The working site for the conference committee of FOSS4G 2013

From the to-do list: Workshops and code sprints

✔ Contact previous individuals involved in workshops and check we've not missed anything...


Rollo Home on May 24, 2013:

Who is working on the CodeSprint? I know that we are not responsible for the content, but there will still be some logistical elements to resolve. And we will need to advertise the process of signing up (hence my interest from a Comms Group perspective).

Matt Walker on May 24, 2013:

Hi Rollo,

I'm working on the Code Sprints. I'm snowed under today but can talk on Tue if that suits?



Rollo Home on May 24, 2013:

All I need is an understanding of what Comms you might need. I see that there are people signing up on the wiki, so perhaps this is all we need?

Matt Walker on May 24, 2013:

I guess a little more publicity wouldn't hurt, so far I think all we've done is an announcement on discuss and Twitter. I did wonder if we should look to post to the various project lists but this may come across as spammy as it's likely that people will be subscribed to more than one list.