################################################################# # # QMAKE Project File for Quantum GIS # # Tim Sutton 2006 # # NOTE: Do not place any hard coded external paths in this file # all libs and includes should be specified in settings.pro # in the top level qgis directory. # ################################################################# include(../../settings.pro) TEMPLATE=lib TARGET=qgis_core #need to figure out how to automate making qgssvnversion file # line below doesnt work #system(echo $$QGSSVNVERSION >> qgssvnversion.h) #suffix debug to target if applicable CONFIG(debug, debug|release){ TARGET = $$member(TARGET, 0)-debug } LIBS += $${GDALLIBADD} LIBS += $${SQLITELIBADD} LIBS += $${GEOSLIBADD} LIBS += $${PROJLIBADD} DESTDIR=$${QGISLIBDIR} QT += network qt3support xml svg core gui QT = $$unique(QT) message("Building libs into $${DESTDIR}") win32{ #generate lex and yacc sources message("Generating lex and yacc sources") system(genlexyacc) } HEADERS = qgis.h \ qgsapplication.h \ qgsbookmarkitem.h \ qgsclipper.h \ qgscolortable.h \ qgscontexthelp.h \ qgscoordinatetransform.h \ qgscustomsymbol.h \ qgsdatamanager.h \ qgsdataprovider.h \ qgsdatasource.h \ qgsdatasourceuri.h \ qgsdistancearea.h \ qgsexception.h \ qgsfeature.h \ qgsfeatureattribute.h \ qgsfield.h \ qgsgeometry.h \ qgsgeometryvertexindex.h \ qgshttptransaction.h \ qgslabelattributes.h \ qgsline.h \ qgslinesymbol.h \ qgslogger.h \ qgsmaptopixel.h \ qgsmarkercatalogue.h \ qgsmarkersymbol.h \ qgsnumericsortlistviewitem.h \ qgspluginitem.h \ qgspoint.h \ qgspolygonsymbol.h \ qgsprojectproperty.h \ qgsprovidercountcalcevent.h \ qgsproviderextentcalcevent.h \ qgsprovidermetadata.h \ qgsproviderregistry.h \ qgsrangerenderitem.h \ qgsrasterdataprovider.h \ qgsrect.h \ qgsrenderer.h \ qgsrenderitem.h \ qgsscalecalculator.h \ qgssearchstring.h \ qgssearchstringparser.h \ qgsspatialrefsys.h \ qgssymbol.h \ qgssymbologyutils.h \ qgsvectordataprovider.h \ qgssearchtreenode.h HEADERS = $$unique(HEADERS) SOURCES =\ qgis.cpp \ qgsapplication.cpp \ qgsbookmarkitem.cpp \ qgsclipper.cpp \ qgscolortable.cpp \ qgscontexthelp.cpp \ qgscoordinatetransform.cpp \ qgscustomsymbol.cpp \ qgsdatamanager.cpp \ qgsdatasource.cpp \ qgsdistancearea.cpp \ qgsexception.cpp \ qgsfeature.cpp \ qgsfeatureattribute.cpp \ qgsfield.cpp \ qgsgeometry.cpp \ qgsgeometryvertexindex.cpp \ qgshttptransaction.cpp \ qgslabelattributes.cpp \ qgsline.cpp \ qgslinesymbol.cpp \ qgslogger.cpp \ qgsmaptopixel.cpp \ qgsmarkercatalogue.cpp \ qgsmarkersymbol.cpp \ qgsnumericsortlistviewitem.cpp \ qgspluginitem.cpp \ qgspoint.cpp \ qgspolygonsymbol.cpp \ qgsprojectproperty.cpp \ qgsprovidercountcalcevent.cpp \ qgsproviderextentcalcevent.cpp \ qgsprovidermetadata.cpp \ qgsproviderregistry.cpp \ qgsrangerenderitem.cpp \ qgsrasterdataprovider.cpp \ qgsrect.cpp \ qgsrenderer.cpp \ qgsrenderitem.cpp \ qgsscalecalculator.cpp \ qgssearchstring.cpp \ qgssearchstringlexer.cc \ qgssearchstringparser.cc \ qgssearchtreenode.cpp \ qgsspatialrefsys.cpp \ qgssymbol.cpp \ qgssymbologyutils.cpp \ qgsvectordataprovider.cpp