For the full specification, see section 6.3 of the C++ Standard Library Technical Report and issue 6.18 of the Library Extension Technical Report Issues List (page 63).
Header <<ulink url="../../boost/functional/hash.hpp">boost/functional/hash.hpp</ulink>> Defines boost::hash, and helper functions. namespace boost { template<typename T> struct hash; template<> struct hash<bool>; template<> struct hash<char>; template<> struct hash<signed char>; template<> struct hash<unsigned char>; template<> struct hash<wchar_t>; template<> struct hash<short>; template<> struct hash<unsigned short>; template<> struct hash<int>; template<> struct hash<unsigned int>; template<> struct hash<long>; template<> struct hash<unsigned long>; template<> struct hash<long long>; template<> struct hash<unsigned long long>; template<> struct hash<float>; template<> struct hash<double>; template<> struct hash<long double>; template<> struct hash<std::string>; template<> struct hash<std::wstring>; template<typename T> struct hash<T*>; // Support functions (Boost extension). template<typename T> void hash_combine(size_t &, T const&); template<typename It> std::size_t hash_range(It, It); template<typename It> void hash_range(std::size_t&, It, It); // Overloadable hash implementation (Boost extension). std::size_t hash_value(bool); std::size_t hash_value(char); std::size_t hash_value(signed char); std::size_t hash_value(unsigned char); std::size_t hash_value(wchar_t); std::size_t hash_value(short); std::size_t hash_value(unsigned short); std::size_t hash_value(int); std::size_t hash_value(unsigned int); std::size_t hash_value(long); std::size_t hash_value(unsigned long); std::size_t hash_value(long long); std::size_t hash_value(unsigned long long); std::size_t hash_value(float); std::size_t hash_value(double); std::size_t hash_value(long double); template<typename T> std::size_t hash_value(T* const&); template<typename T, unsigned N> std::size_t hash_value(T (&val)[N]); template<typename T, unsigned N> std::size_t hash_value(const T (&val)[N]); template<typename Ch, typename A> std::size_t hash_value(std::basic_string<Ch, std::char_traits<Ch>, A> const&); template<typename A, typename B> std::size_t hash_value(std::pair<A, B> const&); template<typename T, typename A> std::size_t hash_value(std::vector<T, A> const&); template<typename T, typename A> std::size_t hash_value(std::list<T, A> const&); template<typename T, typename A> std::size_t hash_value(std::deque<T, A> const&); template<typename K, typename C, typename A> std::size_t hash_value(std::set<K, C, A> const&); template<typename K, typename C, typename A> std::size_t hash_value(std::multiset<K, C, A> const&); template<typename K, typename T, typename C, typename A> std::size_t hash_value(std::map<K, T, C, A> const&); template<typename K, typename T, typename C, typename A> std::size_t hash_value(std::multimap<K, T, C, A> const&); template<typename T> std::size_t hash_value(std::complex<T> const&); } <anchor id="id1-bb"/><computeroutput/> Support functions (Boost extension).template<typename T> void hash_combine(size_t & seed, T const& v); Called repeatedly to incrementally create a hash value from several variables. Effects:seed ^= hash_value(v) + 0x9e3779b9 + (seed << 6) + (seed >> 2);Notes:hash_value is called without qualification, so that overloads can be found via ADL.This is an extension to TR1Throws: Only throws if hash_value(T) throws. Strong exception safety, as long as hash_value(T) also has strong exception safety. template<typename It> std::size_t hash_range(It first, It last); template<typename It> void hash_range(std::size_t& seed, It first, It last); Calculate the combined hash value of the elements of an iterator range. Effects:For the two argument overload: size_t seed = 0; for(; first != last; ++first) { hash_combine(seed, *first); } return seed; For the three arguments overload: for(; first != last; ++first) { hash_combine(seed, *first); } Notes: hash_range is sensitive to the order of the elements so it wouldn't be appropriate to use this with an unordered container. This is an extension to TR1Throws: Only throws if hash_value(std::iterator_traits<It>::value_type) throws. hash_range(std::size_t&, It, It) has basic exception safety as long as hash_value(std::iterator_traits<It>::value_type) has basic exception safety. <anchor id="id4-bb"/><computeroutput/> Overloadable hash implementation (Boost extension).std::size_t hash_value(bool val); std::size_t hash_value(char val); std::size_t hash_value(signed char val); std::size_t hash_value(unsigned char val); std::size_t hash_value(wchar_t val); std::size_t hash_value(short val); std::size_t hash_value(unsigned short val); std::size_t hash_value(int val); std::size_t hash_value(unsigned int val); std::size_t hash_value(long val); std::size_t hash_value(unsigned long val); std::size_t hash_value(long long val); std::size_t hash_value(unsigned long long val); std::size_t hash_value(float val); std::size_t hash_value(double val); std::size_t hash_value(long double val); template<typename T> std::size_t hash_value(T* const& val); template<typename T, unsigned N> std::size_t hash_value(T (&val)[N]); template<typename T, unsigned N> std::size_t hash_value(const T (&val)[N]); template<typename Ch, typename A> std::size_t hash_value(std::basic_string<Ch, std::char_traits<Ch>, A> const& val); template<typename A, typename B> std::size_t hash_value(std::pair<A, B> const& val); template<typename T, typename A> std::size_t hash_value(std::vector<T, A> const& val); template<typename T, typename A> std::size_t hash_value(std::list<T, A> const& val); template<typename T, typename A> std::size_t hash_value(std::deque<T, A> const& val); template<typename K, typename C, typename A> std::size_t hash_value(std::set<K, C, A> const& val); template<typename K, typename C, typename A> std::size_t hash_value(std::multiset<K, C, A> const& val); template<typename K, typename T, typename C, typename A> std::size_t hash_value(std::map<K, T, C, A> const& val); template<typename K, typename T, typename C, typename A> std::size_t hash_value(std::multimap<K, T, C, A> const& val); template<typename T> std::size_t hash_value(std::complex<T> const& val); Implementation of the hash function. Generally shouldn't be called directly by users, instead they should use boost::hash, boost::hash_range or boost::hash_combine which call hash_value without namespace qualification so that overloads for custom types are found via ADL. Notes:This is an extension to TR1Throws: Only throws if a user supplied version of hash_value throws for an element of a container, or one of the types stored in a pair. Returns: Types Returns bool, char, signed char, unsigned char, wchar_t, short, unsigned short, int, unsigned int, long, unsigned long val long long, unsigned long long val when abs(val) <= std::numeric_limits<std::size_t>::max(). float, double, long double An unspecified value, except that equal arguments shall yield the same result. T* An unspecified value, except that equal arguments shall yield the same result. T val[N], const T val[N] hash_range(val, val+N) std:basic_string<Ch, std::char_traits<Ch>, A>, std::vector<T, A>, std::list<T, A>, std::deque<T, A>, std::set<K, C, A>, std::multiset<K, C, A>, std::map<K, T, C, A>, std::multimap<K, T, C, A> hash_range(val.begin(), val.end()) std::pair<A, B> size_t seed = 0; hash_combine(seed, val.first); hash_combine(seed, val.second); return seed; std::complex<T> When T is a built in type and val.imag() == 0, the result is equal to hash_value(val.real()). Otherwise an unspecified value, except that equal arguments shall yield the same result. Struct template hash3boost::hashA TR1 compliant hash function object.// In header: <boost/functional/hash.hpp> template<typename T> struct hash : public std::unary_function<T, std::size_t> { std::size_t operator()(T const&) const; };Descriptionstd::size_t operator()(T const& val) const;Returns: hash_value(val) Notes: The call to hash_value is unqualified, so that custom overloads can be found via argument dependent lookup. This is not defined when the macro BOOST_HASH_NO_EXTENSIONS is defined. The specializations are still defined, so only the specializations required by TR1 are defined. Throws: Only throws if hash_value(T) throws. Struct hash<bool>3boost::hash<bool>// In header: <boost/functional/hash.hpp> struct hash<bool> { std::size_t operator()(bool) const; };Descriptionstd::size_t operator()(bool val) const;Returns:Unspecified in TR1, except that equal arguments yield the same result.hash_value(val) in Boost.Throws:Doesn't throwStruct hash<char>3boost::hash<char>// In header: <boost/functional/hash.hpp> struct hash<char> { std::size_t operator()(char) const; };Descriptionstd::size_t operator()(char val) const;Returns:Unspecified in TR1, except that equal arguments yield the same result.hash_value(val) in Boost.Throws:Doesn't throwStruct hash<signed char>3boost::hash<signed char>// In header: <boost/functional/hash.hpp> struct hash<signed char> { std::size_t operator()(signed char) const; };Descriptionstd::size_t operator()(signed char val) const;Returns:Unspecified in TR1, except that equal arguments yield the same result.hash_value(val) in Boost.Throws:Doesn't throwStruct hash<unsigned char>3boost::hash<unsigned char>// In header: <boost/functional/hash.hpp> struct hash<unsigned char> { std::size_t operator()(unsigned char) const; };Descriptionstd::size_t operator()(unsigned char val) const;Returns:Unspecified in TR1, except that equal arguments yield the same result.hash_value(val) in Boost.Throws:Doesn't throwStruct hash<wchar_t>3boost::hash<wchar_t>// In header: <boost/functional/hash.hpp> struct hash<wchar_t> { std::size_t operator()(wchar_t) const; };Descriptionstd::size_t operator()(wchar_t val) const;Returns:Unspecified in TR1, except that equal arguments yield the same result.hash_value(val) in Boost.Throws:Doesn't throwStruct hash<short>3boost::hash<short>// In header: <boost/functional/hash.hpp> struct hash<short> { std::size_t operator()(short) const; };Descriptionstd::size_t operator()(short val) const;Returns:Unspecified in TR1, except that equal arguments yield the same result.hash_value(val) in Boost.Throws:Doesn't throwStruct hash<unsigned short>3boost::hash<unsigned short>// In header: <boost/functional/hash.hpp> struct hash<unsigned short> { std::size_t operator()(unsigned short) const; };Descriptionstd::size_t operator()(unsigned short val) const;Returns:Unspecified in TR1, except that equal arguments yield the same result.hash_value(val) in Boost.Throws:Doesn't throwStruct hash<int>3boost::hash<int>// In header: <boost/functional/hash.hpp> struct hash<int> { std::size_t operator()(int) const; };Descriptionstd::size_t operator()(int val) const;Returns:Unspecified in TR1, except that equal arguments yield the same result.hash_value(val) in Boost.Throws:Doesn't throwStruct hash<unsigned int>3boost::hash<unsigned int>// In header: <boost/functional/hash.hpp> struct hash<unsigned int> { std::size_t operator()(unsigned int) const; };Descriptionstd::size_t operator()(unsigned int val) const;Returns:Unspecified in TR1, except that equal arguments yield the same result.hash_value(val) in Boost.Throws:Doesn't throwStruct hash<long>3boost::hash<long>// In header: <boost/functional/hash.hpp> struct hash<long> { std::size_t operator()(long) const; };Descriptionstd::size_t operator()(long val) const;Returns:Unspecified in TR1, except that equal arguments yield the same result.hash_value(val) in Boost.Throws:Doesn't throwStruct hash<unsigned long>3boost::hash<unsigned long>// In header: <boost/functional/hash.hpp> struct hash<unsigned long> { std::size_t operator()(unsigned long) const; };Descriptionstd::size_t operator()(unsigned long val) const;Returns:Unspecified in TR1, except that equal arguments yield the same result.hash_value(val) in Boost.Throws:Doesn't throwStruct hash<long long>3boost::hash<long long>// In header: <boost/functional/hash.hpp> struct hash<long long> { std::size_t operator()(long long) const; };Descriptionstd::size_t operator()(long long val) const;Returns:Unspecified in TR1, except that equal arguments yield the same result.hash_value(val) in Boost.Throws:Doesn't throwStruct hash<unsigned long long>3boost::hash<unsigned long long>// In header: <boost/functional/hash.hpp> struct hash<unsigned long long> { std::size_t operator()(unsigned long long) const; };Descriptionstd::size_t operator()(unsigned long long val) const;Returns:Unspecified in TR1, except that equal arguments yield the same result.hash_value(val) in Boost.Throws:Doesn't throwStruct hash<float>3boost::hash<float>// In header: <boost/functional/hash.hpp> struct hash<float> { std::size_t operator()(float) const; };Descriptionstd::size_t operator()(float val) const;Returns:Unspecified in TR1, except that equal arguments yield the same result.hash_value(val) in Boost.Throws:Doesn't throwStruct hash<double>3boost::hash<double>// In header: <boost/functional/hash.hpp> struct hash<double> { std::size_t operator()(double) const; };Descriptionstd::size_t operator()(double val) const;Returns:Unspecified in TR1, except that equal arguments yield the same result.hash_value(val) in Boost.Throws:Doesn't throwStruct hash<long double>3boost::hash<long double>// In header: <boost/functional/hash.hpp> struct hash<long double> { std::size_t operator()(long double) const; };Descriptionstd::size_t operator()(long double val) const;Returns:Unspecified in TR1, except that equal arguments yield the same result.hash_value(val) in Boost.Throws:Doesn't throwStruct hash<std::string>3boost::hash<std::string>// In header: <boost/functional/hash.hpp> struct hash<std::string> { std::size_t operator()(std::string const&) const; };Descriptionstd::size_t operator()(std::string const& val) const;Returns:Unspecified in TR1, except that equal arguments yield the same result.hash_value(val) in Boost.Throws:Doesn't throwStruct hash<std::wstring>3boost::hash<std::wstring>// In header: <boost/functional/hash.hpp> struct hash<std::wstring> { std::size_t operator()(std::wstring const&) const; };Descriptionstd::size_t operator()(std::wstring const& val) const;Returns:Unspecified in TR1, except that equal arguments yield the same result.hash_value(val) in Boost.Throws:Doesn't throwStruct template hash<T*>3boost::hash<T*>// In header: <boost/functional/hash.hpp> template<typename T> struct hash<T*> { std::size_t operator()(T*) const; };Descriptionstd::size_t operator()(T* val) const;Returns:Unspecified in TR1, except that equal arguments yield the same result.Throws:Doesn't throw