;Python include file for NSIS ;Written by Tisham Dhar(what_nick) (mailto:tisham at apogee.com.au) !ifndef PYTHON_USED !define PYTHON_USED !macro CHECK_PYTHON # Read handler for python files from registry ReadRegStr $9 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE "SOFTWARE\Python\PythonCore\2.5\InstallPath" "" # The point pythonskip needs to be defined IfFileExists $9\python.exe ok ng ng: MessageBox MB_OK "Python is not installed on this system.$\nPlease install Python2.5 first." goto pythonskip ok: MessageBox MB_OK "Python located $9" IfFileExists $9\Lib\site-packages\PyQt4 pyqtok pyqtng pyqtng: MessageBox MB_OK "PyQt4 is not installed.$\nPlease install PyQt4 first." #copy over bundled pyqt4 instead of skipping goto pythonskip pyqtok: MessageBox MB_OK "PyQt4 located" !macroend !endif