:Author: Hamish Bowman :Version: osgeo-live6.5 :License: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-SA 3.0) :Copyright: 2011 by The OSGeo Foundation .. image:: ../../images/project_logos/logo-GMT.png :scale: 100 % :alt: project logo :align: right :target: http://gmt.soest.hawaii.edu ******************************************************************************** GMT Quickstart ******************************************************************************** Running ================================================================================ Included on this Live DVD are the GMT documentation (HTML and PDF), example scripts (including a low resolution worldwide coastline), tutorial (HTML and PDF), and data sets for the tutorial. HTML and PDF documentation and tutorial can be found in `/usr/share/doc/gmt/html/ <../../gmt/html/index.html>`_, examples can be found in `/usr/share/doc/gmt-examples/examples/ <../../gmt-examples/examples/>`_, and tutorial data can be found in `/usr/share/doc/gmt-tutorial/tutorial/ <../../gmt-tutorial/tutorial/>`_. The low resolution coastline can be found in :file:`/usr/share/gmt/coast/`. .. packages: gmt-doc (and -pdf) gmt-coast-low gmt-examples gmt-tutorial (and -pdf) Examples ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ There are 30 example jobs built in, and a script to run them all: Open a terminal, then :: cp -r /usr/share/doc/gmt-examples/examples/ gmt-examples cd gmt-examples/ ./do_examples.csh `[whiz .. bang .. whirl]` View results: (within :command:`gv` [#gv]_, type :kbd:`q` to quit) :: for PLOT in *.ps ; do echo "$PLOT" gv "$PLOT" done .. Rubric:: Footnotes .. [#gv] Ghostview http://www.gnu.org/software/gv/