This folder is for development of the OSGeo Journal and its articles. Each subfolder represents a particular version of the journal. For more information see: or or post to the mailing list at: ########################################################### Submission comments: Screenshots: - PNG format is preferred (since JPG is a lossy format) Vector diagrams: - PDF format Conversion tool recommendations: - EPS to PDF conversion: use epstopdf (from tetex package) - GIF to PNG: convert (from ImageMagick package) ########################################################### SVN comments: - To avoid a PDF mime-type recognition problem for browsers, each new (!) PDF file has to be set like this once time (example): svn propset svn:mime-type application/x-pdf OSGeoJournal_vol1.pdf svn commit OSGeoJournal_vol1.pdf To bulk-apply: find . -name '*.pdf' | xargs svn propset svn:mime-type application/x-pdf svn ci -m"fixed PDF propset for Web browsers"