argv[0]) || !in_array($this->argv[0], array('check', 'latest', 'upgrade', 'patch', 'download'))) { $this->usage(); exit(1); } $this->command = $this->argv[0]; } /** * Print command usage information. */ function usage() { echo "Upgrade tool\n" . "Usage: {$this->scriptName} command\n" . "Supported commands:\n" . " check perform version check\n" . " latest display latest version info\n" . " upgrade execute upgrade script\n" //. " upgrade [pretend] execute upgrade script\n" // Temporarily removed . " patch download and apply patch for latest version\n" . " download [package|patch] download latest version (does not unpack/install)\n"; } /** * Execute the specified command. */ function execute() { $command = $this->command; $this->$command(); } /** * Perform version check against latest available version. */ function check() { $this->checkVersion(VersionCheck::getLatestVersion()); } /** * Print information about the latest available version. */ function latest() { $this->checkVersion(VersionCheck::getLatestVersion(), true); } /** * Run upgrade script. */ function upgrade() { $pretend = false; // Temporarily removed; was isset($this->argv[1]) && $this->argv[1] == 'pretend'; $installer = &new Upgrade(array('manualInstall' => $pretend)); $installer->setLogger($this); if ($installer->execute()) { if (count($installer->getNotes()) > 0) { printf("\nRelease Notes\n"); printf("----------------------------------------\n"); foreach ($installer->getNotes() as $note) { printf("%s\n\n", $note); } } if ($pretend) { if (count($installer->getSQL()) > 0) { printf("\nSQL\n"); printf("----------------------------------------\n"); foreach ($installer->getSQL() as $sql) { printf("%s\n\n", $sql); } } } else { $newVersion = &$installer->getNewVersion(); printf("Successfully upgraded to version %s\n", $newVersion->getVersionString()); } } else { printf("ERROR: Upgrade failed: %s\n", $installer->getErrorString()); } } /** * Apply patch to update code to latest version. */ function patch() { $versionInfo = VersionCheck::getLatestVersion(); $check = $this->checkVersion($versionInfo); if ($check < 0) { $patch = VersionCheck::getPatch($versionInfo); if (!isset($patch)) { printf("No applicable patch available\n"); return; } $outFile = $versionInfo['application'] . '-' . $versionInfo['release'] . '.patch'; printf("Download patch: %s\n", $patch); printf("Patch will be saved to: %s\n", $outFile); if (!$this->promptContinue()) { exit(0); } $out = fopen($outFile, 'wb'); if (!$out) { printf("Failed to open %s for writing\n", $outFile); exit(1); } $in = gzopen($patch, 'r'); if (!$in) { printf("Failed to open %s for reading\n", $patch); fclose($out); exit(1); } printf('Downloading patch...'); while(($data = gzread($in, 4096)) !== '') { printf('.'); fwrite($out, $data); } printf("done\n"); gzclose($in); fclose($out); $command = 'patch -p1 < ' . escapeshellarg($outFile); printf("Apply patch: %s\n", $command); if (!$this->promptContinue()) { exit(0); } system($command, $ret); if ($ret == 0) { printf("Successfully applied patch for version %s\n", $versionInfo['release']); } else { printf("ERROR: Failed to apply patch\n"); } } } /** * Download latest package/patch. */ function download() { $versionInfo = VersionCheck::getLatestVersion(); if (!$versionInfo) { printf("Failed to load version info from %s\n", VersionCheck::getVersionCheckUrl()); exit(1); } $type = isset($this->argv[1]) && $this->argv[1] == 'patch' ? 'patch' : 'package'; if ($type == 'package') { $download = $versionInfo['package']; } else { $download = VersionCheck::getPatch($versionInfo); } if (!isset($download)) { printf("No applicable download available\n"); return; } $outFile = basename($download); printf("Download %s: %s\n", $type, $download); printf("File will be saved to: %s\n", $outFile); if (!$this->promptContinue()) { exit(0); } $out = fopen($outFile, 'wb'); if (!$out) { printf("Failed to open %s for writing\n", $outFile); exit(1); } $in = fopen($download, 'rb'); if (!$in) { printf("Failed to open %s for reading\n", $download); fclose($out); exit(1); } printf('Downloading file...'); while(($data = fread($in, 4096)) !== '') { printf('.'); fwrite($out, $data); } printf("done\n"); fclose($in); fclose($out); } /** * Perform version check. * @param $versionInfo array latest version info * @param $displayInfo boolean just display info, don't perform check */ function checkVersion($versionInfo, $displayInfo = false) { if (!$versionInfo) { printf("Failed to load version info from %s\n", VersionCheck::getVersionCheckUrl()); exit(1); } $dbVersion = VersionCheck::getCurrentDBVersion(); $codeVersion = VersionCheck::getCurrentCodeVersion(); $latestVersion = $versionInfo['version']; printf("Code version: %s\n", $codeVersion->getVersionString()); printf("Database version: %s\n", $dbVersion->getVersionString()); printf("Latest version: %s\n", $latestVersion->getVersionString()); $compare1 = $codeVersion->compare($latestVersion); $compare2 = $dbVersion->compare($codeVersion); if (!$displayInfo) { if ($compare2 < 0) { printf("Database version is older than code version\n"); printf("Run \"{$this->scriptName} upgrade\" to update\n"); exit(0); } else if($compare2 > 0) { printf("Database version is newer than code version!\n"); exit(1); } else if ($compare1 == 0) { printf("Your system is up-to-date\n"); } else if($compare1 < 0) { printf("A newer version is available:\n"); $displayInfo = true; } else { printf("Current version is newer than latest!\n"); exit(1); } } if ($displayInfo) { $patch = VersionCheck::getPatch($versionInfo, $codeVersion); printf(" tag: %s\n", $versionInfo['tag']); printf(" date: %s\n", $versionInfo['date']); printf(" info: %s\n", $versionInfo['info']); printf(" package: %s\n", $versionInfo['package']); printf(" patch: %s\n", isset($patch) ? $patch : 'N/A'); } return $compare1; } /** * Prompt user for yes/no input (default no). * @param $prompt string */ function promptContinue($prompt = "Continue?") { printf("%s [y/N] ", $prompt); $continue = fread(STDIN, 255); return (strtolower(substr(trim($continue), 0, 1)) == 'y'); } /** * Log install message to stdout. * @param $message string */ function log($message) { printf("[%s]\n", $message); } } $tool = &new upgradeTool(isset($argv) ? $argv : array()); $tool->execute(); ?>