### # $Id$ # # Windows nmake make file. This code should compile with the Microsoft .NET # compiler. # # Currently for a typical build on windows you would do the following. # - cd src packages # - untar the gdal package # - cd gdal and edit the nmake.opt file appropriately. # - cd back to the ossim top and edit its nmake.opt file appropriately. # - nmake /f makefile # - nmake /f makefile install (if you want the apps in the bin directory. # # NOTE: If you make shared apps it's handy to copy the ossim.dll to the bin # directory. ### !INCLUDE ..\nmake.opt PLUGIN_ROOT = ossim_gdal_plugin ### # Note: EMBED_MANIFEST variable is set in nmake.opt so make sure it is included # before this test. ### !if "$(EMBED_MANIFEST)" == "1" !include ..\makefile.inc OSSIM_VC_MANIFEST_EMBED_DLL=$(_VC_MANIFEST_EMBED_DLL) OSSIM_VC_MANIFEST_CLEAN=$(_VC_MANIFEST_CLEAN) !else OSSIM_VC_MANIFEST_EMBED_DLL= OSSIM_VC_MANIFEST_CLEAN= !endif INC = -I.. -I. $(INC) $(GDAL_INC) LINK = link LFLAGS = /NOLOGO /DELAYLOAD:comdlg32.dll /DELAYLOAD:oleaut32.dll /DELAYLOAD:winmm.dll /DELAYLOAD:wsock32.dll /DELAYLOAD:winspool.dll /SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS /LIBPATH:"$(QTDIR)\lib" /LIBPATH:"$(OSSIM_QT_HOME)\lib" /LIBPATH:"$(OSSIM_HOME)\lib LIBS = "$(OSSIM_LIB) OBJ = \ ossimEsriShapeFileFilter.obj \ ossimGdalDataset.obj \ ossimGdalFactory.obj \ ossimGdalImageWriterFactory.obj \ ossimGdalObjectFactory.obj \ ossimGdalOgrVectorAnnotation.obj \ ossimGdalOverviewBuilder.obj \ ossimGdalOverviewBuilderFactory.obj \ ossimGdalPluginInit.obj \ ossimGdalProjectionFactory.obj \ ossimGdalTiledDataset.obj \ ossimGdalTileSource.obj \ ossimGdalType.obj \ ossimGdalWriter.obj \ ossimOgcWktTranslator.obj \ ossimOgrGdalTileSource.obj \ ossimShapeDatabase.obj \ ossimShapeFile.obj default: $(OBJ) link /VERSION:$(VERSION_STRING) /DLL /OUT:"$(PLUGIN_ROOT).dll" /IMPLIB:"$(PLUGIN_ROOT).lib" /NOLOGO $(OBJ) /LIBPATH:$(LIB_DIR) $(GDAL_LIBS) $(JPEG_LIB) $(OSSIM_LIB) $(LINK_EXTERNALS) $(OSSIM_VC_MANIFEST_EMBED_DLL) install: $(CP) $(PLUGIN_ROOT).dll $(INSTALL_DIR) clean: $(RM) *.obj $(PLUGIN_ROOT).* $(OSSIM_VC_MANIFEST_CLEAN) !if "$(EMBED_MANIFEST)" == "1" !include ..\makefile.targ.inc !endif