/**QgsLogger is a class to print debug/warning/error messages to the console. The advantage of this class over std::cout, std::cerr & co. is that the output can be controlled with environment variables: QGIS_DEBUG is an int describing what debug messages are written to the console. If the debug level of a message is <= QGIS_DEBUG, the message is written to the console. It the variable QGIS_DEBUG is not defined, it defaults to 1 for debug mode and to 0 for release mode QGIS_DEBUG_FILE may contain a filename. Only the messages from this file are printed (provided they have the right debuglevel). If QGIS_DEBUG_FILE is not set, messages from all files are printed */ class QgsLogger { %TypeHeaderCode #include %End public: /**Goes to qDebug. @param msg the message to be printed @param debuglevel @param file filename where the message comes from @param function function where the message comes from @param line place in file where the message comes from*/ static void debug(const QString& msg, int debuglevel = 1, const char* file = NULL, const char* function = NULL, int line = -1); /**Similar to the previous method, but prints a variable int-value pair*/ static void debug(const QString& var, int val, int debuglevel = 1, const char* file = NULL, const char* function = NULL, int line = -1); /**Similar to the previous method, but prints a variable double-value pair*/ // PyQGIS: commented out - has the same python signature as method above //static void debug(const QString& var, double val, int debuglevel = 1, const char* file = NULL, const char* function = NULL, int line = -1); /**Prints out a variable/value pair for types with overloaded operator<<*/ // TODO: is it possible to make this working? //template static void debug(const QString& var, T val, const char* file = 0, const char* function = 0, // int line = -1, int debuglevel = 1); /**Goes to qWarning*/ static void warning(const QString& msg); /**Goes to qCritical*/ static void critical(const QString& msg); /**Goes to qFatal*/ static void fatal(const QString& msg); private: /**Reads the environment variable QGIS_DEBUG and converts it to int. If QGIS_DEBUG is not set,\ the function returns 1 if QGISDEBUG is defined and 0 if not*/ static int debugLevel(); /**Reads the environment variable QGIS_DEBUG_FILE. Returns NULL if the variable is not set*/ static const char* debugFile(); };