:Author: Barbara Angerer, Angelos Tzotsos :Reviewer: Cameron Shorter, LISAsoft :Translator: Bu Kun (OSGeo ID: bukun) :Version: osgeo-live7.0 :License: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC BY 3.0) .. image:: ../../images/project_logos/logo-geonode.jpg :scale: 100 % :alt: project logo :align: right :target: http://geonode.org GeoNode ================================================================================ .. Geospatial Content Management System 地理空间内容管理系统 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `GeoNode `_ is a Content Management System for geospatial data which provides creation, sharing, and collaborative use of geospatial data. Datasets can be uploaded in various formats, maps can be edited, styled and aggregated through browser based tools, maps and metadata can be published and searched, and reviews, ratings and comments can be captured from users. .. GeoNode is built upon: GeoServer, GeoExplorer, pycsw, Django, and GeoExt. GeoNode基于GeoServer、GeoExplorer、pycsw、Django与GeoExt构建。 .. image:: ../../images/screenshots/800x600/geonode_basic_application.png :scale: 50% :alt: GeoNode application :align: right .. Core Features 核心功能 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * 空间数据发现 * 强大的空间查询引擎 * 联邦OGC服务 * 元数据目录 * 导入与管理地理空间数据 * 发布栅格、矢量与表格数据 * 管理元数据及相关文档 * 安全或公开地共享数据 * 带有版本记录功能的地理空间数据编辑器 * 交互式制图 * GeoExplorer的GIS客户端 * 图形化的样式编辑器 * 创建多图层的交互式地图 * 在Web页面中共享及嵌入地图 * 生成PDF格式的地图 * 协作 * 对数据进行审查、分级及评注 * 用户分组 * 活动流 (Activity streams) * 通知和公告 * ... 更多! 实现的标准 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * :doc:`../standards/wms_overview` * :doc:`../standards/csw_overview` * :doc:`../standards/wfs_overview` * :doc:`../standards/wcs_overview` * :doc:`../standards/fe_overview` * :doc:`../standards/sld_overview` * :doc:`../standards/gml_overview` 详细信息 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- **网站:** http://geonode.org/ **许可:** GNU General Public License (GPL) version 2.0 **软件版本:** 2.0 RC1 **支持的平台:** Windows, Linux, Mac **API接口:** Python (Django) **支持:** http://opengeo.org/technology/geonode/ 快速入门 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * :doc:`Quickstart documentation <../quickstart/geonode_quickstart>`