set(LIB_NAME ossimkakadu_plugin) message( "************** LIBRARY SETUP FOR ossimkakadu_plugin ******************") # Include ossim cmake stuff: include(OssimVersion) include(OssimCommonVariables) include(OssimUtilities) set(requiredLibs) # CURL - Optional: find_package( CURL ) if( CURL_FOUND ) include_directories( ${CURL_INCLUDE_DIR} ) set( requiredLibs ${requiredLibs} ${CURL_LIBRARY} ) add_definitions("-DKAKADU_USE_CURL=1") else( CURL_FOUND ) message( STATUS "*** curl support is disabled in kakadu plugin. No Curl library found ***") add_definitions("-DKAKADU_USE_CURL=0") endif( CURL_FOUND ) # OpenThreads - Required: find_package( OpenThreads ) if( OPENTHREADS_FOUND ) include_directories( ${OPENTHREADS_INCLUDE_DIR} ) set( requiredLibs ${requiredLibs} ${OPENTHREADS_LIBRARY} ) else( OPENTHREADS_FOUND ) message( FATAL_ERROR "Could not find required OpenThreads package!" ) endif( OPENTHREADS_FOUND ) # TIFF - Required: find_package( TIFF ) if( TIFF_FOUND ) include_directories( ${TIFF_INCLUDE_DIR} ) set( requiredLibs ${requiredLibs} ${TIFF_LIBRARY} ) else( TIFF_FOUND ) message( FATAL_ERROR "Could not find required tiff package!" ) endif( TIFF_FOUND ) # OSSIM - Required: find_package(ossim) if(OSSIM_FOUND) include_directories( ${OSSIM_INCLUDE_DIR} ) set( requiredLibs ${requiredLibs} ${OSSIM_LIBRARIES} ) else(OSSIM_FOUND) message(FATAL_ERROR "Could not find ossim") endif(OSSIM_FOUND) if(KAKADU_ROOT_SRC) include_directories(${KAKADU_ROOT_SRC}/coresys ${KAKADU_ROOT_SRC}/managed/all_includes) else(KAKADU_ROOT_SRC) message(SEND_ERROR "Please pass in the KAKADU_ROOT_SRC and point it to the root source tree") set(KAKADU_ROOT_SRC "" CACHE STRING "Specify the root location where the kakadu source tree is located") endif(KAKADU_ROOT_SRC) if(KAKADU_AUX_LIBRARY) set(requiredLibs ${requiredLibs} ${KAKADU_AUX_LIBRARY}) else(KAKADU_AUX_LIBRARY) message(SEND_ERROR "Please pass in the KAKADU_AUX_LIBRARY and point it to the library") set(KAKADU_AUX_LIBRARY "" CACHE STRING "Specify the full path to the library to link to") endif(KAKADU_AUX_LIBRARY) if(KAKADU_LIBRARY) set(requiredLibs ${requiredLibs} ${KAKADU_LIBRARY}) else(KAKADU_LIBRARY) message(SEND_ERROR "Please pass in the KAKADU_LIBRARY and point it to the library") set(KAKADU_LIBRARY "" CACHE STRING "Specify the full path to the library to link to") endif(KAKADU_LIBRARY) include_directories(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}) file(GLOB OSSIMPLUGIN_SRCS *.cpp) file(GLOB OSSIMPLUGIN_HEADERS *.h) message( STATUS "KAKADU_ROOT_SRC = ${KAKADU_ROOT_SRC}") message( STATUS "KAKADU_LIBRARY = ${KAKADU_LIBRARY}") message( STATUS "KAKADU_AUX_LIBRARY = ${KAKADU_LIBRARY}") message( STATUS "Kakadu plugin required libs = ${requiredLibs}") #--- # OSSIMPLUGINSMAKINGDLL controls dll linkage on windows. # Adding this sets OSSIM_PLUGINS_DLL #define TO "__declspec(dllexport)". #--- add_definitions("-DOSSIMPLUGINSMAKINGDLL") # Adjust the install library path: if(OSSIM_INSTALL_PLUGINS_WITH_VERSION) set(INSTALL_LIBRARY_DIR "${INSTALL_LIBRARY_DIR}/ossim-${OSSIM_VERSION}/plugins") else(OSSIM_INSTALL_PLUGINS_WITH_VERSION) set(INSTALL_LIBRARY_DIR "${INSTALL_LIBRARY_DIR}/ossim/plugins") endif(OSSIM_INSTALL_PLUGINS_WITH_VERSION) OSSIM_LINK_LIBRARY(${LIB_NAME} COMPONENT_NAME ossim TYPE "${OSSIM_PLUGIN_LINK_TYPE}" LIBRARIES ${requiredLibs} HEADERS "${OSSIMPLUGIN_HEADERS}" SOURCE_FILES "${OSSIMPLUGIN_SRCS}" INSTALL_LIB)