'Paypal', 'plugins.paymethod.paypal.settings.paypalenable' => 'Enable PayPal', 'plugins.paymethod.paypal.settings.paypalurl' => 'IPN URL', 'plugins.paymethod.paypal.settings.paypalurl.description' => 'This is the URL to PayPal\'s Instant Payment Notification (IPN) service. For testing, use https://www.sandbox.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr; for production systems, use https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr.', 'plugins.paymethod.paypal.settings.selleraccount' => 'Seller Account', 'plugins.paymethod.paypal.settings.selleraccount.description' => 'This is the PayPal account username for the sellers\' account to be used, typically an email address.', 'plugins.paymethod.paypal.settings.curlNotInstalled' => 'Warning: CURL support for PHP is not installed. PayPal payment support requires the CURL library and will not function until it is installed.', 'plugins.paymethod.paypal.settings' => 'PayPal Settings', 'plugins.paymethod.paypal' => 'PayPal Payment', 'plugins.paymethod.paypal.description' => 'PayPal Plugin enables users, whether or not they are PayPal members, to use all major credit cards, as well as eChecks. Journal or conference manager will need to set up a PayPal Business Account.', 'plugins.paymethod.paypal.warning' => 'Clicking Continue will direct you to the PayPal site. After making your payment with PayPal you can click the "Return to Merchant" button to return to this site.', 'plugins.paymethod.paypal.purchase.amount' => 'Amount', 'plugins.paymethod.paypal.purchase.description' => 'Description', 'plugins.paymethod.paypal.purchase.cancelled' => 'Your purchase has been cancelled.', 'plugins.paymethod.paypal.purchase.cancelled.title' => 'Purchase Cancelled', ); ?>