:Author: :Author: Massimo Di Stefano, Brian M Hamlin :Reviewer: Cameron Shorter, LISAsoft :Version: osgeo-live8.5 :License: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC BY 3.0) .. image:: ../../images/project_logos/logo-ipnb.png :alt: project logo :align: right :target: http://ipython.org/notebook.html IPython Notebook -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mixing rich media in presentations ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. image:: ../../images/screenshots/800x600/ipython-notebook1.png :scale: 100 % :alt: screenshot :align: right .. TBD: The image should show use of iPython Notebook with maps, possibly as collage. Show an [In] cell with code. Show a heading or 2 and text demonstrating how it is easy to build an publish powerful web pages. IPython Notebook is a web-based application for creating and publishing IPython notebooks. IPython notebooks contain a list of input/output cells which can contain code, text, mathematics, plots, maps and other media. They are a bit like a spreadsheet in that each cell can contain code or a formula, and a bit like a web page in that authors can create structured text along with easily embedding rich and sophisticated media. This includes a comprehensive range of geospatial functions from a number of libraries. IPython notebooks are particularly useful for quick prototyping; embedding presentation text, code, formulas, plots, maps, and more all from the one document; sharing this document easily; publishing this complex information professionally as interactive web pages, presentation slides, PDF, and more. Core Features ================================================================================ * Create iPython notebooks which contain: * Marked up text (with headings, styles, paragraphs, etc) * Formulas, mathematics, plots, maps, ... * Ability to import external libraries to add extra functionality, * Ability to incorporate code from multiple programming languages, including python, R, Julia, Haskell and many more. * Access a wide range of geospatial functions: * SciPy Matplotlib, IRIS Cartopy, gdal, Geopandas, pyshp, Fiona, netCDF4, PostgreSQL psycopg2, R rpy2, and more. Details -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- **Website:** http://ipython.org/notebook.html **Licence:** BSD license **Software Version:** 2.3 **Supported Platforms:** Linux, Mac, Windows **API Interfaces:** Python **Support:** http://ipython.org/ (Under Community heading) Quickstart -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * :doc:`Quickstart documentation <../quickstart/ipython_quickstart>`