_______________________________________________________ GENERAL OSGeo Celebrates 1st Anniversary February 4th, 2007 was the first anniversary of OSGeo. One year ago 25 people met face-to-face, and many more via phone and IRC, to discuss the possibility of starting an umbrella organisation. These participants represented over 13 different open source projects. The foundational purpose of the organisation was to help promote and continue to develop open source tools in the geospatial sphere. Since that time, much has happened and momentum around OSGeo continues to develop. Here are only a few highlights from that first year. For more information please visit the Tyler's blog at http://www.osgeo.org/tyler/osgeo_1st_anniversary ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [OSGeo-Announce] OSGeo Accepted for Google Summer of Code 2007 c/o Frank Warmerdam [warmerdam@pobox.com] OSGeo is pleased to announce that Google has accepted OSGeo as mentoring organization for the Google Summer of Code 2007 program. This program provides funding for students to work on open source projects under the support of experienced mentors. The projects participating through OSGeo are GDAL, GeoServer, GeoTools, GRASS, MapGuide, PostGIS, uDig, OpenJUMP and MapServer. Students interested in participating can find more information on OSGeo project ideas at: http://wiki.osgeo.org/index.php/2007_SoC_Merged_Ideas and more information about the program as a whole at: http://code.google.com/soc/ Source: OSGeo-Announce list and http://www.osgeo.org/node/292 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ New Sponsors In addition to continuing Sustaining Sponsor Autodesk, new Associate Sponsors include Lizardtech and 1Spatial. Lizardtech - http://lizardtech.com/ 1Spatial - http://1spatial.com/ _______________________________________________________ PROJECTS MapGuide March 2007 - MapGuide graduated from OSGeo Incubation, showing an acceptable level of participation, freedom from code encumbrances, and use of standard open source development methodologies. MapGuide Open Source is currently at version 1.1.0. For more information please visit the MapGuide OSGeo homepage at http://mapguide.osgeo.org/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MapServer The MapServer development team plans to release version 5.0 by the end of summer 2007. The 5.0 Release Plan outlines a number of planned updates, including: - Support for AGG, an up and coming image renderer as an alternative to GD - Upgrade of WMS support to version 1.3.0 - Improved OGC SOS Server support - New OGC OWS Common support version 1.0.0 - Dynamic charting capability - Label prioritization - MapScript memory management fixes - Redesign of the LOG/DEBUG output mechanism For more information please visit the MapServer Release Plan at http://mapserver.gis.umn.edu/development/release_plans/mapserver_5_0 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ GeoTools Awaiting information ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mapbuilder Awaiting information ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MapBender MapBender has recently announced a series of new features as well as future roadmap for new developments, including: - integration of OpenLayers: an integration of OpenLayers as an optional Mapbender module is scheduled for 2007. - WFS-T / Digitizing enhancement: handling of complex geometries. - wider use of AJAX /JSON and OO technology: improvement of module interfaces to do justice to wider development audience. - evaluation of packing algorithms: due to traffic minimization, there are few source code comments. JSDoc and PHPDoc will be used to comment in the future. The traffic issue will be resolved by extracting the comments prior to deployment and by packing JS-code. For more quarterly information on Mapbender please visit http://wiki.osgeo.org/index.php/Mapbender_Project_Update_-_2007_Q1. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ GDAL GDAL has announced it's 1.4.1 release this past quarter. It has launched a Sponsorship program through OSGeo (along with OGR). The first sponsors are Analytical Graphics, Applied Coherent Technology, SRC, Safe Software, Cadcorp, Waypoint and MicroImages. For more information on the current release please visit the GDAL homepage at http://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/wiki/Release/1.4.1-News ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ GeoNetwork Update on developments in the first Quarter of 2007 Work has been concentrated on a couple of aspects of the project lately. They are: - Development of GeoNetwork opensource version 2.1 resulting in beta releases - Upgrading of the Community website - Work related to the OSGEO incubation process For more quarterly information on GeoNetwork please visit http://trac.osgeo.org/geonetwork/wiki/1q2007 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ GRASS Project Update 2007 - Q1: - Italian GRASS and GFOSS Users Meeting - GRASS and GFOSS Users Meeting, Palermo (Italy), 14-16 Feb 2007 - 12 Feb 2007: New GRASS bug and wish tracker - Gforge based - 10 Feb 2007: GRASS GIS 6.2.1 winGRASS/Cygwin binaries available For more quarterly information on GeoNetwork please visit http://grass.gdf-hannover.de/wiki/GRASS_Project_Update_2007Q1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Quantum GIS Applies for Membership in OSGeo Submitted by Gary Sherman on Fri, 2007-02-02 20:54 @ http://blog.qgis.org/?q=node/48 The Quantum GIS project today submitted the request to join the Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo). The next step is approval by the OSGeo Incubation Committee, which will kick off the incubation process. Polling of the QGIS community has indicated broad support for joining OSGeo and we look forward to becoming an active and supportive member of the Foundation. http://blog.qgis.org/?q=node/48 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ _______________________________________________________ UPCOMING EVENTS Various Open Source-related events TYLER: Not sure if you would like to see events listed here that are not intrinsically Open Source? Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial 2007 The annual Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial (FOSS4G) conference brings together the people who create, use, and support open spatial software. No other event brings together members of the open source development, open data creation, and open standards promotion communities like FOSS4G. For more information please visit the FOSS4G 2007 homepage at http://www.foss4g2007.org/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ III MapServer Users National Meeting, Brasilia MapServer and open source geospatial conference in Brasilia, Brazil. See http://www7.univali.br/elis2/enum07/ for English and versão Português ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OSCON 2007 (Portland, Oregon, USA) The O'Reilly Open Source Convention. More information: http://conferences.oreillynet.com/os2007/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ _______________________________________________________ CHAPTERS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ _______________________________________________________ BOARD ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Twenty Third Board Meeting Highlights: - Confirm FOSS4G 2007 Governance proposal - Confirm FOSS4G 2007 Budget - Confirm Howard Butler as new SAC chair - Approve OSGeo Letter of Support - Contribution Agreements - Discuss board-priv use and membership - Discuss relationship with OGC Source: http://wiki.osgeo.org/index.php/Twenty_Third_Board_Meeting ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Twenty Fourth Board Meeting Highlights: - Consider motion to form New Mexico USA local chapter of OSGeo - Consider motion to form Italian chapter of OSGeo - Review financial report - Discuss plans for board elections. - Discuss plans for additional charter membership. - Discuss plans for corporate bylaws. - New business Source: http://wiki.osgeo.org/index.php/Twenty_Fourth_Board_Meeting ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Twenty Fifth Board Meeting Highlights: - Consider motion to form New Mexico USA local chapter of OSGeo - Approve motion for MapGuide OS to graduate from Incubation with Bob Bray as PSC Chair / VP MapGuide OS at the recommendation of the Incubation committee - Approve motion for QGIS to enter incubation at the recommendation of the Incubation committee - Approve motion for FDO to enter incubation at the recommendation of the Incubation committee - Discuss OSGeo providing infrastructure hosting for selected pre-incubation projects (ie. MOSS4G) - Consider VisCom Budget 2007 - Discuss OSGeo participation in the Google Summer of Code, and appointment of Administrator - Discuss plans for Proposed Board Election Procedure - Discuss plans for charter Membership Process - Discuss plans for corporate bylaws Source: http://wiki.osgeo.org/index.php/Twenty_Fifth_Board_Meeting ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Twenty Sixth Board Meeting Highlights: - Consider VisCom Budget 2007 (if updated) - Consider ka-map for OSGeo hosting, SAC willing - Consider appointing corporate secretary to replace Rich. Perhaps Tyler? - Approve Proposed Board Election Procedure - Approve Membership Process - Adopt Chief Returning Officer - Appoint Chief Returning Officer - Task CRO to start with Charter Membership election process - Review rough cash flow summaries - Open Technology conference - general discussion - Brief discussion about invite from Promote GIS - FOSS4G contract update - Insurance update Source: http://wiki.osgeo.org/index.php/Twenty_Sixth_Board_Meeting ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~