###################################################################### # Qmake project file for QGIS src directory # This file is used by qmake to generate the Makefile for building # QGIS on Windows # # src.pro,v 1.55 2004/10/15 21:47:19 gsherman Exp ###################################################################### # # For a WIN32 release build do the following: # 1. comment out the DEFINES += QGISDEBUG line # 2. remove console and debug from the CONFIG += line # 3. qmake # 4. nmake clean # 5. nmake # ###################################################################### ################# # GEOS Notes # ########################################################################### # Geos support is currenlty provided by a custom compiled library. # # The library is compiled with vc++ and statically linked with the # # ogr provider. A dll may be supplied at a later date. GEOS source # # used in creating the library is available at geos.refractions.net. # # To compile the windows version, set the GEOS environment variable # # to point to the directory containing the include and lib subdirectories.# # The headers/lib can be downloaded from http://qgis.org/win32_geos.zip # ########################################################################### TEMPLATE = app LANGUAGE = C++ CONFIG += qt thread rtti debug console LIBS += $(GDAL)\lib\gdal_i.lib $(POSTGRESQL)\src\interfaces\libpq\Release\libpq.lib $(GEOS)\lib\geos.lib DEFINES += QGISDEBUG INCLUDEPATH += . $(GDAL)\include $(POSTGRESQL)\src\interfaces\libpq $(POSTGRESQL)\src\include $(GEOS)\include TARGET = qgis DESTDIR = ../win_build RC_FILE = qgis_win32.rc # Input HEADERS += legend/qgslegend.h \ legend/qgslegendgroup.h \ legend/qgslegenditem.h \ legend/qgslegendlayer.h \ legend/qgslegendlayerfile.h \ legend/qgslegendpropertygroup.h \ legend/qgslegendpropertyitem.h \ legend/qgslegendsymbologygroup.h \ legend/qgslegendsymbologyitem.h \ legend/qgslegendvectorsymbologyitem.h \ qgis.h \ qgisapp.h \ qgisappbase.ui.h \ qgisiface.h \ qgisinterface.h \ qgsabout.ui.h \ qgsattributeaction.h \ qgsattributeactiondialog.h \ qgsattributetable.h \ qgsattributetablebase.ui.h \ qgsattributetabledisplay.h \ qgsattributedialog.h \ qgscolortable.h \ qgscontcoldialog.h \ qgscontinuouscolrenderer.h \ qgscoordinatetransform.h \ qgscustomsymbol.h \ qgsdataprovider.h \ qgsdatasource.h \ qgsdbsourceselect.h \ qgsdbsourceselectbase.ui.h \ qgsdlgvectorlayerproperties.h \ qgsfeature.h \ qgsfeatureattribute.h \ qgsfield.h \ qgsgeomtypedialog.h \ qgsgraduatedsymrenderer.h \ qgsgrasydialog.h \ qgshelpviewer.h \ qgshelpviewerbase.ui.h \ qgsidentifyresults.h \ qgslinestyledialog.h \ qgslinesymbol.h \ qgsmapcanvas.h \ qgsmaplayer.h \ qgsmaplayerinterface.h \ qgsmaplayerregistry.h \ qgsmapserverexport.h \ qgsmapserverexportbase.ui.h \ qgsmarkerdialog.h \ qgsmarkersymbol.h \ qgsmessageviewer.ui.h \ qgsnewconnection.h \ qgsoptions.h \ qgsoptionsbase.ui.h \ qgspatterndialog.h \ qgspgquerybuilder.h \ qgspluginitem.h \ qgspluginmanager.h \ qgspluginmetadata.h \ qgspluginregistry.h \ qgspoint.h \ qgspolygonsymbol.h \ qgsproject.h \ qgsprojectproperties.h \ qgsprojectpropertiesbase.ui.h \ qgsprovidermetadata.h \ qgsproviderregistry.h \ qgsrangerenderitem.h \ qgsrasterlayer.h \ qgsrasterlayerproperties.h \ qgsrasterlayerpropertiesbase.ui.h \ qgsrect.h \ qgsrenderer.h \ qgsrenderitem.h \ qgsscalecalculator.h \ qgssinglesymrenderer.h \ qgssisydialog.h \ qgssymbol.h \ qgssymbologyutils.h \ qgstable.h \ qgsvectordataprovider.h \ qgsvectorlayer.h \ qgssvgcache.h \ qgsacetateobject.h \ qgslabel.h \ qgslabelattributes.h \ qgslabeldialog.h \ qgsacetaterectangle.h \ qgsuvaldialog.h \ qgsludialog.h \ qgsuniquevalrenderer.h \ qgsvectorfilewriter.h \ splashscreen.h INTERFACES += qgisappbase.ui \ qgsabout.ui \ qgsattributetablebase.ui \ qgsattributeactiondialogbase.ui \ qgsattributedialogbase.ui \ qgscontcoldialogbase.ui \ qgsdbsourceselectbase.ui \ qgsdlgvectorlayerpropertiesbase.ui \ qgsgramadialogbase.ui \ qgsgrasydialogbase.ui \ qgshelpviewerbase.ui \ qgsidentifyresultsbase.ui \ qgslegenditembase.ui \ qgslinestyledialogbase.ui \ qgsmapserverexportbase.ui \ qgsmarkerdialogbase.ui \ qgsmessageviewer.ui \ qgsnewconnectionbase.ui \ qgsoptionsbase.ui \ qgspatterndialogbase.ui \ qgspgquerybuilderbase.ui \ qgspluginmanagerbase.ui \ qgsprojectpropertiesbase.ui \ qgsrasterlayerpropertiesbase.ui \ qgslabeldialogbase.ui \ qgssimadialogbase.ui \ qgssisydialogbase.ui \ qgsludialogbase.ui \ qgsuvaldialogbase.ui \ qgsuvalmadialogbase.ui \ qgsgeomtypedialog.ui SOURCES += legend/qgslegend.cpp \ legend/qgslegendgroup.cpp \ legend/qgslegenditem.cpp \ legend/qgslegendlayer.cpp \ legend/qgslegendlayerfile.cpp \ legend/qgslegendpropertygroup.cpp \ legend/qgslegendpropertyitem.cpp \ legend/qgslegendsymbologygroup.cpp \ legend/qgslegendsymbologyitem.cpp \ legend/qgslegendvectorsymbologyitem.cpp \ main.cpp \ qgisapp.cpp \ qgisiface.cpp \ qgisinterface.cpp \ qgsattributeaction.cpp \ qgsattributeactiondialog.cpp \ qgsattributedialog.cpp \ qgsattributetable.cpp \ qgsattributetabledisplay.cpp \ qgscolortable.h \ qgscontcoldialog.cpp \ qgscontinuouscolrenderer.cpp \ qgscoordinatetransform.cpp \ qgscustomsymbol.cpp \ qgsdatasource.cpp \ qgsdbsourceselect.cpp \ qgsdlgvectorlayerproperties.cpp \ qgsfeature.cpp \ qgsfeatureattribute.cpp \ qgsfield.cpp \ qgsgeomtypedialog.cpp \ qgsgraduatedsymrenderer.cpp \ qgsgrasydialog.cpp \ qgshelpviewer.cpp \ qgsidentifyresults.cpp \ qgslinestyledialog.cpp \ qgslinesymbol.cpp \ qgsmapcanvas.cpp \ qgsmaplayer.cpp \ qgsmaplayerregistry.cpp \ qgsmapserverexport.cpp \ qgsmarkerdialog.cpp \ qgsmarkersymbol.cpp \ qgsnewconnection.cpp \ qgsoptions.cpp \ qgspatterndialog.cpp \ qgspgquerybuilder.cpp \ qgspluginitem.cpp \ qgspluginmanager.cpp \ qgspluginmetadata.cpp \ qgspluginregistry.cpp \ qgspoint.cpp \ qgspolygonsymbol.cpp \ qgsproject.cpp \ qgsprojectproperties.cpp \ qgsprovidermetadata.cpp \ qgsproviderregistry.cpp \ qgsrangerenderitem.cpp \ qgsrasterlayer.cpp \ qgsrasterlayerproperties.cpp \ qgsrect.cpp \ qgsrenderitem.cpp \ qgsscalecalculator.cpp \ qgssinglesymrenderer.cpp \ qgssisydialog.cpp \ qgssymbol.cpp \ qgssymbologyutils.cpp \ qgsvectorlayer.cpp \ qgssvgcache.cpp \ qgsacetateobject.cpp \ qgslabeldialog.cpp \ qgslabel.cpp \ qgslabelattributes.cpp \ qgsacetaterectangle.cpp \ qgsuvaldialog.cpp \ qgsludialog.cpp \ qgsuniquevalrenderer.cpp \ qgsvectorfilewriter.cpp \ splashscreen.cpp FORMS = qgisappbase.ui \ qgsabout.ui \ qgsattributetablebase.ui \ qgsattributeactiondialogbase.ui \ qgsattributedialogbase.ui \ qgscontcoldialogbase.ui \ qgsdbsourceselectbase.ui \ qgsdlgvectorlayerpropertiesbase.ui \ qgsgrasydialogbase.ui \ qgshelpviewerbase.ui \ qgsidentifyresultsbase.ui \ qgslabeldialogbase.ui \ qgslinestyledialogbase.ui \ qgsmapserverexportbase.ui \ qgsmarkerdialogbase.ui \ qgsmessageviewer.ui \ qgsnewconnectionbase.ui \ qgsoptionsbase.ui \ qgspatterndialogbase.ui \ qgspgquerybuilderbase.ui \ qgspluginmanagerbase.ui \ qgsprojectpropertiesbase.ui \ qgsrasterlayerpropertiesbase.ui