################################################################# # # QMAKE Project File for Quantum GIS # # Tim Sutton 2006 # # NOTE: Do not place any hard coded external paths in this file # all libs and includes should be specified in settings.pro # in the top level qgis directory. # ################################################################# # # This file builds the gui library - the app is built in a separate pro file # include(../../settings.pro) include(../ui/ui.pro) TEMPLATE=app TARGET=qgis #suffix debug to target if applicable CONFIG(debug, debug|release){ TARGET = $$member(TARGET, 0)-debug } LIBS += $${GDALLIBADD} #LIBS += $${SQLITELIBADD} #LIBS += $${GEOSLIBADD} #LIBS += $${PROJLIBADD} LIBS += $${QGISCORELIBADD} LIBS += $${QGISGUILIBADD} #LIBS += $${QGISPROJECTIONSELECTORLIBADD} DESTDIR=$${QGISBINDIR} QT += qt3support svg core gui xml network # # Copy developers list and pics to the share dir # win32:system(copy "c:\dev\cpp\qgis\AUTHORS" "c:\dev\cpp\qgis\qgis-release\share\qgis\doc\") win32:system(copy "c:\dev\cpp\qgis\SPONSORS" "c:\dev\cpp\qgis\qgis-release\share\qgis\doc\") win32:system(copy "c:\dev\cpp\qgis\images\developers\*.jpg" "c:\dev\cpp\qgis\qgis-release\share\qgis\images\developers\") #this way didnt work but would be nicer than above #win32:system(copy "c:\dev\cpp\qgis\AUTHORS" $${QGISDOCDIR} #win32:system(copy ../../SPONSORS $${QGISDOCDIR}) #win32:system(copy ../../images/developers* $${QGISDEVELOPERSIMAGEDIR}) message("Building libs into $${DESTDIR}") win32: RC_FILE = ../../win_build/qgis.rc SOURCES = main.cpp \