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NOTE - You must edit the PostGIS Makefile and make sure that USE_GEOS=1 is set. Also adjust GEOS_DIR to point to your GEOS installation directory.

  1. Download PostGIS source from

  2. Untar PostGIS into the contrib subdirectory of the postgresql build directory. The contrib subdirectory is located in the directory created in step 3 of the PostgreSQL installation process.
  3. Change to the postgis subdirectory
  4. Edit the Makefile to enable GEOS support (see the note above)
  5. PostGIS provides a manual in the doc/html subdirectory that explains the build process (see the Installation section)
  6. The quick and dirty steps to install PostGIS are:
       cd contrib
       gunzip postgis-0.8.0.tar.gz 
       tar xvf postgis-0.8.0.tar 
       cd postgis-0.8.0 
       make install 
       createlang plpgsql yourtestdatabase 
       psql -d yourtestdatabase -f postgis.sql 
       psql -d yourtestdatabase -f spatial_ref_sys.sql
The better way to install PostGIS is to carefully follow the instructions in the PostGIS manual in the doc/html subdirectory or the online manual at

Gary Sherman 2004-10-01