:Author: Jody Garnett :Translator: Milena Nowotarska, OSGeo :Reviewer: :Version: osgeo-live 6.0 :License: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC BY 3.0) .. image:: ../../images/project_logos/jts_project.png :scale: 60 % :alt: project logo :align: right :target: http://tsusiatsoftware.net/jts/main.html JTS Topology Suite (JTS) ================================================================================ The JTS Topology Suite is an open source (LGPL) Java API of spatial predicates and functions for processing geometry. JTS offers a complete, consistent, robust implementation of fundamental algorithms for processing linear geometry on the 2-dimensional Cartesian plane. JTS is written in 100% pure Java and is fast enough production use. .. image:: ../../images/screenshots/800x600/jts-overview.jpg :scale: 60 % :alt: JTS Topology Suite implementation of Simple Feature for SQL Geometry :align: right Computational stability in JTS project is backed by an extensive set of tests. A small application is provided to run tests tests and experiment with Geometry interactively. We hope to include this application on future editions of the OSGeo-Live project. Aplikacje OSGeo-Live bezpośrednio używające JTS: :doc:`52nSOS_overview`, :doc:`52nWPS_overview`, :doc:`kosmo_overview`, :doc:`52nWSS_overview`, :doc:`atlasstyler_overview`, :doc:`geomajas_overview`, :doc:`saga_overview`, :doc:`geonetwork_overview`, :doc:`geopublisher_overview`, :doc:`geoserver_overview`, :doc:`udig_overview`, :doc:`geotools_overview`, :doc:`openjump_overview`, :doc:`zoo-project_overview`, :doc:`gvsig_overview` Aplikacje OSGeo-Live posiadające własne implementacje Geoemtrii, bazujące na operacjach JTS: :doc:`deegree_overview` (GML3 geometry), :doc:`geotools_overview` (ISO 19107 Geometry) Projekt :doc:`geos_overview` jest portem JTS do środowiska C++, który pozwala na użycie tych wysokiej jakości operacji w wielu innych aplikacjach. Dodatkowe porty są dostępne dla C# i JavaScript. Główne funkcje -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Geometry Model * Geometry Operations * Precision Handling * Geometric Constructions * Metric Functions * Spatial algorithms * Mathematical Functions * Spatial structures * Input/Output * High-Precision Arithmetic Obsługiwane formaty -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * well-known text (WKT) i well-known-binary (WKB) * GML 2 * Java Swing/AWT writing Zaimplementowane standardy -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Obsługa wielu standardów Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC): * OGC Simple Feature for SQL (SFSQL) Szczegóły -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- **Strona internetowa:** http://tsusiatsoftware.net/jts/main.html **Licencja:** LGPL **Systemy operacyjne:** Cross Platform Java **Interfejsy API:** Java **Wsparcie:** `JTS Mailing List `_