement details from a number of LOC.
If you spot a task missing from the schedule or you spot an issue, drop a note on the BC thread.

  • Update from Jo All seems OK. 
  • T-Shitrs - all good, should be arriving at the venue on the 13th

  • Ice breaker - Quiz - sorted. 18 copies of Map Addict ordered. AP to bring.
  • Gala Night - seems in hand, screen and pa to sort but should be ok. AS to get some tickets (raffle) to give folk 2 free drinks.
  • Friday night - 
  • Closing Party
  • Mark to check on the numbers and get back to folk and close the booking if it is close to full.

  • Call for volunteers amended on website - no more day passes.
  • All volunteers that were not in time/ responded appropriately for day passes have been notified that they don't have a place and should book themselves in if they want to attend.
  • Still people coming forward from registered delegates who are prepared to help, which is great. Most of the sessions now have some level of cover. LOC will need to fill the few remaining blanks.
  • Behind on getting data into Barry's database - that is next task.
  • Further tasks - work out what needs to happen at volunteer briefings (Addy assisting) and finalise volunteer briefing documents. Will be contacting some of the LOC to confirm some of the briefing info.
  • Action for Everyone - look at the list and add things that may be missing. SF to ask Abi to make the doc editable

Birds of a feather -
need to amend some details about this to clear up any confusion. IE to switch the BoF to Rutland to enable folk to get some breakfast. BR to hyperlink to the BoF page which is in there but not linked.

LOC briefing:  every day - check schedule.

OSGeo leaflets: IE to chase and give hard deadline to get things printed.

Hashtag - #FOSS4G2013

Logistic Briefing - if you have anything to add to SF briefing then add to doc in Basecamp

Delegate Mail
  1. 6/9: book train tickets in advance
  2. Car Parking - SF to add details + ensure this is on web site
  3. Academic Track - SA/BK to feed
  4. Flickr account details
  5. recycling of DVDs

Sponsor Mail


Next Call: 14th August??


Jeremy Morley on September 5, 2013:

AGENDA for the penultimate, or maybe even final, team call....

I may not be able to join (I'll be at State of the Map, and so will Mark) - my updates included above.

Details of login for people who manage to get lost in webex (and that is a very very easy place to get lost): 

1. Go to… 
2. If requested, enter your name and email address. 
3. If a password is required, enter the meeting password: met5724foss4g 
4. Click "Join".  

You may have to search for the conference if it doesn't appear - select unlisted meetings from the right hand side menu, enter the meeting number 848 738 248. Then fill in your details and the pw = met5724foss4g and you are in! 

Easy peasy really, don't you love webex? But thanks to Ian E and the Met Office for making it available

To view in other time zones or languages, please click the link:… 

To join the audio conference only 
To receive a call back, provide your phone number when you join the meeting, or call the number below and enter the access code. 
UK - Toll: +44-20-310-64804 
Global call-in numbers:… 

Access code:848 738 248 

Jeremy Morley on September 6, 2013:

Can't add this properly to the doc from a mobile (no Rich Text support!) - I'm seeing Shelley on Monday at 11. Please list any final concerns over the venue & catering for a run-through with her. Thanks.

Claire Gilmour on September 6, 2013:

I cant be in this call this afternoon. 

Abi Page on September 6, 2013:

At SOTM so not calling in, have updated document though.

Barry Rowlingson on September 6, 2013:

Should I just add a 'Birds of a Feather' page to the web site with a simple explanation of what it is and a link to the wiki, that will also make it visible on the search box.

oh why am I even asking. If you don't like it... shout, I can always delete it.

Barry Rowlingson on September 6, 2013:

B-o-a-f now has a basic web page.

I've had people ask me what birds-of-a-feather sessions are, maybe next time Portland call them 'SIG meetups' or something. Not that that's obvious to young people (by which I mean post-Usenetters). Perhaps "IRL Chatrooms"?

Jeremy Morley on September 6, 2013:

Looks find to me, Barry

Steven Feldman on September 6, 2013:

Thanks for the BoaF page Barry who hereafter should be known as @jfdi

Mark Iliffe on September 6, 2013:

Just fossing doing it?