The working site for the conference committee of FOSS4G 2013

Workshop Briefing 17th Sept

Last saved by Matt Walker on September 16, 2013

Time: 07:40 (10 mins)
Location: Registration desk (GeoCamp)

Programme changes

W12: PostGIS 3D Workshop moved to Sir Clive Granger Building: B26 E
W2: Quantum GIS in action moved to Trent B16
W3: Using CartoDB to map real-time data moved to Hallward Library: LG101


Lunch & Breaks
Coffee will be available in Sir Clive Granger Building until 09:00.
Lunch bags will be available in Sir Clive Granger Building from about 13:00 - 14:00.
Other breaks are managed by the workshop presenter (no refreshments provided).

OSGeo-Live DVD
Each delegate is give a copy of OSGeo-Live DVD when they register.
Approx 30 OSGeo-Live DVDs per room to allow presenter to get set up ahead of time.

Testing for Presenters
A member of the LoC will be available in each lab from approx 08:00 to facilitate presenters testing their material and setting up.

Suchith - Trent
Ian Holt - Hallward Library
Matt - Sir Clive Granger
Jeremy - Floating?

Proxy Configuration / User Accounts
A PDF copy of proxy config doc and user credentials to login to the local lab machines emailed to all presenters. Printed copy of proxy config available in all labs.

Issues Booting from USB (or DVD?)
Some PCs failed to boot from USB during tests in Hallward Library. The official line is: "if you get the 'black screen' after starting one of these pcs, unplug the AC lead for *one minute* then reconnect it and press the power button"


Matt Walker on September 16, 2013:


I'd like to propose we have a 10 minute briefing before registration opens tomorrow in the GeoCamp at 07:40 for those on the registration desk and assisting with workshops during the day.

See you in the morning :-)


Suchith Anand on September 17, 2013:

Hi Matt,

I will be there for the briefing at 7:40.


Matt Walker on September 17, 2013:

Booking report available here: