# # makefile.vc - MSVC++ makefile for the C#/GDAL extension # # This VC++ makefile will build the GDAL C# interface assemblies # # To use the makefile: # - Open a DOS prompt window # - Run the VCVARS32.BAT script to initialize the VC++ environment variables # - Start the build with: nmake /f makefile.vc # # $Id: makefile.vc 25794 2013-03-24 13:15:43Z tamas $ # GDAL_ROOT = ..\.. !INCLUDE $(GDAL_ROOT)\nmake.opt !INCLUDE csharp.opt !IFDEF CSHARP_STATIC_LINKAGE GDALLIB = $(GDAL_ROOT)\gdal.lib !ELSE GDALLIB = $(GDAL_ROOT)\gdal_i.lib !ENDIF !IFDEF MONO CSC = mcs !ELSE !IF $(MSVC_VER) >= 1400 !IFDEF WIN64 CSC = csc /platform:anycpu !ELSE CSC = csc /platform:x86 !ENDIF !ELSE CSC = csc !ENDIF !ENDIF !IFDEF DEBUG CSDEBUG = /debug:full !ELSE CSDEBUG = !ENDIF !IF $(MSVC_VER) >= 1600 CSC = $(CSC) /define:CLR4 !ENDIF OBJ = gdal_wrap.obj gdalconst_wrap.obj ogr_wrap.obj osr_wrap.obj all: ogr_dir gdal_dir osr_dir const_dir gdal_csharp samples gdal_csharp: $(CSC) $(CSDEBUG) /target:library /out:osr_csharp.dll osr\*.cs AssemblyInfo.cs $(CSC) $(CSDEBUG) /target:library /out:ogr_csharp.dll /r:osr_csharp.dll ogr\*.cs AssemblyInfo.cs $(CSC) $(CSDEBUG) /target:library /out:gdal_csharp.dll /r:ogr_csharp.dll gdal\*.cs AssemblyInfo.cs $(CSC) $(CSDEBUG) /target:library /out:gdalconst_csharp.dll const\*.cs AssemblyInfo.cs link /dll $(OGR_INCLUDE) $(BASE_INCLUDE) ogr_wrap.obj \ $(EXTERNAL_LIBS) $(GDALLIB)\ /out:ogr_wrap.dll $(LINKER_FLAGS) if exist ogr_wrap.dll.manifest mt -manifest ogr_wrap.dll.manifest -outputresource:ogr_wrap.dll;2 link /dll $(OGR_INCLUDE) $(BASE_INCLUDE) gdal_wrap.obj \ $(EXTERNAL_LIBS) $(GDALLIB)\ /out:gdal_wrap.dll $(LINKER_FLAGS) if exist gdal_wrap.dll.manifest mt -manifest gdal_wrap.dll.manifest -outputresource:gdal_wrap.dll;2 link /dll $(OGR_INCLUDE) $(BASE_INCLUDE) gdalconst_wrap.obj \ $(EXTERNAL_LIBS) $(GDALLIB)\ /out:gdalconst_wrap.dll $(LINKER_FLAGS) if exist gdalconst_wrap.dll.manifest mt -manifest gdalconst_wrap.dll.manifest -outputresource:gdalconst_wrap.dll;2 link /dll $(OGR_INCLUDE) $(BASE_INCLUDE) osr_wrap.obj \ $(EXTERNAL_LIBS) $(GDALLIB)\ /out:osr_wrap.dll $(LINKER_FLAGS) if exist osr_wrap.dll.manifest mt -manifest osr_wrap.dll.manifest -outputresource:osr_wrap.dll;2 sign: sn -k gdal.snk ogr_dir: cd ogr $(MAKE) /f makefile.vc cd .. gdal_dir: cd gdal $(MAKE) /f makefile.vc cd .. const_dir: cd const $(MAKE) /f makefile.vc cd .. osr_dir: cd osr $(MAKE) /f makefile.vc cd .. interface: cd const $(SWIG) -csharp -namespace OSGeo.GDAL -dllimport gdalconst_wrap -o gdalconst_wrap.c ../../include/gdalconst.i cd .. cd gdal $(SWIG) -c++ -csharp -namespace OSGeo.GDAL -dllimport gdal_wrap -I../../include/csharp -o gdal_wrap.cpp ../../include/gdal.i cd .. cd osr $(SWIG) -c++ -csharp -namespace OSGeo.OSR -dllimport osr_wrap -I../../include/csharp -o osr_wrap.cpp ../../include/osr.i cd .. cd ogr $(SWIG) -c++ -csharp -namespace OSGeo.OGR -dllimport ogr_wrap -I../../include/csharp -o ogr_wrap.cpp ../../include/ogr.i cd .. samples: $(CSC) $(CSDEBUG) /r:ogr_csharp.dll /r:osr_csharp.dll /out:ogrinfo.exe apps\ogrinfo.cs $(CSC) $(CSDEBUG) /r:ogr_csharp.dll /r:osr_csharp.dll /out:createdata.exe apps\createdata.cs $(CSC) $(CSDEBUG) /r:osr_csharp.dll /out:OSRTransform.exe apps\OSRTransform.cs $(CSC) $(CSDEBUG) /r:gdal_csharp.dll /r:System.Drawing.dll /out:GDALRead.exe apps\GDALRead.cs $(CSC) $(CSDEBUG) /r:gdal_csharp.dll /r:System.Drawing.dll /out:GDALReadDirect.exe apps\GDALReadDirect.cs $(CSC) $(CSDEBUG) /r:gdal_csharp.dll /r:System.Drawing.dll /out:GDALAdjustContrast.exe apps\GDALAdjustContrast.cs $(CSC) $(CSDEBUG) /r:gdal_csharp.dll /r:System.Drawing.dll /out:GDALDatasetRasterIO.exe apps\GDALDatasetRasterIO.cs $(CSC) $(CSDEBUG) /r:gdal_csharp.dll /out:GDALWrite.exe apps\GDALWrite.cs $(CSC) $(CSDEBUG) /r:gdal_csharp.dll /out:GDALDatasetWrite.exe apps\GDALDatasetWrite.cs $(CSC) $(CSDEBUG) /r:gdal_csharp.dll /out:GDALColorTable.exe apps\GDALColorTable.cs $(CSC) $(CSDEBUG) /r:ogr_csharp.dll /out:WKT2WKB.exe apps\WKT2WKB.cs $(CSC) $(CSDEBUG) /r:ogr_csharp.dll /out:OGRGEOS.exe apps\OGRGEOS.cs $(CSC) $(CSDEBUG) /r:gdal_csharp.dll /out:ReadXML.exe apps\ReadXML.cs $(CSC) $(CSDEBUG) /r:gdal_csharp.dll /r:osr_csharp.dll /out:GDALInfo.exe apps\GDALInfo.cs $(CSC) $(CSDEBUG) /r:gdal_csharp.dll /out:GDALOverviews.exe apps\GDALOverviews.cs $(CSC) $(CSDEBUG) /r:gdal_csharp.dll /out:GDALCreateCopy.exe apps\GDALCreateCopy.cs $(CSC) $(CSDEBUG) /r:gdal_csharp.dll /out:GDALGetHistogram.exe apps\GDALGetHistogram.cs $(CSC) $(CSDEBUG) /r:gdal_csharp.dll /out:VSIMem.exe apps\VSIMem.cs $(CSC) $(CSDEBUG) /r:gdal_csharp.dll /r:System.Drawing.dll /out:GDALMemDataset.exe apps\GDALMemDataset.cs test: !IFDEF MONO mono createdata.exe Data pointlayer mono ogrinfo.exe Data/pointlayer.shp mono OSRTransform.exe mono GDALWrite.exe Data/sample.tif mono GDALDatasetWrite.exe Data/sample1.tif mono GDALCreateCopy.exe Data/sample.tif Data/sample2.tif mono GDALOverviews.exe Data/sample.tif NEAREST 2 4 mono GDALInfo.exe Data/sample.tif !ELSE createdata.exe Data pointlayer ogrinfo.exe Data/pointlayer.shp OSRTransform.exe GDALWrite.exe Data/sample.tif GDALDatasetWrite.exe Data/sample1.tif GDALCreateCopy.exe Data/sample.tif Data/sample2.tif GDALOverviews.exe Data/sample.tif NEAREST 2 4 GDALInfo.exe Data/sample.tif !ENDIF clean: cd gdal $(MAKE) /f makefile.vc clean cd .. cd ogr $(MAKE) /f makefile.vc clean cd .. cd const $(MAKE) /f makefile.vc clean cd .. cd osr $(MAKE) /f makefile.vc clean cd .. -del gdal.lib -del *_wrap.dll -del *_csharp.dll -del *.obj -del *.exp -del *.ilk -del *.pdb -del *.tlb -del *.lib -del *.mdb -del *.exe -del *.manifest -del /q /s Data install: -mkdir $(GDAL_HOME)\csharp xcopy /Y /R /F *_wrap.dll $(GDAL_HOME)\csharp xcopy /Y /R /F *_csharp.dll $(GDAL_HOME)\csharp