This document describes what qgis_wms supports/ does not support LineSymbolizer: Geometry No, use feature geometry Stroke: GraphicFill No (let's say not yet) Stroke: GraphicStroke No Stroke (CssParameter): stroke Yes (RGB) Stroke (CssParameter): width Yes Stroke (CssParameter): opacity Yes (note: UMN mapserver does not support this) Stroke (CssParameter): linejoin and linecap Yes (note: UMN mapserver does not support this) Stroke (CssParameter): stroke-miterlimit Yes (note: UMN mapserver does not support this) Stroke (CssParameter): dasharray Yes Stroke (CssParameter): dashoffset No PolygonSymbolizer: GraphicFill not yet Fill (CssParameter): fill yes Fill (CssParameter): fill-opacity yes Point Symbolizer: Mark symbol only square, circle, cross and x (star is not supported) External symbol not yet Size yes Opacity yes Rotation no