QgsDlgVectorLayerPropertiesBase QgsDlgVectorLayerPropertiesBase 0 0 522 600 0 600 Layer Properties unnamed btnHelp false Help pbnCancel Cancel pbnOK OK pbnApply Apply spacer2_2 Horizontal Expanding 270 29 tabWidget2 Rounded tab Symbology unnamed legendtypelabel 32767 22 Legend type: legendtypecombobox 270 24 32767 22 widgetStackRenderers 7 7 0 0 qt_dead_widget_singlesympage 0 unnamed qt_dead_widget_continuoussympage 1 unnamed qt_dead_widget_WStackPage 2 tab General unnamed textLabel3_2 32767 22 Layer source textLabel3 Display name lblSource 32767 22 StyledPanel Sunken TextLabel2 txtDisplayName textLabel2 Display field Display field for the Identify Results dialog box This sets the display field for the Identify Results dialog box displayFieldComboBox Use this control to set which field is placed at the top level of the Identify Results dialog box. groupBox3 Visibility unnamed chkUseScaleDependentRendering Use scale dependent rendering textLabel1_2_2 Maximum 1: spinMaximumScale 100000000 1 Maximum scale at which this layer will be displayed. textLabel1 Minimum 1: spinMinimumScale 100000000 1 Minimum scale at which this layer will be displayed. grpSubset false Subset: unnamed pbnQueryBuilder Query Builder spacer43 Horizontal Expanding 480 21 txtSubsetSQL false indexGroupBox_2 true 0 60 Spatial Reference System unnamed pbnChangeSpatialRefSys Change leSpatialRefSys true indexGroupBox false 0 60 Spatial Index unnamed indexLabel Create Spatial Index indexPushButton Create spacer3 Horizontal Expanding 141 21 tab Metadata unnamed teMetadata tab Labels unnamed labelCheckBox 7 0 0 0 Display labels labelOptionsFrame 7 7 0 0 NoFrame Plain TabPage Actions unnamed actionOptionsFrame 7 7 0 0 NoFrame Raised pbnCancel clicked() QgsDlgVectorLayerPropertiesBase pbnCancel_clicked() pbnOK clicked() QgsDlgVectorLayerPropertiesBase pbnOK_clicked() pbnApply clicked() QgsDlgVectorLayerPropertiesBase pbnApply_clicked() btnHelp clicked() QgsDlgVectorLayerPropertiesBase btnHelp_clicked() pbnCancel pressed() QgsDlgVectorLayerPropertiesBase pbnCancel_pressed() pbnQueryBuilder clicked() QgsDlgVectorLayerPropertiesBase pbnQueryBuilder_clicked() indexPushButton clicked() QgsDlgVectorLayerPropertiesBase pbnIndex_clicked() pbnChangeSpatialRefSys clicked() QgsDlgVectorLayerPropertiesBase pbnChangeSpatialRefSys_clicked() qgsdlgvectorlayerpropertiesbase.ui.h pbnCancel_clicked() pbnOK_clicked() pbnApply_clicked() btnHelp_clicked() pbnCancel_pressed() pbnQueryBuilder_clicked() pbnIndex_clicked() pbnChangeSpatialRefSys_clicked()