The working site for the conference committee of FOSS4G 2013

From the to-do list: Website

✔ Add blog aggregator


Jo Cook on September 15, 2012:

This is done- well, a first attempt anyhow! I've gone for a wordpress plugin, called feedwordpress, rather than the separate python or ruby aggregation tools that I had been looking at.

So far, I've added my blog and Steven's. We need a list of the other sites we wish to syndicate. 

I've set up some keyword filtering so it will (should) only syndicate posts with foss4g or FOSS4G (yes, it's case-sensitive), and for the moment, I've set it so that posts are not published immediately, they are just set to pending. You also have to manually ask it to check for posts. That way we can review that things are working OK, but when we have a couple of sites to check, and we're happy with the way it's working, I can switch it to check and publish automatically. It has definitely picked up all the existing foss4g posts from both sites- some of which are a bit too old to include!

The only thing I'm wondering at the moment, is where these posts should appear on the site. These posts are currently tagged with "Buzz" (though this can be changed), as opposed to the standard blog posts written on the site directly, which are tagged "News". News items currently appear on the "News" page- but by default any blog posts will appear here- including our aggregated ones. Do we want "Buzz" posts to appear here, or do we want a separate "Buzz" page?


Antony Scott on September 16, 2012:

Jo, that's great, sounds like it's doing what we want! I'd be inclined to keep our own news and the 'buzz' separate - we are going to be using news to announce things over the course of the year, and there's a danger otherwise that these will get lost in the deluge... Presumably we can use the categories to select, both on pages and on the feeds on the front page?

Rollo Home on September 17, 2012:

Jo - I'll be using #spatialneeds to blog ( - not that there is anything there yet....

Antony Scott on September 18, 2012:

Jo, I might be being a bit slow here but how do the posts get onto the pages - eg 'News', 'Buzz' etc? On the News page there's just something that says 'Placeholder text' - is there a trick somewhere?


Jo Cook on September 18, 2012:

News is working- you need the place holder text on the page. Not sure about
buzz yet, will sort post-AGI

Antony Scott on September 18, 2012:

Yup can see it's working - just can't figure out how :-)

Enjoy the AGI, unfortunately I'm doing less interesting things this week...



Jo Cook on September 25, 2012:

I've added Rollo's site to the list- at the moment we're not grabbing posts but as soon as I get chance, I'll add a "Buzz" page, as discussed. I guess we need a general shout out to people in basecamp for some more urls to include...