### # $Id$ # # Edit these as required for your platform and plugins. ### # Ossim Plugins Top OPT=`pwd` ### # GDAL plugin specific things... # # GDAL_HOME can be: # - an environment variable # - or you can set it here, # - or if your gdal is in standard place just leave this be... ### # If gdal with MRSID # MRSID_LIBS = -L/work/drb/mrsid/Geo_ESDK- -L/work/drb/mrsid/Geo_ESDK- -lltiesdk -lltidsdk # else MRSID_LIBS= # If gdal with kakadu # KAKADU_LIBS = -L/work/drb/kakadu/v4_4-00315N/lib -lkdu -lcryptopp # else KAKADU_LIBS= # GDAL_HOME = ifeq ($(origin GDAL_HOME), undefined) GDAL_INCLUDES = GDAL_LIBS = -lgdal else GDAL_INCLUDES = -I$(GDAL_HOME)/include GDAL_LIBS = -L$(GDAL_HOME)/lib -lgdal endif ### # End of gdal plugin specific things. ### ### # FFTW includes and libs. Found at www.fftw.org. # Should come installed Linux through rpm # MAC's you can use darwin ports easily ### ### # For MACs: # FFTW_HOME = /opt/local # FFTW_LIBS = -L$(FFTW_HOME)/lib -lfftw3 # FFTW_INCLUDES = -I$(FFTW_HOME)/include ### # OR ### # Linux usually in /usr which is standard place. # You can get by doing: # sudo yum install fftw fftw-devel FFTW_LIBS = -lfftw3 FFTW_INCLUDES= ### # For png: ### PNG_INCLUDES= PNG_LIBS=-lpng -lz ### # After editing this, cd to the plugin directory you want and type "make". # See README.txt for more info. ### ### # INSTALL DIRECTORY: ### PREFIX=/usr/local/ossim OSSIM_PLUGINS_INSTAL_LIB_DIR=$(PREFIX)/lib