//--------------------------------------------------------------------- // $Id$ // // Description: // This is a keyword list with minimum set of key words to make a // Lambert Conformal Conic Projection // // If your image is foo.tif and you renamed this file to foo.geom // ossim should make a LCC projection when you open the image. // //--------------------------------------------------------------------- central_meridian: -81.0 datum: WGE ellipse_code: WE ellipse_name: WGS 84 false_easting_northing: ( 200000.0, 0.000000000000000 ) false_easting_northing_units: meters major_axis: 6378137.000000000000000 minor_axis: 6356752.314199999906123 origin_latitude: 28.0 pixel_scale_units: meters pixel_scale_xy: ( 1.0, 1.0 ) std_parallel_1: 24.000000000000000 std_parallel_2: 32.000000000000000 // point(tie center of pixel) or area (tie upper left corner of pixel). pixel_type: point tie_point_units: meters tie_point_xy: ( 6156.0, 114892.0 ) type: ossimLambertConformalConicProjection