class OmarCommonUiGrailsPlugin { // the plugin version def version = "0.1" // the version or versions of Grails the plugin is designed for def grailsVersion = "2.0 > *" // the other plugins this plugin depends on def dependsOn = [:] // resources that are excluded from plugin packaging def pluginExcludes = [ "grails-app/views/error.gsp" ] // TODO Fill in these fields def title = "Omar Common Ui Plugin" // Headline display name of the plugin def author = "Your name" def authorEmail = "" def description = '''\ Brief summary/description of the plugin. ''' // URL to the plugin's documentation def documentation = "" // Extra (optional) plugin metadata // License: one of 'APACHE', 'GPL2', 'GPL3' // def license = "APACHE" // Details of company behind the plugin (if there is one) // def organization = [ name: "My Company", url: "" ] // Any additional developers beyond the author specified above. // def developers = [ [ name: "Joe Bloggs", email: "" ]] // Location of the plugin's issue tracker. // def issueManagement = [ system: "JIRA", url: "" ] // Online location of the plugin's browseable source code. // def scm = [ url: "" ] def doWithWebDescriptor = { xml -> // TODO Implement additions to web.xml (optional), this event occurs before } def doWithSpring = { // TODO Implement runtime spring config (optional) } def doWithDynamicMethods = { ctx -> // TODO Implement registering dynamic methods to classes (optional) } def doWithApplicationContext = { applicationContext -> // TODO Implement post initialization spring config (optional) } def onChange = { event -> // TODO Implement code that is executed when any artefact that this plugin is // watching is modified and reloaded. The event contains: event.source, // event.application, event.manager, event.ctx, and event.plugin. } def onConfigChange = { event -> // TODO Implement code that is executed when the project configuration changes. // The event is the same as for 'onChange'. } def onShutdown = { event -> // TODO Implement code that is executed when the application shuts down (optional) } }