Schema Land has errors; cannot apply it Column {USER_DS}_apply_schema.parcel_person.parcel_pin has conditional rows or rows with non-null values, cannot delete its property Column {USER_DS}_apply_schema.parcel_person.parcel_province has conditional rows or rows with non-null values, cannot delete its property Column {USER_DS}_apply_schema.parcel_person.last_name has conditional rows or rows with non-null values, cannot delete its property Column {USER_DS}_apply_schema.parcel_person.first_name has conditional rows or rows with non-null values, cannot delete its property Cannot delete table "{USER_DS}_apply_schema"."parcel_person" because it has rows Cannot delete geometric property 'Land:Parcel.Grading'; it is the geometry property for class 'Land:Parcel' Column {USER_DS}_apply_schema.driveway.pav_d has conditional rows or rows with non-null values, cannot delete its property Column {USER_DS}_apply_schema.a1_8_school.a_rooms has conditional rows or rows with non-null values, cannot delete its property