:Author: OSGeo-Live :Author: Petr Pridal :Author: Christopher Fleet :Version: osgeo-live4.5 :License: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-SA 3.0) .. image:: ../../images/project_logos/logo-maptiler.png :scale: 100 % :alt: project logo :align: right MapTiler Quickstart ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `MapTiler `_ provides a simple way of creating a set of tiles from any georeferenced map image. The tiles can then be presented as a as a georeferenced map overlay on a web server. It follows the `Open Source Geospatial Foundation's (OSGeo's) `_ `Tile Map Service (TMS) `_ specification. * **Input options**: Any georeferenced image file, eg. a TIFF, JPEG from ArcGIS, QGIS. * **Output options**: A set of directories with tiled images which can be copied to a web server for presentation as a georeferenced overlay. `View examples `_. * **Strengths**: MapTiler is simple, free, open-source software, with an easy wizard, described below, to guide through the options. MapTiler takes advantage of the fact that `Google Maps `_ , `Microsoft Bing `_ , `Yahoo Maps `_ , and other online mapping providers including `OpenStreetMap `_ use the same projection and tiling profile and the tiles are therefore compatible. The `Tiles à la Google Maps `_ page describes and illustrates this. MapTiler prepares tiles using this specification as an easy and quick way of preparing a georeferenced map in a mashup web page. Start MapTiler -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. `Download MapTiler `_ to your it on your computer or start it directly from this LiveDVD. 2. Select the **Tile Profile**. Choose *Google Maps Compatible (Spherical Mercator)* for standard web publishing. Choose *Google Earth (KML SuperOverlay)* if you also want to generate a KML file for use in Google Earth. Click *Continue*. .. image:: ../../images/screenshots/1024x768/maptiler1.jpg :align: center 3. Choose the **Source Data Files**. Browse to select the raster image you want to tile. It is also possible to select a NODATA colour that will appear as transparent in the resulting image. Click *Continue*. .. image:: ../../images/screenshots/1024x768/maptiler2.jpg :align: center 4. Specify the **Spatial Reference System / Coordinate System** of the image. Specify the id-number from the EPSG/ESRI database. If you have maps from UK for example the transformation should include the `EPSG:27700 with TOWGS84 `_ parameter. Click *Continue*. .. image:: ../../images/screenshots/1024x768/maptiler3.jpg :align: center 5. Specify details about the **Tile Pyramid**. The default settings for zoom levels and file format are often best. Click *Continue*. .. image:: ../../images/screenshots/1024x768/maptiler4.jpg :align: center 6. Specify details about the **Destination folder and Addresses / URLs** for the tileset. If you do not know these, they can be added into the default *googlemaps.html* and *openlayers.html* files after tile generation. Click *Continue*. .. image:: ../../images/screenshots/1024x768/maptiler5.jpg :align: center 7. Tick the **Viewers that should be generated**. By default, a *googlemaps.html* and *openlayers.html* file are generated. You can also choose to generate a KML SuperOverlay file for Google Earth. Click *Continue*. .. image:: ../../images/screenshots/1024x768/maptiler6.jpg :align: center 8. Specify the **Details for generating the Viewers**, such as the title, copyright notice, and API keys. If you do not know these, they can be added into the default *googlemaps.html / openlayers.html* files after tile generation. Click *Continue*. .. image:: ../../images/screenshots/1024x768/maptiler7.jpg :align: center 9. Click **Render** to start rendering the image. When complete, MapTiler provides a link to the finished tileset. Open the *googlemaps.html* or *openlayers.html* files in a web browser to view the tileset as an overlay on the live online map. To present this on the web, just copy the entire tileset and all subdirectories to a web server, and edit the googlemaps.html or openlayers.html files as required. Using gdal2tiles to create a MBTiles database -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MapTiler is essentially a GUI frontend to the `gdal2tiles.py` script. An updated version of `gdal2tiles.py` is also present on the Live disc. The resulting tile trees created by these software can be used with the `mb-util` program to create an mbtiles database, for use with smartphone software like `Geopaparazzi `_. To create an MBTiles SQLite database from the newly created tile tree, open a terminal, then :: cp data/raster/bluemarble.tif . maptiler # (select /home/user/bluemarble.tif for input, JPEG as format) mb-util --scheme=tms --image_format=jpg bluemarble bluemarble.mbtiles qgis bluemarble.mbtiles See `gdal2tiles.py --help` and `mb-util --help` for additional information on running these tools.