The working site for the conference committee of FOSS4G 2013

From the to-do list: Workshops and code sprints

✔ Provide a document detailing what's required to configure the OSGeo-Live DVD to allow internet access for: web browser; package manager; QGIS


Jeremy Morley on September 4, 2013:


OK, from my coursework notes - note, I've not yet tested these in 7.0 but I have a DVD burnt now & will create a USB stick too to test with.

  • Right-click on the American flag in the top-right corner of the VM window and select “Properties”. The “Keyboard Layouts” control will appear. Select the most appropriate “Keyboard model” from the drop-down list. Then under “Keyboard layouts” click the “Add” button. This will show the “Add Layout” control (figure 14b). Choose “United Kingdom” unless there’s a more specific option under United Kingdom that’s appropriate. Then click “OK” to return to the “Keyboard Layouts” control. Highlight the previous “us” layout and click “Delete” to remove it. Finally click “Close”. You should see that the flag in the top-right of the VM window has become a Union Jack.
  • Launch Firefox by selecting "Web browser" from the "Applications" menu.  In the browser’s “Edit” menu select “Preferences”. Then in the Preferences box select the “Advanced” button and the “Network” tab within it. Click the “Settings” button to bring up the “Connection Settings” panel. Choose “Automatic proxy configuration URL” and enter


    Click “OK” on the Connection Settings and then “Close” the Preferences panel. Try loading OSGeo's website ( to check that the browser now connects correctly
  • Open a Terminal window and type “sudo medit” (without the quotes) and press the Enter key. When asked for a password, enter “user” and press Enter again. An editor window will pop up. The “sudo” command is used to run another command with extra privileges (as the “root” administrator account) – we need these privileges to alter system settings.

    Firstly, in the medit window, choose File -> Open… Then find and open the file “environment” in the "/etc" directory. On a new line of its own at the bottom of the existing text add the line

                  export http_proxy=”

    and save the file. Then load the file “bash.bashrc” also in the /etc directory and add the same line at the end of this file, and save the changes.

  • From the “Applications” menu, (top-left of the VM window), choose “System -> Synaptic Package Manager”. You will be prompted for a password to give the package manager administrative or “root” access rights for the system – the password is the usual one in OSGeo Live, “user” (no quotes). Once the package manager starts, from its “Settings” menu select “Preferences” and click on the “Network” tab. Select a "Manual proxy configuration" and set an HTTP proxy of on port 8080. Finally click “OK” to dismiss the preferences panel.
  • On a VM or USB system it's worth rebooting - not on a Live DVD though, clearly, as the changes aren't persistent.
  • We need to adjust the proxy details in QGIS too. From the “Edit” menu select “Options…”. When the Options dialogue  appears, select the “Network” tab. The "Host" is again and the port is 8080, and it's an HttpProxy. Exclude URLs should include "localhost" (no quotes). Finally click “OK” to dismiss the preferences panel.   (NB: there should probably be other excludes for local network addresses but I don't seem to have that to hand).

I think that's everything I have... It'll need testing & possibly updating.


Matt Walker on September 10, 2013:

Hi Mark,

Thanks for helping out with some of these items. For this one I think the task is to basically test and update Jeremy's notes above with OSGeo-Live DVD 7.0 (I think Jeremy has already burnt a disk but we obviously need to machines configured to boot it...) then dropping them into a doc and getting about 200 printed to allow one per machine in the labs.



Jeremy Morley on September 11, 2013:

DO NOT USE THE TEXT ABOVE - I have created a text document with instructions already tested for 7.0

Jeremy Morley on September 11, 2013:

Matt Walker on September 11, 2013:

Thanks Jeremy, is the only thing left to do with this getting it in a document and printed?

Jeremy Morley on September 11, 2013:

Yes, I think so - if we had the luxury of lots of time I would put screenshots in of some of the interface panels, etc., but the instructions should be detailed enough as text.  If you know what you're doing (!) it takes about 5 mins or so to run through.
