QgsNewConnectionBase QgsNewConnectionBase 0 0 394 282 Create a New PostGIS connection true unnamed 11 6 Layout5 unnamed 0 6 btnOk OK true true btnCancel Cancel true btnHelp false Help F1 true Spacer1 Vertical Expanding 0 20 GroupBox1 Connection Information unnamed 11 6 layout13 unnamed layout12 unnamed TextLabel1_2 Name TextLabel1 Host TextLabel2 Database TextLabel2_2 Port TextLabel3 Username TextLabel3_2 Password layout11 unnamed txtName Name of the new connection txtHost txtDatabase txtPort 5432 txtUsername txtPassword Password layout14 unnamed chkStorePassword Save Password btnConnect Test Connect btnCancel clicked() QgsNewConnectionBase reject() btnConnect clicked() QgsNewConnectionBase testConnection() btnOk clicked() QgsNewConnectionBase saveConnection() btnHelp clicked() QgsNewConnectionBase helpInfo() txtName txtHost txtDatabase txtUsername txtPassword chkStorePassword btnConnect btnOk btnCancel btnHelp saveConnection() testConnection() helpInfo()