QgsDelimitedTextPluginGuiBase 0 0 564 413 Create a Layer from a Delimited Text File 10 6 Cancel :/new/prefix1/delimited_text.png true 0 6 Help on using the plugin Opens the Delimited Text Plugin help in your configured browser &Help Alt+H Qt::Horizontal QSizePolicy::Expanding 16 21 Parse the header row and update the X and Y field lists Parse the header row of the input file and refresh the fields in the X and Y field drop-down lists. Use this button to refresh the field lists if you change the delimiter after selecting the delimited text file. &Parse Alt+P Add layer using the delimiter, file, and x/y fields specified Creates a layer using the specified parameters and adds it to the map. The dialog remains open to allow adding of additional layers. &Add Layer Alt+A Close the dialog Close the dialog without adding anything to the map. &Close Alt+C QFrame::VLine QFrame::Sunken Qt::Vertical 0 6 <p align="right">X field</p> 7 0 0 0 120 0 Name of the field containing x values Name of the field containing x values. Choose a field from the list. The list is generated by parsing the header row of the delimited text file. true <p align="right">Y field</p> 7 0 0 0 120 0 Name of the field containing y values Name of the field containing y values. Choose a field from the list. The list is generated by parsing the header row of the delimited text file. true Sample text Qt::Vertical 10 6 Qt::PlainText Q3TextEdit::NoWrap true <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /></head><body style="font-size:12pt;font-family:Arial"> <p style="margin-top:16px"><span style="font-size:16pt;font-weight:600">Description</span></p> <p>Select a delimited text file containing x and y coordinates that you would like to use as a point layer and this plugin will do the job for you! </p> <p>Use the layer name box to specify the legend name for the new layer. Use the delimiter box to specify what delimeter is used in your file (e.g. space, commar or tab). Note this box accepts regular expressions so use \t for tab and so on. After choosing a delimiter, press the parse button an select the columns containing the x and y values for the layer.</p> </body></html> Q3TextEdit::WidgetWidth true Sans Serif 20 50 false false false false Delimited Text Layer Qt::AlignCenter 0 6 Delimited text file Full path to the delimited text file Full path to the delimited text file. In order to properly parse the fields in the file, the delimiter must be defined prior to entering the file name. Use the Browse button to the right of this field to choose the input file. true true 30 32767 Browse to find the delimited text file to be processed Use this button to browse to the location of the delimited text file. This button will not be enabled until a delimiter has been entered in the <i>Delimiter</i> box. Once a file is chosen, the X and Y field drop-down boxes will be populated with the fields from the delimited text file. ... 0 6 Layer name Name to display in the map legend Name displayed in the map legend Qt::Horizontal QSizePolicy::Fixed 20 21 Delimiter 25 32767 Delimiter to use when splitting fields in the text file. The delimiter can be more than one character. Delimiter to use when splitting fields in the delimited text file. The delimiter can be 1 or more characters in length. Q3TextEdit
txtLayerName txtDelimiter txtFilePath btnBrowseForFile cmbXField cmbYField pbnHelp pbnParse pbnOK pbnCancel pbnCancel_2 teInstructions pbnCancel clicked() QgsDelimitedTextPluginGuiBase reject() 503 389 525 408