Name: ossim-workflow Version: %{RPM_OSSIM_VERSION} Release: %{BUILD_RELEASE}%{?dist} Summary: OSSIM Server Group: System Environment/Libraries #TODO: Which version? License: LGPLv2+ #URL: http://github Source0:{name}-%{version}.tar.gz BuildRequires: ant BuildRequires: java-devel %description OSSIM workflow %prep #--- # Notes for debugging: # -D on setup = Do not delete the directory before unpacking. # -T on setup = Disable the automatic unpacking of the archives. #--- #%setup -q -D -T %setup -q %build # Exports for ossim build: export OSSIM_INSTALL_PREFIX=%{buildroot}/usr export KETTLE_HOME=RPM_KETTLE_HOME rm -f $KETTLE_HOME/libext/ossim/OSSIMKettle*.jar export OSSIM_INSTALL_PREFIX=%{buildroot}/usr ant clean install %install # Exports for ossim build: export OSSIM_INSTALL_PREFIX=%{buildroot}/usr export OSSIM_VERSION=%{RPM_OSSIM_VERSION} export KETTLE_HOME=RPM_KETTLE_HOME pushd ${KETTLE_HOME} install -p -m644 -D libext/ossim/OSSIMKettle*.jar %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/ossim/workflow popd install -p -m644 -D plugins/radiantblue/*.jar %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/ossim/workflow %files %{_datadir}