:Author: Johan Van de Wauw :Author: Vladimir Agafonkin :Translator: Bu Kun (OSGeo ID: bukun) :Version: osgeo-live7.0 :License: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC BY 3.0) .. image:: ../../images/project_logos/logo-leaflet.png :scale: 100 % :alt: project logo :align: right :target: http://leafletjs.com Leaflet ================================================================================ .. Browser/Mobile Map Library 浏览器/手机地图类库(Browser/Mobile Map Library) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. image:: ../../images/screenshots/1024x768/leaflet-overview.png :scale: 50 :alt: leaflet :align: right .. Leaflet is an JavaScript library for browser based, mobile-friendly, interactive maps. It is light weight, yet has all the features most developers ever need for online maps. Leaflet是基于浏览器的,移动设备友好,交互式地图的JavaScript库。它是轻量的,但具有所有的大部分开发人员需要在线地图的功能。 .. Leaflet is designed with simplicity, performance and usability in mind. .. It works efficiently across all major desktop and mobile platforms out of .. the box, taking advantage of HTML5 and CSS3 on modern browsers while .. being accessible on older ones too. It can be extended with many .. plugins, has a beautiful, easy to use and well-documented API and a .. simple, readable source code that is a joy to contribute to. Leaflet设计时考虑了简洁、性能和可用性。 它可以在所有主要桌面和移动平台上高效地使用, 充分利用了现在浏览器上HTML5与CSS3的优点, 而在旧的上面同样可以使用。 可以通过许多插件进行扩展, 具有优美、易于使用、文档完备的API, 以及简洁、可读性好源代码。 .. Core Features 核心功能 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * 地图图层 * Tiles, Markers, Popups, Image overlays, WMS, GeoJSON, * 矢量: polylines, polygons, circles, rectangles, circle markers * 图层分组 * 个性化 * Pure CSS3 popups and controls for easy restyling * Image- and HTML-based markers * Custom map layers, controls, projections * Powerful OOP facilities for extending existing classes * 性能特征 * 支持硬件加速 * Utilizing CSS3 features to make panning and zooming really smooth * Smart polyline/polygon rendering * Modular design allows including only required features * Tap delay elimination on mobile devices * 地图控制 * Zoom buttons, Attribution, Layer switcher, Scale * 桌面浏览器支持 * Chrome * Firefox * Safari 5+ * Opera 11.11+ * IE 7–10 * IE 6 (not perfect but accessible) * 移动设备浏览器支持 * Safari for iOS 3/4/5/6+ * Android browser 2.2+, 3.1+, 4+ * Chrome for Android 4+ and iOS * Firefox for Android * Other webkit-based browsers (webOS, Blackberry 7+, etc.) * IE10 for Win8-based devices * 杂项 * 非常轻量 — around 31 KB of gzipped JS code * 没有外部依赖 * Keeps your JS environment clean — no global or native prototypes pollution 细节 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- **网站:** http://leafletjs.com **授权:** BSD **软件版本:** 0.6.2 **支持的平台:** Windows, Mac, Linux, Android, iOS **API接口:** Javascript **支持:** https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/leaflet-js 快速入门 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * :doc:`快速入门文档 <../quickstart/leaflet_quickstart>`