QgsPasteTransformationsBase QgsPasteTransformationsBase 0 0 614 222 5 5 0 0 Paste Transformations true true layout5 10 20 583 173 unnamed textLabel1_2 <b>Note: This function is not useful yet!</b> layout4 unnamed textLabel3_2 transfer comboBox4_2 copying multiplying comboBox5_2 lineEdit1 20 comboBox4 comboBox3 textLabel1 Source Layer textLabel4 to textLabel6 by copying comboBox5 destinationLayerComboBox textLabel5 by textLabel2 Destination Layer textLabel5_2 by textLabel4_2 to originLayerComboBox textLabel3 transfer comboBox3_2 Layout1 unnamed 0 6 buttonHelp &Help F1 true Horizontal Spacing2 Horizontal Expanding 20 20 buttonOk &OK true true buttonCancel &Cancel true buttonOk clicked() QgsPasteTransformationsBase accept() buttonCancel clicked() QgsPasteTransformationsBase reject()