# Copyright David Abrahams 2003. # Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. # See http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt # For more information, see http://www.boost.org/ # bring in rules for testing import testing ; alias unit_test_framework : # sources /boost//unit_test_framework ; # Please keep the tests ordered by filename test-suite utility : [ run ../addressof_fn_test.cpp ] [ run ../addressof_test.cpp ] [ run ../addressof_test2.cpp ] [ run ../assert_test.cpp ] [ run ../base_from_member_test.cpp ] [ run ../binary_search_test.cpp ] [ run ../binary_test.cpp ] [ run ../call_traits_test.cpp : -u ] [ compile-fail ../checked_delete_test.cpp ] [ run ../compressed_pair_test.cpp ../../test/build//boost_test_exec_monitor/static : -u ] [ run ../current_function_test.cpp : : : always_show_run_output ] [ run ../iterators_test.cpp ../../test/build//boost_test_exec_monitor/static ] [ run next_prior_test.cpp ../../test/build//boost_test_exec_monitor/static ] [ compile-fail ../noncopyable_test.cpp ] [ run ../numeric_traits_test.cpp ] [ run ../operators_test.cpp ../../test/build//boost_test_exec_monitor/static ] [ compile ../ref_ct_test.cpp ] [ run ../ref_test.cpp ../../test/build//boost_test_exec_monitor/static ] [ compile result_of_test.cpp ] [ run ../shared_iterator_test.cpp ] [ run string_ref_test1.cpp unit_test_framework ] [ run string_ref_test2.cpp unit_test_framework ] [ run string_ref_test_io.cpp unit_test_framework ] [ run ../value_init_test.cpp ] [ run ../value_init_workaround_test.cpp ] [ run ../initialized_test.cpp ] [ compile-fail ../value_init_test_fail1.cpp ] [ compile-fail ../value_init_test_fail2.cpp ] [ compile-fail ../value_init_test_fail3.cpp ] [ compile-fail ../initialized_test_fail1.cpp ] [ compile-fail ../initialized_test_fail2.cpp ] [ run ../verify_test.cpp ] ;